Russian "Atlantis
Within the territory of Russia or nearby also have shelves that are glacial epoch was land, populated by people, and in periods of warming again flooded. These Pacific "Atlantis" connects the island and the peninsula, giving the integrity of the space Horseshoe Pacific (Pacific Rim), where they formed the Eastern trunk of humankind.
However, to specify and prove the population of "Atlantis" is impossible: no data finds. Similarly, one can not prove that the world is there, when we close our eyes.
It was a huge lowland connecting Chukotka and Alaska covered tundra and cold steppes, lakes, rivers and swamps. Through this bridge passed countless herds of wandering animals, so it does not dry extraction. Enormous ice sheet in North America are not covered Beringia. But the isthmus between the two continents intercepted the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean, on the south coast so Beringia climate was relatively mild in the south of Kamchatka. And in summer, when the polar day, it was possible to sunbathe and swim almost round the clock.
Bering and adjacent areas about 30 thousand. Years ago formed the ancestors of the American race, which during periods of warming (when the retreating ice sheet in North America) moved from Beringia towards California. About 10 thousand. Years in the area of the Bering (and that heat a little, and it gets cold) formed an Arctic race. They were strong hunters of sea mammals, which left behind an impressive sanctuary of whale bones. Infiltrating on Wrangel Island, destroyed the last of their descendants, are crushed mammoth.
At the end of II millennium AD Beringia reopened - here profit militant maritime tramp Caucasians. They turned it into a place deep links to the dark edge of the ecumene. From left Beringia - the two banks, the antipode, the line between the two continents, empires and ideologies, and even days and nights of earthly existence.
In the Pleistocene in the Okhotsk Sea shelf opens a small hunting, turns Sakhalin and Hokkaido in one large peninsula. Terms of Okhotsk in the lowlands were softer than the harsh mountains and Dzhugdzhur Cherskogo. Forest tundra and cold steppes and shallow sea abounded prey.
Hunting - migration is a "corridor". According to it, in the north-east moving migrants generation which gradually moved from the distant Sunda and Nipponidy - to Beringia and America.
Okhotia Paleoasiatic participated in the formation of groups with a unique language, and later - the Ainu, the carriers rather interesting culture.
And when underground Serpent Dyabdar ruffling his spine, a huge wave swept the hunt, and it subdued the inhabitants devoured prickly crab.
In the southern Japanese islands, China and Korea once lay a vast lowland, rich in forest and marine prey - Nipponida. Now it's the bottom of the Yellow Sea.
Approximately 40-50 thousand. Nipponida years ago it was a "corridor" for the ancient protosundadontov, wandering along the Pacific coast of Horseshoe.
Later, 5-10 thous. Years ago, it has become a hotbed of Nipponida Pacific Mongoloid type. As it flooded people went into the valleys of the great rivers (filling memory woven bags beautiful shells and chicken gods). And to meet them in these valleys were people in the steppes zazelenevshih - central Mongoloids (whose bags were filled with amulets of dragons teeth Gobi).
Clash of migration flows and the high population density in the valleys of the Yellow River and the Yangtze were incentives rasogeneza and ethnogenesis. Shells mixed with dragon's teeth, creating the ancestors of the great nations of China, Japan, Korea.
Today, the remains of Nipponidy are one of the most advanced, large and populous areas in the world.
Sannikov Land
There are many legends about the mysterious lands, islands, which are located in the Far North: Arctida, Arctogaia, Hyperborea, Earth and Goose Sannikov. Someone saw a hurry to countless flocks of birds-nest letovat someone noticed promote fat herds of mammoths, musk oxen and Yeti. In Arctida completely left whole generations Onkilons Yukagirs and Eskimos, swallowed in the fierce cold Russian alcohol and smallpox. In Hyperborea returned from vacation alien party officials, but crashed in the Tunguska taiga.
It was this land, and not one. In addition to the still existing islands in the Arctic Ocean above Siberia is also open shelves. During glacial ice core arrays were in Scandinavia and North America, but Siberia was free of solid ice shell. Therefore, when the ocean is shallow, open shelf in a huge lowland tundra, in conditions similar to the current north-Eurasian tundra.
In the best of the summer there, not touching at polar sun, countless birds nesting and wandered the northern herd animals. All this created suitable conditions for life of the Arctic natives. In severe winters, they could migrate to the south. However, sporadically inhabited Sannikov Land, the density of the population there was scanty, so the impact on the anthropological cover she did not have. Or services? Or is there formed the ancestors of the Urals-laponoidnoy race?
Other "Sannikov Land", this ice shelves, towering over the sea. On the surface vytaivali moraine and the age-old dust, streams eat through the valley, and they looked just like the island. But in periods of warming melts completely.
In the twentieth century Sannikov Land served as a testing ground of dreams for militarism: attack if America through subglacial space or shove military icebreakers, Chkalovsky aircraft, and may dig up in adversary drill tanks and hyperboloids by plutonium (and at the same time profit zolotishkom of olivine belt).
In a twenty-first century mercantile dream about something else: how to Sannikov Land is well produced oil (preferring to keep silent about an insane lightness and danger of this venture). However, about the adversary does not forget.
About 10 thousand years ago the Black Sea was a huge reservoir of fresh water, which was called Novoevksinskoe sea. From the north adjoined to it the vast lowlands, covered with steppe and deciduous forests. However, about 5, 5 thousand. BC. e. earthquake devastated. It overwhelmed the natural dam closes the Bosporus and Novoevksinskoe the sea from a great height flooded Mediterranean waterfall. An earthquake shook so this vicious body of water that was born a huge tsunami. Calculations show that the splash could exceed hundreds of meters! The mechanism of such high waves can be understood if we kicked the bucket with water.
Pontus tsunami destroyed coastal villages, swept rafts and little boat, smashing the rock, which for centuries was writhing Prometheus Bound, and Noah's Ark threw for 200 kilometers to the east, right on the slopes of Mount Ararat. Then quickly arriving muddy, poisoned by hydrogen sulfide, water flooded Sindhi reed marshes where nesting pelicans, wild boars grunted and rang grasshoppers, they filled the valley and Borisphen Hypanis, disfiguring Meotian steppe. It quickly natekla Azov Sea, Crimea surrounded rotten shallows. The level of the Black Sea is gradually exceeded the ocean - by abundant streamflow.
Probably, this environmental disaster has affected ethnogenesis ancestral Indo-Europeans who lived in the Black Sea and Caspian steppes. In the era of heavy survived the most mobile and durable, not afraid to rush at a gallop across the expanses. These people planted later Indo-European language and mentality, with its cult of the Upper World. That made the world as it is now.
Thus, Pontida, may have been one of the cradles of the Indo-European culture.
For good measure, add another area that is a kind of antithesis of "Atlantis". This mysterious Shambhala Shining Agartha, Belovode, or Shangri-La, tucked away in the mountains of the central part of the Eurasian continent. But in reality - the Himalayas, Tibet and the Tien Shan.
During cold spells, when the shelves were opened and became livable, contrary Shambhala "drowning", disappearing beneath the snow and ice. But in the interglacial period, when flooding the shelves, it comes alive, covered with vegetation - and populated by hominids.
Half a century ago, many scientists believed that the foothills of the Himalayas - is the ancestral home of the person where ramapithecus whose remains were found at that time in India, became a great-man (as well as in the shaggy Yeti). Indeed there is a condition, if not for the ancestral home, the self-focus of race formation.
Ancient Shambala - a huge margin of densely populated regions. Therefore, the wave of migrants, which reached the mountains, creating a "zone of splash," where evolutionary factors have acted more quickly and intensively. Under the conditions of the mountains there are conditions for the isolation, ordered gene flow, intensive screening.
However, Shambhala became central node of race formation - was too low population density. Instead, it acted as a pump - in interglacial sucked population and to modify them, and during the glaciation pushed them back to aid mixing and renewal of the population of adjacent territories.
So Shambhala could have some effect on rasogenez veddoidov Hindustan protomongoloidov Gobi Caucasians of Middle Asia and South Siberian ancestors Ugra race.
Ugra (Ural-laponoidnaya) race is widespread in Russia. It emerged due to the mixing of Aboriginal Southwest Siberia Caucasoid and Mongoloid migrants. Whence came these natives, it is unclear. Perhaps they went through the Altai - just out of the center of the mountain systems of Eurasia. That is, many Russians may believe that their ancient ancestors were "natives of Shambhala».
But the greatest impact on the development of Shambhala had mystic Eurasian culture. Rising energy of this growing mountain of awakened people cosmic vision, sparks of which 2, 5 thousand years ago sparked great spiritual teachings of the Indian subcontinent, China and Europe.
However, to specify and prove the population of "Atlantis" is impossible: no data finds. Similarly, one can not prove that the world is there, when we close our eyes.
It was a huge lowland connecting Chukotka and Alaska covered tundra and cold steppes, lakes, rivers and swamps. Through this bridge passed countless herds of wandering animals, so it does not dry extraction. Enormous ice sheet in North America are not covered Beringia. But the isthmus between the two continents intercepted the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean, on the south coast so Beringia climate was relatively mild in the south of Kamchatka. And in summer, when the polar day, it was possible to sunbathe and swim almost round the clock.
Bering and adjacent areas about 30 thousand. Years ago formed the ancestors of the American race, which during periods of warming (when the retreating ice sheet in North America) moved from Beringia towards California. About 10 thousand. Years in the area of the Bering (and that heat a little, and it gets cold) formed an Arctic race. They were strong hunters of sea mammals, which left behind an impressive sanctuary of whale bones. Infiltrating on Wrangel Island, destroyed the last of their descendants, are crushed mammoth.

At the end of II millennium AD Beringia reopened - here profit militant maritime tramp Caucasians. They turned it into a place deep links to the dark edge of the ecumene. From left Beringia - the two banks, the antipode, the line between the two continents, empires and ideologies, and even days and nights of earthly existence.
In the Pleistocene in the Okhotsk Sea shelf opens a small hunting, turns Sakhalin and Hokkaido in one large peninsula. Terms of Okhotsk in the lowlands were softer than the harsh mountains and Dzhugdzhur Cherskogo. Forest tundra and cold steppes and shallow sea abounded prey.
Hunting - migration is a "corridor". According to it, in the north-east moving migrants generation which gradually moved from the distant Sunda and Nipponidy - to Beringia and America.

Okhotia Paleoasiatic participated in the formation of groups with a unique language, and later - the Ainu, the carriers rather interesting culture.
And when underground Serpent Dyabdar ruffling his spine, a huge wave swept the hunt, and it subdued the inhabitants devoured prickly crab.
In the southern Japanese islands, China and Korea once lay a vast lowland, rich in forest and marine prey - Nipponida. Now it's the bottom of the Yellow Sea.
Approximately 40-50 thousand. Nipponida years ago it was a "corridor" for the ancient protosundadontov, wandering along the Pacific coast of Horseshoe.

Later, 5-10 thous. Years ago, it has become a hotbed of Nipponida Pacific Mongoloid type. As it flooded people went into the valleys of the great rivers (filling memory woven bags beautiful shells and chicken gods). And to meet them in these valleys were people in the steppes zazelenevshih - central Mongoloids (whose bags were filled with amulets of dragons teeth Gobi).
Clash of migration flows and the high population density in the valleys of the Yellow River and the Yangtze were incentives rasogeneza and ethnogenesis. Shells mixed with dragon's teeth, creating the ancestors of the great nations of China, Japan, Korea.
Today, the remains of Nipponidy are one of the most advanced, large and populous areas in the world.
Sannikov Land
There are many legends about the mysterious lands, islands, which are located in the Far North: Arctida, Arctogaia, Hyperborea, Earth and Goose Sannikov. Someone saw a hurry to countless flocks of birds-nest letovat someone noticed promote fat herds of mammoths, musk oxen and Yeti. In Arctida completely left whole generations Onkilons Yukagirs and Eskimos, swallowed in the fierce cold Russian alcohol and smallpox. In Hyperborea returned from vacation alien party officials, but crashed in the Tunguska taiga.

It was this land, and not one. In addition to the still existing islands in the Arctic Ocean above Siberia is also open shelves. During glacial ice core arrays were in Scandinavia and North America, but Siberia was free of solid ice shell. Therefore, when the ocean is shallow, open shelf in a huge lowland tundra, in conditions similar to the current north-Eurasian tundra.
In the best of the summer there, not touching at polar sun, countless birds nesting and wandered the northern herd animals. All this created suitable conditions for life of the Arctic natives. In severe winters, they could migrate to the south. However, sporadically inhabited Sannikov Land, the density of the population there was scanty, so the impact on the anthropological cover she did not have. Or services? Or is there formed the ancestors of the Urals-laponoidnoy race?
Other "Sannikov Land", this ice shelves, towering over the sea. On the surface vytaivali moraine and the age-old dust, streams eat through the valley, and they looked just like the island. But in periods of warming melts completely.
In the twentieth century Sannikov Land served as a testing ground of dreams for militarism: attack if America through subglacial space or shove military icebreakers, Chkalovsky aircraft, and may dig up in adversary drill tanks and hyperboloids by plutonium (and at the same time profit zolotishkom of olivine belt).
In a twenty-first century mercantile dream about something else: how to Sannikov Land is well produced oil (preferring to keep silent about an insane lightness and danger of this venture). However, about the adversary does not forget.
About 10 thousand years ago the Black Sea was a huge reservoir of fresh water, which was called Novoevksinskoe sea. From the north adjoined to it the vast lowlands, covered with steppe and deciduous forests. However, about 5, 5 thousand. BC. e. earthquake devastated. It overwhelmed the natural dam closes the Bosporus and Novoevksinskoe the sea from a great height flooded Mediterranean waterfall. An earthquake shook so this vicious body of water that was born a huge tsunami. Calculations show that the splash could exceed hundreds of meters! The mechanism of such high waves can be understood if we kicked the bucket with water.
Pontus tsunami destroyed coastal villages, swept rafts and little boat, smashing the rock, which for centuries was writhing Prometheus Bound, and Noah's Ark threw for 200 kilometers to the east, right on the slopes of Mount Ararat. Then quickly arriving muddy, poisoned by hydrogen sulfide, water flooded Sindhi reed marshes where nesting pelicans, wild boars grunted and rang grasshoppers, they filled the valley and Borisphen Hypanis, disfiguring Meotian steppe. It quickly natekla Azov Sea, Crimea surrounded rotten shallows. The level of the Black Sea is gradually exceeded the ocean - by abundant streamflow.
Probably, this environmental disaster has affected ethnogenesis ancestral Indo-Europeans who lived in the Black Sea and Caspian steppes. In the era of heavy survived the most mobile and durable, not afraid to rush at a gallop across the expanses. These people planted later Indo-European language and mentality, with its cult of the Upper World. That made the world as it is now.
Thus, Pontida, may have been one of the cradles of the Indo-European culture.
For good measure, add another area that is a kind of antithesis of "Atlantis". This mysterious Shambhala Shining Agartha, Belovode, or Shangri-La, tucked away in the mountains of the central part of the Eurasian continent. But in reality - the Himalayas, Tibet and the Tien Shan.

During cold spells, when the shelves were opened and became livable, contrary Shambhala "drowning", disappearing beneath the snow and ice. But in the interglacial period, when flooding the shelves, it comes alive, covered with vegetation - and populated by hominids.
Half a century ago, many scientists believed that the foothills of the Himalayas - is the ancestral home of the person where ramapithecus whose remains were found at that time in India, became a great-man (as well as in the shaggy Yeti). Indeed there is a condition, if not for the ancestral home, the self-focus of race formation.
Ancient Shambala - a huge margin of densely populated regions. Therefore, the wave of migrants, which reached the mountains, creating a "zone of splash," where evolutionary factors have acted more quickly and intensively. Under the conditions of the mountains there are conditions for the isolation, ordered gene flow, intensive screening.
However, Shambhala became central node of race formation - was too low population density. Instead, it acted as a pump - in interglacial sucked population and to modify them, and during the glaciation pushed them back to aid mixing and renewal of the population of adjacent territories.
So Shambhala could have some effect on rasogenez veddoidov Hindustan protomongoloidov Gobi Caucasians of Middle Asia and South Siberian ancestors Ugra race.
Ugra (Ural-laponoidnaya) race is widespread in Russia. It emerged due to the mixing of Aboriginal Southwest Siberia Caucasoid and Mongoloid migrants. Whence came these natives, it is unclear. Perhaps they went through the Altai - just out of the center of the mountain systems of Eurasia. That is, many Russians may believe that their ancient ancestors were "natives of Shambhala».
But the greatest impact on the development of Shambhala had mystic Eurasian culture. Rising energy of this growing mountain of awakened people cosmic vision, sparks of which 2, 5 thousand years ago sparked great spiritual teachings of the Indian subcontinent, China and Europe.