This librarian had saved their entire life to make an incredible gift to your University

Robert Morin lived a simple, modest life. He drove an old Plymouth, was unpretentious in food and all the free time to read.
"He could eat for Breakfast chips and Cola for lunch — a sandwich, and his house waiting for dinner of half-finished, because the only domestic appliance, with which he ruled, was a microwave — told his financial Advisor. — He was a very unusual gentleman."
Maureen worked in the library of the University of new Hampshire for nearly 50 years until he retired in 2014. A year later he died at age 77 and left all his fortune to the University. And its size was 4 million dollars.
That the librarian possessed such sums, no one ever suspected. Many on campus knew him in person, he was a bright man who avoided the intrigues and disputes, often chatted with students, Smoking his pipe in the courtyard in front of the library.

It is known that Maureen has entrusted the University to dispose of the gift at its discretion. "They'll find where to attach the money," — he smiled.
$ 100,000 of these funds went to the University library, where he worked for Maureen. They will support the scientific projects of the library staff and students, will allow us to repair the multimedia room.
Another $ 1 million of this amount, the librarian gave the football stadium of the University.
The rest of the money the University will launch and equip a career center for graduates. According to the Director, Robert would be happy if he knew that he would help thousands of students to succeed in the profession.
"We just couldn't believe it when I found out what you have done Bob, — said the speaker of the University. — He spent most of his life and soul were devoted to this place, and the students. He wanted to do something special for them, and therefore bequeathed his fortune to the University."
Source washingtonpost
Photo on preview University of New Hampshire
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