About longevity and immortality
Twenty six million two thousand eight hundred fifty one
What is most afraid of people, perhaps not only man, but every animal? And I will not be mistaken if I say — death. If you view the entire history of our civilization, throughout its existence mankind has dreamed about immortality and looked for the elixir of immortality. In the Bible and the ancient manuscripts says that the ancient people lived thousands and even tens of thousands of years. Put forward the hypothesis that this was facilitated by the climate, atmospheric composition and solar radiation, which not so many of them (infrared and ultraviolet) radiation could get through the atmosphere.
I want to offer here is speculation, which could affect the life expectancy of people inhabited our planet in those days. According to esoteric writings on Earth until our fifth race, there were still four races. Beings of the first race was in the form of field formations and with each new race, the body of the inhabitants of the Earth became denser and denser. Our race reached the chapel of the seal and the process starts to go in the opposite direction i.e. body following races will become less dense. The density of the body depended and reproduction, first division (budding) is the first race. Then there are the androgynous combining both male and female. And finally there is a separation of the sexes.
I was interested in the question: does the density of a body on life expectancy? Not that any reason in the duration of life about the civilizations that the density of their bodies was lower than ours? Does the speed of course of chemical and biological processes on the density of the body? Creatures with lower density are found in the writings of Carlos Castaneda, in the descriptions they experience controlling dreams, so — called mediators, are inorganic sentient beings of parallel worlds, with low body density, but a much greater lifespan than humans. Now, still, in our seas is inhabited by jellyfish. The density of their bodies are like jelly, but they are almost (if not destroy especially) immortal.
Of the immortality dreamed of in ancient Egypt, bodies were mummified, in the hope that someday, those who have left their spirit will return to them. Well, different than the modern cryonics. But to bring immortality to the benefit of mankind? First, there will be an aging civilization. Secondly, the overpopulation of the planet. The division of society will increase even more. Someone will be allowed to live forever, and some don't. Something like this was well described in the work of the Strugatsky "hour of the bull".
And most importantly, stop perfecting our essence. Immortality exists, but not everyone knows about it and strive to reach immortality of the body. If you consider that the life of one of the stages of Existence, and the purpose of Life — improvement, and the purpose of life improvement. So the men of the immortality of the body is terminated and the improvement of their essence, and because our basis is not the body, the body is only the carrier of our essence.
Ie progress turns into regress, and this may be another reason for the death of about civilizations. And therefore would do well to consider whether such an immortality. And knew about our ancestors. The desire for immortality of the body has emerged with the appearance of three world religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And this was done with the purpose of intimidation and domination of the flock, the clergy.
"There is a hypothesis, according to which Christianity accepted the doctrine of reincarnation from the moment of its inception. In accordance with this theory it was not until the local Council of the Church of Constantinople of 553, when it was condemned Origenism. This alternative view of history had received wide recognition among the Theosophists of the late XIX — early XX century, and was later adopted by adherents of the movements of new age and a number of scholars and writers."
Wikipedia "early Christianity and reincarnation."
According to Christian dogma we live once and after death the soul goes to Heaven or Hell, depending on how righteously he lived. And there the soul resides until the second coming when the righteous shall rise again, and the wicked be put to a terrible trial. But sins can be forgiven if the sinner truly repents on his deathbed and ask for forgiveness, and if pay off, i.e. will contribute a considerable amount to charity. In the middle ages there was the selling of indulgences, according to which sinners were assigned sins.
Now think about when you want to do less things, and maybe they don't do when you will know that according to Karmic law in the next incarnation to you all these bad things return with a vengeance, or will know what to do iniquity and mischief of the others, and on his deathbed you can all forgive? published
Source: ezotera.ariom.ru/2014/11/08/bessmertie.html
What is most afraid of people, perhaps not only man, but every animal? And I will not be mistaken if I say — death. If you view the entire history of our civilization, throughout its existence mankind has dreamed about immortality and looked for the elixir of immortality. In the Bible and the ancient manuscripts says that the ancient people lived thousands and even tens of thousands of years. Put forward the hypothesis that this was facilitated by the climate, atmospheric composition and solar radiation, which not so many of them (infrared and ultraviolet) radiation could get through the atmosphere.
I want to offer here is speculation, which could affect the life expectancy of people inhabited our planet in those days. According to esoteric writings on Earth until our fifth race, there were still four races. Beings of the first race was in the form of field formations and with each new race, the body of the inhabitants of the Earth became denser and denser. Our race reached the chapel of the seal and the process starts to go in the opposite direction i.e. body following races will become less dense. The density of the body depended and reproduction, first division (budding) is the first race. Then there are the androgynous combining both male and female. And finally there is a separation of the sexes.
I was interested in the question: does the density of a body on life expectancy? Not that any reason in the duration of life about the civilizations that the density of their bodies was lower than ours? Does the speed of course of chemical and biological processes on the density of the body? Creatures with lower density are found in the writings of Carlos Castaneda, in the descriptions they experience controlling dreams, so — called mediators, are inorganic sentient beings of parallel worlds, with low body density, but a much greater lifespan than humans. Now, still, in our seas is inhabited by jellyfish. The density of their bodies are like jelly, but they are almost (if not destroy especially) immortal.
Of the immortality dreamed of in ancient Egypt, bodies were mummified, in the hope that someday, those who have left their spirit will return to them. Well, different than the modern cryonics. But to bring immortality to the benefit of mankind? First, there will be an aging civilization. Secondly, the overpopulation of the planet. The division of society will increase even more. Someone will be allowed to live forever, and some don't. Something like this was well described in the work of the Strugatsky "hour of the bull".
And most importantly, stop perfecting our essence. Immortality exists, but not everyone knows about it and strive to reach immortality of the body. If you consider that the life of one of the stages of Existence, and the purpose of Life — improvement, and the purpose of life improvement. So the men of the immortality of the body is terminated and the improvement of their essence, and because our basis is not the body, the body is only the carrier of our essence.
Ie progress turns into regress, and this may be another reason for the death of about civilizations. And therefore would do well to consider whether such an immortality. And knew about our ancestors. The desire for immortality of the body has emerged with the appearance of three world religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And this was done with the purpose of intimidation and domination of the flock, the clergy.
"There is a hypothesis, according to which Christianity accepted the doctrine of reincarnation from the moment of its inception. In accordance with this theory it was not until the local Council of the Church of Constantinople of 553, when it was condemned Origenism. This alternative view of history had received wide recognition among the Theosophists of the late XIX — early XX century, and was later adopted by adherents of the movements of new age and a number of scholars and writers."
Wikipedia "early Christianity and reincarnation."
According to Christian dogma we live once and after death the soul goes to Heaven or Hell, depending on how righteously he lived. And there the soul resides until the second coming when the righteous shall rise again, and the wicked be put to a terrible trial. But sins can be forgiven if the sinner truly repents on his deathbed and ask for forgiveness, and if pay off, i.e. will contribute a considerable amount to charity. In the middle ages there was the selling of indulgences, according to which sinners were assigned sins.
Now think about when you want to do less things, and maybe they don't do when you will know that according to Karmic law in the next incarnation to you all these bad things return with a vengeance, or will know what to do iniquity and mischief of the others, and on his deathbed you can all forgive? published
Source: ezotera.ariom.ru/2014/11/08/bessmertie.html