Students failed to draw the Apple logo

Oddly enough, but of the 85 students of the University of California, who were asked to draw the Apple logo, only one was able to correctly reproduce it on a clean sheet of paper from memory. Less than half of the students were able to recognize the famous logo of several proposed by psychologists options. Surprising, because the students — the ones who more than all other age groups are interested in high technologies. Many students do not part with the technique of Apple for a minute. With the announcements of the company followed by the whole world. Is it possible that they simply had not considered exactly how looks a simple enough logo this outstanding company?
Yes, it is possible! And psychologists gave an explanation for this property of human memory. A new study, psychologists at the University of California was published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology ("the Quarterly journal of experimental psychology").
Among who participated in the study, 52 students are Apple users, 10 users PC, and 23 use Apple products and PC. But as it turned out, possession of the products the company has no effect on the ability to recognize and correctly reproduce its logo.
How is it that the world's most famous logo was not properly recognized?
Associate Professor of psychology at the University of California Alan Castel gave an explanation for this phenomenon. The human brain does not consider the small details are significant and not concentrated on them. Effective human memory does not need to memorize the smallest touches company logos and other details. People just can't remember what his brain considers it important, though he sees it every day.
Earlier studies show that human memory is bad saves and other details that a person sees every or almost every day. Even experienced computer users have difficulty with the keyboard. Alan Castel says:
The big difference between the users ' confidence in the ability to create a logo and how well they have coped with this task. Human memory, even in respect of such common objects are actually much more scarce than they thought.
Details of the world, especially those with which one is confronted constantly, oddly enough, held a bad memory. Of course, in General terms, virtually everyone knows what it looks like the Apple logo. But the smallest bends and shapes remember a few.
Did you manage to identify the correct logo from the six proposed by psychologists options? If you remember it in all details and components? Is it possible another explanation for the fact that only one of the dozen students were able to correctly draw the Apple logo? Maybe it's in the habit of modern man to turn to the Internet for tips? And that was why he had forgotten to load his memory those details that can always be found on the Internet. Do not reduce high technology a person's ability to remember the smallest details? published
Source: hi-news.ru