This dog loves to get letters, the postman that he began to write her

Martin Studer - postman from Australia. When he carries home the newspapers and letters, the dog happily greet him. He, in turn, happy to see them, as many already know by name.
Pippa, one of the dogs, each time looking forward to the emergence of Martin. She loves to pick up his mail and to refer to the house.

But once the postman did not have letters that Pippa would take. And in order not to disappoint the dog, Martin had an idea to write her a letter. He scribbled on the wrong form, "Letter to Pippa", and gave the dog. How much joy was in her eyes!

Since then, Martin does so whenever there is correspondence. He wrote on his Facebook: "In such cases, I can not do anything but to improvise.»

Martin says he is very fond of dogs. For example, at Christmas, he wears a Santa Claus suit and distributes neighboring dogs balls and treats.
Source boredpanda
Photos on the preview Martin Studer,
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