In Australia invented coffee, which operates 18 hours

For those who are always short of time, there is good news: Australian cafes Viscous Coffee prepared beverage that will not give to sleep. It operates in 80 times stronger than espresso.
The proprietor Steve Benington says that turbocore created specifically for local nurses, which was difficult to withstand a night shift. Thanks to this drink she stayed on her feet for three days. Now serving incredible energy is available to all visitors of the cafe.
"Bouncer" — a concoction of four espresso, ice and cold coffee that will keep you on your toes for 18 hours. Your average Cup of coffee contains about 63 mg of caffeine, this explosive drink — 5 g (despite the fact that daily dose is equal to 400 mg). Barista always warns customers about possible dangers "Dodgeball", but healthy people may experience it for yourself.
Opinions of scientists about the Australian coffee sold. Most are not in a hurry to recommend such a radical way of increasing productivity. The doctors forbid drink for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, and pregnant women and children. Although the true coffee lovers do not stop warning, and they have long settled in the Viscous Coffee.
Source CNN
Translation Of The Website.
See also
How much caffeine is in different drinks
What happens to our bodies after a Cup of coffee
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