10 books that teach skills words

Everyone can learn how to write so that the words penetrate just under the skin and is remembered forever.
< Website I have compiled 10 books on receptions, cunning and understanding of the writer's art.

Nora Gal "Word of the living and the dead» h3> Nora Gal - a brilliant translator and editor. But her book - not only from editing and art of translation. Nora Gal parse errors and formulaic phrases that are constantly flashing in books, articles and speaking, she warns against excessive officialdom and teaches replace him alive, lilting Russian word. It is useful reading for anyone who wants to get rid of the speech "kantselyarita».
Ray Bradbury's "Zen in the art of writing books» h3> «Every morning I jump out of bed and step on a mine. This mine - I myself "- says Bradbury. The writer tells of his own experience: how stories are born, how words splashes out on paper, how to find and not to lose your own style. Invaluable advice for those who always wanted to write his book, but did not know where to start.
Roots Chukovsky "High Art» h3> Chukovskij - a connoisseur of literary translation; for it is not easy craft and high art. The book teaches the clean up of the text, whether it is translation or a book in Russian, "stumps" and tracings from other languages, who managed to take root in Russian. It will be useful not only for translators but also for anyone who wants to write beautifully.
Stephen King's "On Writing» h3> This book details the life of the writer side by side with the writers' reflections on art and a lot of professional advice for those who "want to write like Stephen King." Maitre personally he told of how a writer, it is the essence of the difficult "craft" and they need to know and be able to man, to his books appeared in the top lines of the international best-seller.
Hillary Rettig "Writing professionally» h3> If you want to, but can not start writing, do not blame laziness. Hillary Rettig writer believes that the root of all evil - in the fear that generates excessive perfectionism and procrastination. No matter what you write - novels or business letters, - stated in the book of rules will help get rid of the stress and enjoy the creation of text.
William Zinser "How to write a good» h3> The classic guide to creating nonfiction texts from the teacher of the writer's craft. It's no secret: to write - is to think on paper. Anyone who thinks clearly, be able available and tasteful write anything: an essay, an article in a blog or a comment about a frying pan. With tips Zinsera learn to write like a pro, even those who have never done it, and so that all the review notice.
Sasha Karepin "Writing convincing. Himself copywriter » h3> How to use the text to convince the reader of the correctness and help him to think and act the way we want to? This writes the business coach Sasha Karepin. The book is useful to professionals who make a living word, and people who just want to convey to others your opinion.
Roy Clark "50 receptions letters» h3> The small and succinct textbook, which describes techniques to create stunning text. In the course are tricks of journalism, using the full potential of the language and even the recommendations of psychology. Roy Clark - known in the West journalist, so he knows what he's talking - tested on their own experience. For those who want to understand why some texts cuts to the quick, and others - no.
Dmitry Cat "Copywriting: How not to eat dog» h3> The book contains tips for creating selling texts that will be useful to all who wrote. Each chapter describes a ready reception: if you need a spectacular header, simply open book and learns how to come up with. To fully understand the Ivory added homework. No arcane formulas - just practice.
Elina Slobodyanyuk "Treasure for copywriter» h3> Write needed so that to give the reader an opinion. So in order to discourage opponents desire to argue. So the buyer to understand that you sell different things. Copywriter Elina Slobodyanyuk on particles collected tricks of working with the text, and at the same time illustrate them with examples from high-profile advertising campaigns.
Photos in the preview: aboutowellness
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How not to write lyrics
Chuck Palahniuk about the words that a writer should forget
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