To live a long time. The ancient practice

- I always say seriously, so listen and remember: in the thirties Bukharin once asked Pavlov, should be regarded as the death of a person 70 years of age? And he answered him, that if a person dies in the seventies, it must be regarded as an infant death. Then Bukharin asked academician about more advanced age about the death of 150?
And Pavlov with all its directness said that if a person dies at 150 years of a death must be regarded as murder. In your own words, he signed his own death warrant. But I have a little distracted. Why the great physiologist had an opinion about human longevity? Because he knew the ropes life potential of who he dealt
- Academician Pavlov on human longevity Bukharin told the truth. The fact that the living cells of virtually any organism, if they are periodically cleaned, almost no aging ... This organism goes their replacement of one to one. And it proved even orthodox. Incidentally, Pavlov was also of the Orthodox ...
The organisms grow old because nedodissimilyatsii. In other words, because of the contamination organism. The mechanism of this nature and it operates in conjunction with the instincts. I can tell you that people do not eat because they are hungry, but because it is a habit ... go on about their instincts. And these are digging their own grave.
I am not going to talk about junk food. In the stores a lot of things there can not be. But people eat, because eating delicious! The pursuit of pleasure! In Sudra is normal. First of all, they obey their instincts. What causes this food? By slagging, gradual poisoning, aging and death.
Our first task will be to learn the proper nutrition. The second task - to master the purification of the body at the cellular level. For this little break from eating. It is necessary to drink more and some herbs. Plus, our Russian bath, and breathing exercises ... You see how much you have to comprehend?
But this is only the beginning. I introduced you to the action on the body elements of Mother Earth. Now zaymёmsya elements of fire. When you move or something heavy nesёsh that feel?
- It's getting hot - I said
. - Here it is a manifestation of the inner fire! But that's not the heat, and hormones. When a young man in his body is dominated by growth hormones. Aging hormones are also present, but they do not determine anything of youth. In adulthood, hormonal background aligned.
The amount of growth hormone and equals the number of restore failure hormones. After forty years, the average person in the body begin to dominate the hormones degeneration. This leads to an old age. Do you think as to make sure that the body is always dominated by the recovery of growth hormones, and the destruction of hormones or aging disappeared?
- The right not to know, - I shrugged
. - In fact, everything is simple. It is necessary to include in his body the element of fire.
- But how to do that? - I asked
. - Typical exercises for all muscle groups, - smiled "witch doctor." - All of these exercises long been known, but their real price, few people know ... I mean what is commonly called the West bodybuilding, and we in the Union of athletic gymnastics ... Come on, I have something to show
Old rose from the fallen tree trunk and went back to his house. I with undisguised curiosity followed. When we came into the yard, he led me south side of his house under the plank shed and pointed to a pile of dumbbells and a barbell said:
- That's my gym, young man. I do it in the winter and summer. In winter, the cold and blizzards, summer heat. Bear in mind at all, without exception, a group of muscles. And as I eat very little, my muscles longer recover than muscles are growing ... Therefore I have, you've seen a decent, but not exaggerated ...
Important in other exercises make the body is constantly producing growth hormone ... in a few days and you'll be in my builder. But it is not just for show, but for health.
Here we discussed the effect of the two elements. The elements of earth and fire. The third element in our favor water. Her action: steam bath, squeezing the toxins from the body under the influence of temperature and broom. All kinds of swimming and summer and winter, in the snow or the ice-hole ... Clean water should be drunk. Not tap water, well structured, either rain or from wells, springs or clean rivers
. - And why can not drink from the tap
? - A long conversation the young man, because she is killed. In the cities, the water goes in a circle it is cleaned and re-applied to use. Is it possible to clean the water from the information? Especially chemistry? It is ridiculous! And then the trumpet? For water pipes - death
! They do it out of a plastic water-based unstructured ... We left the air element, lad. What she's busy? Our breathing. So we will be with you to learn to breathe correctly ... Now you breathe well. Obviously, the breath you put military occupation. But still, we must learn to gain vitality through the elements. That you do not know how long.
The last element, the most mysterious and complex mean the element of our unconscious. If simple - the strength of our soul. That's what we have to work seriously. You should know, young man, one law - if the consciousness of the soul is in contradiction with the consciousness of our body, the body is the soul off. From ordinary people of disease weight. For example the same cancer, stroke or heart attack ... is required for longevity, to the mind and soul, and body were a single entity.
(From the book by G. Sidorov)