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Soldiers of the Future: the armed "polite people" in Crimea

"Self-Defense Forces of Crimea", men whom the locals called "polite people," is much better equipped and armed than the regular Ukrainian army. Their uniforms in places like NATO counterparts. Many believe that they know, where did the "self-defense forces", but officially this information no podtverzhdaet.Glavnokomanduyuschy Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu denied the version that in the Crimea Ukrainian objects block the Russian military. Putin suggested that the similar uniforms can be bought in any store, and Shoigu has called "nonsense and provocation" photos and videos with the military from the Crimea. With the help of military experts who spoke on condition of anonymity, we decided to explore the guns and uniforms "polite people».

Machine gun Kalashnikov modernized
In the armored vehicle mounted conventional PCM - modernized Kalashnikov machine gun. It was adopted in the USSR adopted in 1969 to replace the old Kalashnikov machine gun, which is less weight and better technical characteristics. Perhaps we see a modification PKMB - gun mount for armored vehicles. PCM produced in the USSR, and now is made, and in different countries of the world, including in Ukraine, at the plant "Mayak».

Kevlar helmet with "ears»
In fighter - Kevlar helmet with "ears". This is a relatively modern helmet, similar to the helmets of NATO troops. The Russian troops are in large steel helmets come under Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov. Russian Kevlar helmets 6b7, 6b26, 6b27, 6b28 began to be produced in the first half of the 2000s, they now stand in the supply in the Airborne, NE, motorized troops of Russia, as well as the armed forces of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Perhaps this is one of these models. Uniforms, cover helmet, balaclava, made of camouflage-type "figure", which is also widely used in the armed forces of the CSTO countries.

Dragunov sniper rifle folding
In the hands of a fighter - 7, 62 mm Dragunov sniper rifle folding (SVD-C). This modification of the well-known SVD (Dragunov sniper rifle) with a folding stock. It began supplying the Russian army in the mid-1990s, mainly in the Airborne troops. We used the second Chechen war and the Ossetian conflict in 2008. It is in service in the armies of Russia and Armenia.

In fighter in the center of the photo - sniper rifle BCC ("Vintorez"). This 9-mm silent rifle was developed in TsNIITochmash Klimovsk in the early 1980s, it is designed for special purpose entities. It applied in both Chechen campaigns, as well as in the war with Georgia, and both sides of the conflict. Rifle officially exported to the Middle East and South America, as well as in the United States.

Outfit military "self-defense forces of the Crimea" - the most interesting subject for analysis. According to experts Forbes, on the various elements of the photographs you can find the latest Russian developments - equipment "Warrior", which was to begin to enter the Russian troops in the first quarter of 2014. It is also called "set soldier of the future". "Warrior" was developed on the basis of the equipment "Barmitsa».
The structure of "Warrior" includes a variety of life-support systems, several types of firearms with mounted systems, means of energy supply. Just a "Warrior" is included about 10 subsystems. Equipment can protect up to 90% of the body fighter. Body armor, "warrior" 70% more effective than its predecessors. Life support system supplemented by safety glasses, hearing protection headset, set protect the knee and elbow joints, individual filters for water purification, self-contained set of heat and other elements.

Outfit military "self-defense forces of the Crimea" - the most interesting subject for analysis. According to experts Forbes, on the various elements of the photographs you can find the latest Russian developments - equipment "Warrior", which was to begin to enter the Russian troops in the first quarter of 2014. It is also called "set soldier of the future". "Warrior" was developed on the basis of the equipment "Barmitsa».
The structure of "Warrior" includes a variety of life-support systems, several types of firearms with mounted systems, means of energy supply. Just a "Warrior" is included about 10 subsystems. Equipment can protect up to 90% of the body fighter. Body armor, "warrior" 70% more effective than its predecessors. Life support system supplemented by safety glasses, hearing protection headset, set protect the knee and elbow joints, individual filters for water purification, self-contained set of heat and other elements.

In total, the "Warrior" includes about 40 items - weapons, clothing equipment, personal protective equipment, protection against damaging factors of weapons of mass destruction and non-lethal weapons.
The structure of "warrior" is also a special multi-layered helmet and body armor with ceramic armor plates that can stop bullets from the "Kalashnikov" and sniper rifles.
All the elements of the kit can be combined under him as the constructor. The total weight of the standard version of the jumpsuit and vest 5th protection class - about 10 kg, the maximum - with a helmet, body armor assault 6th grade protection broneschitkami for shoulders and hips - about 20 kg.

"Warrior" guns "Pecheneg" and the RMB
Each item of clothing set of "Warrior" includes "Velcro" for the chevrons and epaulettes. Therefore remove any markings - one minute deal.
The life-support system "Warriors" also includes: a backpack-purpose (volume 50 liters), Raid backpack (up to 10 liters), camouflage kits, portable heater for use in the cold season, vented T-shirt, vest with compartments for ammunition, communication systems and other elements, foldable heat seal, a special mat, coat, cap, balaclava, and even a mosquito net.

"Warrior" is equipped with elements of protection against non-lethal weapons (sound, tear gas, thermal, and others.), From weapons of poison exposure. In the photo at the soldiers - bags with masks.
"Breathe" design "Warriors" allows you to wear it continuously for at least 48 hours. The fabric is impregnated with a special compound, which transmits air, but retains moisture. Designed as a winter version of "Warriors", which provides insulation and heating elements.
Bronekostyum blocks radiation in the ultraviolet and infrared spectra, which makes fighter invisible to thermal sight. If necessary, the entire set of equipment can be reset in a few seconds.

Automatic "Kalashnikov", "Warrior»
Weapons system "Warrior" is a Kalashnikov, equipped with a grenade launcher, night vision sights, thermal sighting system, which is unique in the world there, say the designers. First gear "Warrior" was presented in the framework of MAKS-2011, and the fall of 2012 began combat tests.

Machine gun "Pecheneg»
7 62-mm machine gun "Pecheneg". Russian machine gun, which was developed on the basis of Kalashnikov machine guns, modernized by the same manufacturer. Easier and modern. It is in service in Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

"Tiger" with Russian number
The Russian army the number on the "Tiger". "The" black room "numbers on the right represent the region code is not, and race affiliation or military district troops, - the expert explains Forbes. - Now a lot of the media began to write that the 21th numbers mean belonging to the North Caucasus Military District. But the North Caucasus Military District does not exist a few years - in 2010 it was reformed in the Southern Military District, which includes including the Black Sea fleet from its base in Sevastopol ».

RPG-18 «Fly" - Soviet antitank rocket grenade. Officially it is in service in the armies of all the former Soviet republics and Afghanistan. Unofficially you can find anywhere in the world, including from criminal gangs.

GAZ-2330 "Tiger" - a Russian armored SUV terrain. GAZ Group is made at the Gorky and Arzamas Engineering Works. It has many targeted modifications. It comes in service in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the CIS, but not Ukraine. Owners skinned version of "Tiger" was Nikita Mikhalkov, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Valery Shantsev.

The Mi-17 - modification of the Mi-8 - the most massive twin-engine helicopter in the world. Can belong to anyone.

BTR-80 - Soviet armored personnel carrier. It is in service with about three dozen countries. It is possible that in the photo - APCs Black Sea Fleet, which were put forward to enhance the protection of the Russian military facilities in the Crimea.

AK-74 + «Optics»
74 Kalashnikov assault rifle chambered for 5 to 45 mm, with telescopic sight. AK74 operated by many countries, including Ukraine.

Kalashnikov, BTR-80 - it's all there and Russian, and Ukrainian, and many other armies in the world.

Ural-4320 - Truck terrain. Produced at the Ural Automobile Plant), including for use in the Russian army, including armored modification.
