Race and Beauty
Professor Ivan Sikorsky (1842-1919) in his book "General Psychology with physiognomy" (Kiev, 1904) stated: "Temnopigmentirovannye race belong to the least gifted of the globe. In the structure of the body of their representatives much more in common with the class of monkeys than in other races. Cranial capacity and weight of their brain is smaller than in other races, and, accordingly, that the spiritual faculties are less developed. Temnopigmentirovannye race never constituted a big state and did not play the leading or prominent role in the history, though they were in remote times more prevalent numerically and geographically than later. The weakest part of the individual and of the race of the mind: the portraits always possible to notice slight reduction in the upper orbital muscles, and even this muscle their anatomical development is significantly weaker than that of whites, meanwhile, it is a true difference between man and animals, making a special human muscle. "
Over the past six months has accumulated a good selection of interesting anthropological photo. Spread them with the comments of our famous rasologa Vladimir Borisovich Avdeev.
Very often, the representatives of tribes belonging to
temnopigmentirovannym races expose themselves to the ritual mutilation of race.
Further look mega kreativ
Based on anthropological and ethnographic material, it can be assumed with a considerable degree of probability, that the pursuit of artificial disfiguring his body from representatives of many African, American and Asian-Pacific ethnic groups associated with the realization of their own imperfections structure. It is a subjective perception of their own innate physical disability and forces them to carry out these "modifications" natural nature, because there is nothing self-contained and self-sufficient does not need reworking.
All this, in turn, with all the inevitability allows us to once again call into question the biological value of certain races, because it has already been questioned by the representatives of the entire history of civilization. We do not claim we are only speculated.
Fatal differences in the canons of beauty and self-esteem, in turn,
lead to the inevitable differences in morality, which is also
manifestation of the aggregate race. Swedish anthropologist William Lehi wrote in this connection: "Just as in some individuals may appear physical features which are considered as a legacy from some very remote ancestor, so exactly individuals should perform certain antisocial or immoral acts, attacks against family members or against the whole of society, which can be regarded as a legacy from prarodicha, does not possess or possess only a slight sense of social, emotional and these flaws were not depressed education. Just as natural selection is not an absolute must, but only relative perfection of the body and the concept of morality can reach higher or lower development, which is why at different times and in different nations conception of morality was, and now, as different. That humanity will ever be freed from all that we call vestigial organs, however, incredibly simply because this is the inseparable companion of disharmony each of the evolutionary process. "
The age-old division on the principle of "friend or foe» -
basic aesthetic category, which has a rigid biological basis. We now turn to modern fashion for mutilation among the inhabitants of the white world.
It is known, one of the ancient Aryan religion - Zoroastrianism, deified human flesh as the pinnacle of God's creation, were banned ear piercing, circumcision and any plastic surgery. Intrude into his own body, given by God, then serve the devil. This was the age-old moral ancient Aryans. As far as advocated by adherents of "advanced" youth culture modern hairstyles in modern Europe, performed by the model component primordial tribal affiliation races are on the lower level of development, it can not be regarded only as blasphemy and unnatural perversion for Europeans.
For modern European boys and girls under the influence of controlled "whims" fashion forced to mutilate his body and face piercings, as well as to pile on the head structures do not match the structure of the Caucasoid hair or Caucasoid skull shape, and do not meet the European standards of beauty. Non-European furniture of the face, head and body of European man, is the first sign of desecration of their own race and spiritually - physical degradation.
And lastly - remarkable position known contemporary Russian anthropologists EN Khrisanfova and IV Perevozchikova in their joint work "Anthropology" (Wiley, 1999), which has every reason to believe the official point of view of academic science in our country " more than justified public concern about "the genie of nationalism" is related to the false notion of causation of certain biological characteristics of certain ethnic groups. In some countries, put into practice the idea that if you refuse to recognize polytypism mankind, the race problem will disappear by itself. This "ostrich" tactics do not take into account the fact that racism and nationalism are related to fundamental psychological attitudes to recognize the "friend or foe", defined as the features of the formation of images, and the very old plants of group behavior. In this situation, the rejection of the word symbol - "race" - nothing more than a cosmetic solution »...
via orei .survey_main {color: # 525252; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; border-style: solid; border-color: # E87455; border-size: 1px; } .survey_title {Padding-bottom: 5px; color: # E87400; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 14px; } .survey_note {Padding-bottom: 5px; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; } .survey_question_body {Padding: 5px; background-color: #FFFFDF; font-family: Tahoma; } .survey_answers {Padding: 5px; background-color: # F0F0F0; font-family: Tahoma; } .survey_input {Color: # 525252; background-color: #FFFFDF; font-family: Tahoma; border-color: # 6F6F6F; border-style: solid; border-size: 1px; } .survey_button {Font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; color: #ffffff; background-color: # ff5a00; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; border-style: solid; border-color: # FF0000; border-size: 1px; } .survey_radio {Border: none; } 83? August 28, 2007 We read: 47612 Comments (65) Print Like the post? Share with your friends! Share:
& Quot;); $ (& Quot; .topic object & quot;). Append (& quot; & quot;). Wrap (& quot; & quot;); } Else {$ (document) .ready (function () {var embedTag, params = & quot; & quot ;; $ (& quot; .topic embed & quot;). Each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr (« outerHTML »); if ((embedTag! = null) && (embedTag.length & gt; 0)) {embedTag = embedTag.replace (/ embed / gi,« embed wmode = \ »opaque \ & quot; & quot;); $ ( this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);}}); $ (& quot; .topic object & quot;). each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»); $ (this) .children (). each (function () {if (($ (this) .tagName == «PARAM») && ($ (this) .attr («outerHTML»). search (/ name = & quot;? wmode & quot; ? / i) === - 1)) params + = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»);}); params + = & quot; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag.split (& quot; & gt; & quot;) + & quot ; & gt; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag + params + $ (this) .attr («innerHTML») + & quot; & quot ;; $ (this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);})}); } [V] Contact (2) Facebook (0) Embed: Livejournal Ya.ru Livinternet.ru Embed --img17 - Race and Beauty professor Ivan Sikorsky (1842-1919) in his book "General Psychology with physiognomy "(Kiev, 1904) stated: ... more

Over the past six months has accumulated a good selection of interesting anthropological photo. Spread them with the comments of our famous rasologa Vladimir Borisovich Avdeev.

Very often, the representatives of tribes belonging to
temnopigmentirovannym races expose themselves to the ritual mutilation of race.
Further look mega kreativ
Based on anthropological and ethnographic material, it can be assumed with a considerable degree of probability, that the pursuit of artificial disfiguring his body from representatives of many African, American and Asian-Pacific ethnic groups associated with the realization of their own imperfections structure. It is a subjective perception of their own innate physical disability and forces them to carry out these "modifications" natural nature, because there is nothing self-contained and self-sufficient does not need reworking.
All this, in turn, with all the inevitability allows us to once again call into question the biological value of certain races, because it has already been questioned by the representatives of the entire history of civilization. We do not claim we are only speculated.

Fatal differences in the canons of beauty and self-esteem, in turn,
lead to the inevitable differences in morality, which is also
manifestation of the aggregate race. Swedish anthropologist William Lehi wrote in this connection: "Just as in some individuals may appear physical features which are considered as a legacy from some very remote ancestor, so exactly individuals should perform certain antisocial or immoral acts, attacks against family members or against the whole of society, which can be regarded as a legacy from prarodicha, does not possess or possess only a slight sense of social, emotional and these flaws were not depressed education. Just as natural selection is not an absolute must, but only relative perfection of the body and the concept of morality can reach higher or lower development, which is why at different times and in different nations conception of morality was, and now, as different. That humanity will ever be freed from all that we call vestigial organs, however, incredibly simply because this is the inseparable companion of disharmony each of the evolutionary process. "
The age-old division on the principle of "friend or foe» -
basic aesthetic category, which has a rigid biological basis. We now turn to modern fashion for mutilation among the inhabitants of the white world.
It is known, one of the ancient Aryan religion - Zoroastrianism, deified human flesh as the pinnacle of God's creation, were banned ear piercing, circumcision and any plastic surgery. Intrude into his own body, given by God, then serve the devil. This was the age-old moral ancient Aryans. As far as advocated by adherents of "advanced" youth culture modern hairstyles in modern Europe, performed by the model component primordial tribal affiliation races are on the lower level of development, it can not be regarded only as blasphemy and unnatural perversion for Europeans.
For modern European boys and girls under the influence of controlled "whims" fashion forced to mutilate his body and face piercings, as well as to pile on the head structures do not match the structure of the Caucasoid hair or Caucasoid skull shape, and do not meet the European standards of beauty. Non-European furniture of the face, head and body of European man, is the first sign of desecration of their own race and spiritually - physical degradation.
And lastly - remarkable position known contemporary Russian anthropologists EN Khrisanfova and IV Perevozchikova in their joint work "Anthropology" (Wiley, 1999), which has every reason to believe the official point of view of academic science in our country " more than justified public concern about "the genie of nationalism" is related to the false notion of causation of certain biological characteristics of certain ethnic groups. In some countries, put into practice the idea that if you refuse to recognize polytypism mankind, the race problem will disappear by itself. This "ostrich" tactics do not take into account the fact that racism and nationalism are related to fundamental psychological attitudes to recognize the "friend or foe", defined as the features of the formation of images, and the very old plants of group behavior. In this situation, the rejection of the word symbol - "race" - nothing more than a cosmetic solution »...

via orei .survey_main {color: # 525252; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; border-style: solid; border-color: # E87455; border-size: 1px; } .survey_title {Padding-bottom: 5px; color: # E87400; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 14px; } .survey_note {Padding-bottom: 5px; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; } .survey_question_body {Padding: 5px; background-color: #FFFFDF; font-family: Tahoma; } .survey_answers {Padding: 5px; background-color: # F0F0F0; font-family: Tahoma; } .survey_input {Color: # 525252; background-color: #FFFFDF; font-family: Tahoma; border-color: # 6F6F6F; border-style: solid; border-size: 1px; } .survey_button {Font-weight: bold; cursor: pointer; color: #ffffff; background-color: # ff5a00; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 12px; border-style: solid; border-color: # FF0000; border-size: 1px; } .survey_radio {Border: none; } 83? August 28, 2007 We read: 47612 Comments (65) Print Like the post? Share with your friends! Share:

& Quot;); $ (& Quot; .topic object & quot;). Append (& quot; & quot;). Wrap (& quot; & quot;); } Else {$ (document) .ready (function () {var embedTag, params = & quot; & quot ;; $ (& quot; .topic embed & quot;). Each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr (« outerHTML »); if ((embedTag! = null) && (embedTag.length & gt; 0)) {embedTag = embedTag.replace (/ embed / gi,« embed wmode = \ »opaque \ & quot; & quot;); $ ( this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);}}); $ (& quot; .topic object & quot;). each (function () {embedTag = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»); $ (this) .children (). each (function () {if (($ (this) .tagName == «PARAM») && ($ (this) .attr («outerHTML»). search (/ name = & quot;? wmode & quot; ? / i) === - 1)) params + = $ (this) .attr («outerHTML»);}); params + = & quot; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag.split (& quot; & gt; & quot;) + & quot ; & gt; & quot ;; embedTag = embedTag + params + $ (this) .attr («innerHTML») + & quot; & quot ;; $ (this) .attr («outerHTML», embedTag);})}); } [V] Contact (2) Facebook (0) Embed: Livejournal Ya.ru Livinternet.ru Embed --img17 - Race and Beauty professor Ivan Sikorsky (1842-1919) in his book "General Psychology with physiognomy "(Kiev, 1904) stated: ... more