Movies about immortality
7 films about immortality. Time, which does not let go.
"Chronos" (1993)
Full-length debut Mexican Guillermo del Toro, a lover of monsters varying degrees charming. Chronos device invented in the XVI century alchemist. Thanks to him, he lived up to the XX century: the golden artifact with a secret inside feeds on the blood of its owner and prolongs his life almost indefinitely. Tucked away in the angel statue old master device is an antique shop. Once he leads chronos in action and since then no longer able to stop. "Chronos" - surprisingly touching for almost a horror movie genre painting is not about striving for immortality, but the dependence on anything and irreversible actions. The hero does not want to live forever, he wants only to return to a previous state, but it is no longer possible. Forever can only live monster. Why should such a life need?
"Interview with the Vampire" (1994)
Classic vampire film by Neil Jordan's classic vampire novel by Anne Rice. Brad Pitt plays a planter named Louis, who at the end of the XVIII century makes Vampire Lestat by Tom Cruise. The phrase "movie about immortality" primarily associated with bands of vampires. In the picture Neil Jordan's eternal life is regarded as eternal suffering. Close died before the transition to the new status, the new favorite, too, will die. Why, then, to be immortal? "Interview with the Vampire" in addition to the cast (more here and Antonio Banderas with Kirsten Dunst) and is always a great directing Neil Jordan attracts precisely this atmosphere of despair and loneliness.
"Youth Without Youth" (2007)
Francis Ford Coppola's film based on the novel of the historian of religions, philosopher, researcher archaic consciousness and myths Mircea Eliade. Septuagenarian linguistics professor Dominic Matei, played by Tim Roth, as a result of a lightning strike again becomes young. Amazing case of interest fascists persecuted hero, he has a twin, and one day he meets a girl at all - the incarnation of the deceased in his youth the love of his life. Periodically, she falls into a coma and says in ancient languages: it turns out, incarnations she had many. Mateja for this phenomenon is priceless: because the main purpose of his life - to complete its work on the origin of language. But more than antiquity plunges his favorite, the more it grows old. The main questions to be answered to the hero and the audience: Is the purpose of money? what is more important - or humanity of the human race, science or love? Do youth without youth?
"Mr. Nobody" (2009)
The most expensive film in the history of Belgium, directed with extraordinary destiny Jaco van Dormael with stars (Jared Leto, Diane Kruger, Sarah Polley) starring. Stodvadtsatiletny old Nemo Nobody wakes up in 2092 the last mortal man on earth. The rest - the immortal clones. But "Mr. Nobody" - the picture rather than eternal life, and about the fate. Hero nothing about himself remembers, in memory float fragments of three different lives lived by them, those three women. But which one is the real one? In this he will understand.
"Never Let Me Go" (2010)
Dystopia on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro about how in the middle of the XX century medicine has reached such heights that people clones began to grow in order to be sources of organs for their "originals". After two or three transplants clones die, but the life expectancy of those to whom they sacrificed, could increase significantly. But we look at the events from the perspective of the suffering party. The three main characters live and study in a special boarding school (where carefully monitor their health) and do not realize that they are not ordinary people. Growing up (and finding faces of the actors Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and Andrew Garfield), they begin to live in the real world, from which it can not escape. "Never Let Me Go" - a rare degree of immersion for the viewer what is happening in the picture, in which a particular tragedy heroes rhymes with any mortal tragedy. Anyway, at what age to die, it is in any case inevitable.
"Time" (2011)
Dystopia New Zealander Andrew Niccol ("Gattaca," "Simon", "Guest") with Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy and Olivia Wilde.
In the near future people stop aging at twenty-five, but the built-in clock hand from now start to count lifetime. Receive a salary time, pay all the same time. Time steal, kill him. When the time comes, the person dies. At the main character (Timberlake) in stock rarely have more than a day. But somewhere, in other time zones, where it is very difficult to get the poor, lives almost immortal elite. Eternal life is not meant for everyone: that one may have existed for millions of years, while others must die. "Time" - a film about the terrible situation of social stratification and injustice. However, unhappy and those who have little time, and those who did not hold.
"Cloud Atlas" (2012)
In the epic Andy and Lana Wachowski and Tom Tykwer on the novel by David Mitchell six interwoven stories that unfold in different parts of the globe and at different times: from the middle of the XIX century to the distant future. Each actor (among them Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Ben Whishaw, Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving, Hugh Grant and others) plays a variety of roles. The film not only ingeniously demonstrated an optimistic idea of reincarnation of the soul (love, for example, may meet in the new life), but also shows that everything in life is interconnected and drop wears away the stone: in each novella someone does something for the good and freedoms of others. Some thought the film ridiculous, others admired the author's imagination. The most interesting thing in the end credits to find out which characters portrayed as an actor. Sometimes someone even had to change the floor (the effect, however, in that case was always the comic).

"Chronos" (1993)
Full-length debut Mexican Guillermo del Toro, a lover of monsters varying degrees charming. Chronos device invented in the XVI century alchemist. Thanks to him, he lived up to the XX century: the golden artifact with a secret inside feeds on the blood of its owner and prolongs his life almost indefinitely. Tucked away in the angel statue old master device is an antique shop. Once he leads chronos in action and since then no longer able to stop. "Chronos" - surprisingly touching for almost a horror movie genre painting is not about striving for immortality, but the dependence on anything and irreversible actions. The hero does not want to live forever, he wants only to return to a previous state, but it is no longer possible. Forever can only live monster. Why should such a life need?

"Interview with the Vampire" (1994)
Classic vampire film by Neil Jordan's classic vampire novel by Anne Rice. Brad Pitt plays a planter named Louis, who at the end of the XVIII century makes Vampire Lestat by Tom Cruise. The phrase "movie about immortality" primarily associated with bands of vampires. In the picture Neil Jordan's eternal life is regarded as eternal suffering. Close died before the transition to the new status, the new favorite, too, will die. Why, then, to be immortal? "Interview with the Vampire" in addition to the cast (more here and Antonio Banderas with Kirsten Dunst) and is always a great directing Neil Jordan attracts precisely this atmosphere of despair and loneliness.

"Youth Without Youth" (2007)
Francis Ford Coppola's film based on the novel of the historian of religions, philosopher, researcher archaic consciousness and myths Mircea Eliade. Septuagenarian linguistics professor Dominic Matei, played by Tim Roth, as a result of a lightning strike again becomes young. Amazing case of interest fascists persecuted hero, he has a twin, and one day he meets a girl at all - the incarnation of the deceased in his youth the love of his life. Periodically, she falls into a coma and says in ancient languages: it turns out, incarnations she had many. Mateja for this phenomenon is priceless: because the main purpose of his life - to complete its work on the origin of language. But more than antiquity plunges his favorite, the more it grows old. The main questions to be answered to the hero and the audience: Is the purpose of money? what is more important - or humanity of the human race, science or love? Do youth without youth?

"Mr. Nobody" (2009)
The most expensive film in the history of Belgium, directed with extraordinary destiny Jaco van Dormael with stars (Jared Leto, Diane Kruger, Sarah Polley) starring. Stodvadtsatiletny old Nemo Nobody wakes up in 2092 the last mortal man on earth. The rest - the immortal clones. But "Mr. Nobody" - the picture rather than eternal life, and about the fate. Hero nothing about himself remembers, in memory float fragments of three different lives lived by them, those three women. But which one is the real one? In this he will understand.

"Never Let Me Go" (2010)
Dystopia on the novel by Kazuo Ishiguro about how in the middle of the XX century medicine has reached such heights that people clones began to grow in order to be sources of organs for their "originals". After two or three transplants clones die, but the life expectancy of those to whom they sacrificed, could increase significantly. But we look at the events from the perspective of the suffering party. The three main characters live and study in a special boarding school (where carefully monitor their health) and do not realize that they are not ordinary people. Growing up (and finding faces of the actors Carey Mulligan, Keira Knightley and Andrew Garfield), they begin to live in the real world, from which it can not escape. "Never Let Me Go" - a rare degree of immersion for the viewer what is happening in the picture, in which a particular tragedy heroes rhymes with any mortal tragedy. Anyway, at what age to die, it is in any case inevitable.

"Time" (2011)
Dystopia New Zealander Andrew Niccol ("Gattaca," "Simon", "Guest") with Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Cillian Murphy and Olivia Wilde.
In the near future people stop aging at twenty-five, but the built-in clock hand from now start to count lifetime. Receive a salary time, pay all the same time. Time steal, kill him. When the time comes, the person dies. At the main character (Timberlake) in stock rarely have more than a day. But somewhere, in other time zones, where it is very difficult to get the poor, lives almost immortal elite. Eternal life is not meant for everyone: that one may have existed for millions of years, while others must die. "Time" - a film about the terrible situation of social stratification and injustice. However, unhappy and those who have little time, and those who did not hold.

"Cloud Atlas" (2012)
In the epic Andy and Lana Wachowski and Tom Tykwer on the novel by David Mitchell six interwoven stories that unfold in different parts of the globe and at different times: from the middle of the XIX century to the distant future. Each actor (among them Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Ben Whishaw, Jim Sturgess, Hugo Weaving, Hugh Grant and others) plays a variety of roles. The film not only ingeniously demonstrated an optimistic idea of reincarnation of the soul (love, for example, may meet in the new life), but also shows that everything in life is interconnected and drop wears away the stone: in each novella someone does something for the good and freedoms of others. Some thought the film ridiculous, others admired the author's imagination. The most interesting thing in the end credits to find out which characters portrayed as an actor. Sometimes someone even had to change the floor (the effect, however, in that case was always the comic).
