Will there be ever a displacement of the magnetic poles of the Earth
Scientists have for many years known about the upcoming change of the poles of the Earth. First started talking about this, scientists from Japan 16 years ago. And October 13, 1917, three cowherd was the blessed virgin Mary in Fatima (Portugal). It contained a message that meant a lot to the future of the Human race. The message was about changing the poles of the Earth, planetary catastrophe, that is, the end of the world, was due to "solar and lunar miracle" — the sky will be two suns and two moons (a phenomenon that occurs when a combination of 3-dimensional and 4-dimensional space).
The message of Fatima was brought to Rome, but the Catholic Church hid him. The Earth's magnetic field began to weaken about 2000 years ago, a significant decrease in its intensity was observed 500 years ago, in the last 50 years it has accelerated, and since 1994 it recorded the strongest fluctuations. The magnetic pole of the planet in the South has displaced hundreds and sometimes thousands of kilometres from the usual location. People experience emotional UPS and downs.
In these times as hard as you can to keep the peace. Frequent rail, air and car crashes. Magnetic maps are unreliable. Birds, hoping for the magnetic lines of the Earth when flying, are not where they need to, and seals, whales and dolphins are thrown out on the shore. The "frequency noise" — a wave that emanates from the planet (the rhythm or "heartbeat" of the Earth) with a frequency of 7.8 Hz. For a long time she was stable, and the military have set up their instruments. But the frequency began to increase: in 1994 – 8.6 Hz, in 1999 – at 11.2, and in 2000 – about 12 Hertz. When this parameter reaches 13 Hertz will start the change of the poles of the Earth. When approaching the pole shift of the planet and observed the fluctuation of the electromagnetic field, then the behavior of the population is emotional instability.
The pole shift occurs every 13,000 years, which leads to planetary catastrophe and purification of memory in living beings. This is due to the cycle of the equinoxes, which is 26,000 years (25920 years). After the point of maximum removal and approach the Solar system from the middle of the Galaxy, which is equivalent to half cycle of this cycle on Earth is the pole shift. During this period the earth's axis goes around the circumference of all twelve constellations of Zodiac Signs (each of them it is 2100 years old). Today, our planet and the Galaxy was at the crossroads of epochs. 11-Aug-1999 people watched a Parade of planets and an Eclipse of the Sun ("doomsday"). Coming to the end of the Era of life of the people of the Fifth Race in the body and formed by mankind of the Sixth Race, endowed with spiritual subtle bodies. It is symbolized by the quantum transition of the planet, Universe and Galaxy to the next quantum level of life, and hence of humanity as part. This transition occurs every 5125 years during the "Parade of planets". All planets stand in one line, and then diverge, forming a tunnel through which the pulse of the amendment to our Planet from the Sun. This pulse and produces a quantum transition, the change of the poles of the Earth, tilt, axes of rotation and other parameters of the planets. When the Earth reaches a critical point of the precession of change, things fall apart. The reason – the Earth's magnetic field, which we use to understand ourselves. It is a repository of human memory (information). Like computers, we have to store and process data necessary magnetic field. When you power off a computer his memory is erased, lost because of the electromagnetic field that supports it. The displacement of the poles is the same. The full moon and the day after and the day before it increases crime. Due to the fact that the Moon is forced to "bubble" the planet's magnetic field. Bubbles break the energy ties and encourage emotional and poorly balanced people step over boundaries.
The last time the pole shift of the Earth was 13,000 years ago. It led to the destruction of civilization of the Atlanteans (Fourth Race). It's a terrible planetary catastrophe. Her severe symptoms will begin as the polarity of the magnetic poles of the planet, and then shifted the earth's axis will begin moving continents, volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, and climate change. Greenland, accumulated over many years, have great weight, and can move platform of the earth to the equator under the action of gravitational and centrifugal forces.
According to various sources, it was believed that the pole shift of the Earth will occur in December 2012. The Mayan calendar ended on the date December 21, 2012. In the calendar, the last entry reads: "Next time, no". In many predictions it is noted this phenomenon – the lack of time. Today we are experiencing a pole shift, which is known according to the predictions as "Apocalypse" and "doomsday". In 2013, the Earth enters the constellation of Aquarius.
The displacement of the poles of the Earth will come when this field will disappear. The memory of the inhabitants of Atlantis were erased by the shift of the poles, so they returned to a primitive state, and they had to turn to survival instincts, even though civilization has reached a high level of development (subject to flying objects use gravitational engines, laser technology, etc.).
Many years later, people were able to develop. During the shifting of the poles will disappear the electromagnetic field of the planet, and the result will be the destruction from the 1st to 7th levels of the crystal lattices of the energy information field of the memory of the Earth and erase the memory of the people (life level of the person is equal to a newborn) and software of computers, all information on the media. This is a serious threat and problem for human life. Crashing computers that control nuclear power plants and military facilities, can lead to dire consequences.
Hay poles of the Earth leads to a shift South and the North poles to the Equator, which causes immediate melting of ice of Antarctica and the Arctic, raising Global sea level by 77 meters (we all know about the flood). This flood happens every 5125 years. In Egypt, the Sphinx (according to isotopic analysis, the age of 5.5 million years) has a layered structure, because many times was filled with water and fell to the bottom of the sea. Scientists at the North pole, found the mammoth, whose stomach remained green grass, which tells of the sudden death that occurred because of the pole shift. Hence a clear reason for the death of the dinosaurs – instant ecological catastrophe.
Today, planetary catastrophe, or the flood will not. Under the action of Cosmic energies of living organisms on the planet are mutated (human transmutation). This transition on Earth lasted from 11 August 1999 to 19 December 2012. It was a period when 1.5 billion people are ready to make a Consciousness shift in the direction of four-dimensional space. They realize that to live so it is impossible that we should move to another level of Awareness and Consciousness. Many are at a crossroads: to develop still a technocratic dead-end path to the end to destroy the planet and be destroyed themselves, or to go to the spiritual level of Awareness and continue to develop without destroying, and restoring the healthy ecology of Consciousness and environment of his life.
To move to the next level, you need to on Earth was about 169000 Christlike Beings who are able to exert such strong influence on other people that all people of the planet will pass to the next level of Consciousness through the unified field of planetary Consciousness of Humanity (the Noosphere of the Earth). The inhabitants of Atlantis were represented by the Fourth Race, we present Fifth Race, its evolution is over. In 2013, the Earth will be representatives of the Sixth Race.
Transition in 4-dimensional space contribute to the radiation from Space high frequencies, which increase from 2000. The sun and other planets with these emissions began to be transferred codes, which are necessary for the evolutionary leap, and Spiritual awakening. Many people will not be able to transfer data radiation and the transition will die as they have low vibrations and physically healthy (purified), spiritual people will take this transition easily. After the era of Reincarnation, when the soul was immortal and passed from one body to another, there will come the era of Immortality. The Space mutations the human body, as the soul, will be immortal. Under the Action of cosmic radiation coming from space, gradually disappearing ozone layer around our planet. Amplifies the direct effect of cosmic rays, therefore, all living organisms there is a mutation or restructuring. The human body is a mutation of emotional, physical, mental and other bodies, which accompany the "strange" disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, malaise, new diseases accompanied by increase in temperature (combustion products) and changes in all body systems. Transmutation is a very complex physical process at the level of atoms, molecules and Tau cells. In the human body will undergo changes that will give the body new condition and it will switch to power cosmic energy (Energobit).
As this adjustment will decrease the need for food, and then disappear altogether. All energy sources on Earth (air, water, food) contaminated with environmentally and rescue of the population will be to go to energy food. First on the planet happens Space mutation, then in the cells of the body, held a successful mutation that will fit with the program code a person's view of the Sixth Race.
Launch matrix with the programs of the Fifth Race is from September 13, 1999. Every man can become a man of the Sixth Race. For this you need to rise spiritually, i.e. to realize a part of the universe, to the Cosmic Consciousness.
Source: zeleneet.com
The message of Fatima was brought to Rome, but the Catholic Church hid him. The Earth's magnetic field began to weaken about 2000 years ago, a significant decrease in its intensity was observed 500 years ago, in the last 50 years it has accelerated, and since 1994 it recorded the strongest fluctuations. The magnetic pole of the planet in the South has displaced hundreds and sometimes thousands of kilometres from the usual location. People experience emotional UPS and downs.
In these times as hard as you can to keep the peace. Frequent rail, air and car crashes. Magnetic maps are unreliable. Birds, hoping for the magnetic lines of the Earth when flying, are not where they need to, and seals, whales and dolphins are thrown out on the shore. The "frequency noise" — a wave that emanates from the planet (the rhythm or "heartbeat" of the Earth) with a frequency of 7.8 Hz. For a long time she was stable, and the military have set up their instruments. But the frequency began to increase: in 1994 – 8.6 Hz, in 1999 – at 11.2, and in 2000 – about 12 Hertz. When this parameter reaches 13 Hertz will start the change of the poles of the Earth. When approaching the pole shift of the planet and observed the fluctuation of the electromagnetic field, then the behavior of the population is emotional instability.
The pole shift occurs every 13,000 years, which leads to planetary catastrophe and purification of memory in living beings. This is due to the cycle of the equinoxes, which is 26,000 years (25920 years). After the point of maximum removal and approach the Solar system from the middle of the Galaxy, which is equivalent to half cycle of this cycle on Earth is the pole shift. During this period the earth's axis goes around the circumference of all twelve constellations of Zodiac Signs (each of them it is 2100 years old). Today, our planet and the Galaxy was at the crossroads of epochs. 11-Aug-1999 people watched a Parade of planets and an Eclipse of the Sun ("doomsday"). Coming to the end of the Era of life of the people of the Fifth Race in the body and formed by mankind of the Sixth Race, endowed with spiritual subtle bodies. It is symbolized by the quantum transition of the planet, Universe and Galaxy to the next quantum level of life, and hence of humanity as part. This transition occurs every 5125 years during the "Parade of planets". All planets stand in one line, and then diverge, forming a tunnel through which the pulse of the amendment to our Planet from the Sun. This pulse and produces a quantum transition, the change of the poles of the Earth, tilt, axes of rotation and other parameters of the planets. When the Earth reaches a critical point of the precession of change, things fall apart. The reason – the Earth's magnetic field, which we use to understand ourselves. It is a repository of human memory (information). Like computers, we have to store and process data necessary magnetic field. When you power off a computer his memory is erased, lost because of the electromagnetic field that supports it. The displacement of the poles is the same. The full moon and the day after and the day before it increases crime. Due to the fact that the Moon is forced to "bubble" the planet's magnetic field. Bubbles break the energy ties and encourage emotional and poorly balanced people step over boundaries.
The last time the pole shift of the Earth was 13,000 years ago. It led to the destruction of civilization of the Atlanteans (Fourth Race). It's a terrible planetary catastrophe. Her severe symptoms will begin as the polarity of the magnetic poles of the planet, and then shifted the earth's axis will begin moving continents, volcanoes, floods, earthquakes, and climate change. Greenland, accumulated over many years, have great weight, and can move platform of the earth to the equator under the action of gravitational and centrifugal forces.

According to various sources, it was believed that the pole shift of the Earth will occur in December 2012. The Mayan calendar ended on the date December 21, 2012. In the calendar, the last entry reads: "Next time, no". In many predictions it is noted this phenomenon – the lack of time. Today we are experiencing a pole shift, which is known according to the predictions as "Apocalypse" and "doomsday". In 2013, the Earth enters the constellation of Aquarius.
The displacement of the poles of the Earth will come when this field will disappear. The memory of the inhabitants of Atlantis were erased by the shift of the poles, so they returned to a primitive state, and they had to turn to survival instincts, even though civilization has reached a high level of development (subject to flying objects use gravitational engines, laser technology, etc.).
Many years later, people were able to develop. During the shifting of the poles will disappear the electromagnetic field of the planet, and the result will be the destruction from the 1st to 7th levels of the crystal lattices of the energy information field of the memory of the Earth and erase the memory of the people (life level of the person is equal to a newborn) and software of computers, all information on the media. This is a serious threat and problem for human life. Crashing computers that control nuclear power plants and military facilities, can lead to dire consequences.
Hay poles of the Earth leads to a shift South and the North poles to the Equator, which causes immediate melting of ice of Antarctica and the Arctic, raising Global sea level by 77 meters (we all know about the flood). This flood happens every 5125 years. In Egypt, the Sphinx (according to isotopic analysis, the age of 5.5 million years) has a layered structure, because many times was filled with water and fell to the bottom of the sea. Scientists at the North pole, found the mammoth, whose stomach remained green grass, which tells of the sudden death that occurred because of the pole shift. Hence a clear reason for the death of the dinosaurs – instant ecological catastrophe.
Today, planetary catastrophe, or the flood will not. Under the action of Cosmic energies of living organisms on the planet are mutated (human transmutation). This transition on Earth lasted from 11 August 1999 to 19 December 2012. It was a period when 1.5 billion people are ready to make a Consciousness shift in the direction of four-dimensional space. They realize that to live so it is impossible that we should move to another level of Awareness and Consciousness. Many are at a crossroads: to develop still a technocratic dead-end path to the end to destroy the planet and be destroyed themselves, or to go to the spiritual level of Awareness and continue to develop without destroying, and restoring the healthy ecology of Consciousness and environment of his life.
To move to the next level, you need to on Earth was about 169000 Christlike Beings who are able to exert such strong influence on other people that all people of the planet will pass to the next level of Consciousness through the unified field of planetary Consciousness of Humanity (the Noosphere of the Earth). The inhabitants of Atlantis were represented by the Fourth Race, we present Fifth Race, its evolution is over. In 2013, the Earth will be representatives of the Sixth Race.
Transition in 4-dimensional space contribute to the radiation from Space high frequencies, which increase from 2000. The sun and other planets with these emissions began to be transferred codes, which are necessary for the evolutionary leap, and Spiritual awakening. Many people will not be able to transfer data radiation and the transition will die as they have low vibrations and physically healthy (purified), spiritual people will take this transition easily. After the era of Reincarnation, when the soul was immortal and passed from one body to another, there will come the era of Immortality. The Space mutations the human body, as the soul, will be immortal. Under the Action of cosmic radiation coming from space, gradually disappearing ozone layer around our planet. Amplifies the direct effect of cosmic rays, therefore, all living organisms there is a mutation or restructuring. The human body is a mutation of emotional, physical, mental and other bodies, which accompany the "strange" disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, malaise, new diseases accompanied by increase in temperature (combustion products) and changes in all body systems. Transmutation is a very complex physical process at the level of atoms, molecules and Tau cells. In the human body will undergo changes that will give the body new condition and it will switch to power cosmic energy (Energobit).
As this adjustment will decrease the need for food, and then disappear altogether. All energy sources on Earth (air, water, food) contaminated with environmentally and rescue of the population will be to go to energy food. First on the planet happens Space mutation, then in the cells of the body, held a successful mutation that will fit with the program code a person's view of the Sixth Race.
Launch matrix with the programs of the Fifth Race is from September 13, 1999. Every man can become a man of the Sixth Race. For this you need to rise spiritually, i.e. to realize a part of the universe, to the Cosmic Consciousness.
Source: zeleneet.com
Strawberry Season. Dessert by Jean-Paul Boyer
Gao Bingo, 54-year-old beekeeper from Shandong province, broke the record