We poorly understand the language and the words and sounds of which it is composed. We are surrounded by a lot of misconceptions. Mankind arrogantly believes that the nature of language is obvious, or that it knows everything necessary only because says.
Lang and his psychic connection with someone is always very interested in philosophy. Language and its expression play a major role in understanding the process of our thinking. To understand this is very important to reflect on the spiritual aspects of our being, and how these aspects interact with our lives in the super-physical level. Linguistics - the science of language, however, there is also what may be called metaphysical linguistics - the science of how language affects us on a nonphysical level.
The study of language and its use has a long and ancient history. It is believed that the majority of modern languages descended from various forms of Sanskrit. Sanskrit as it is referred to as a dead language, but the words and sounds and still use Indian yoga because of its sound effect enhances the meditation. Languages of many ancient traditions and rituals are still considered sacred, and any changes made to their words and pronunciation are noticeable, because it violates the true power of words. For the secret traditions of ancient times has been the norm to recognize the power of language and spoken words. Many scholars continue to believe that the knowledge of the true essence gives the name has such knowledge of a certain power over the creature.
The ancient teachers used symbolism to convey their teachings. They recognize the power of words and languages. The teacher chose his words carefully. These include, for example, Pythagoras - a great teacher. He walks a lot of stories about what teaching methods he used. Pythagoras wore masks to students exposed to his words, not expression. Thus, we can conclude that the person must find meaning and understanding of the language of symbols.
Teachers of antiquity knew that certain words brings blessing, empower, free from disease, give courage, strength and bring comfort. Events and classes are recorded using symbols. Students are not allowed to read religious or historical events, traditions and legends, that the power inherent in them is not awakened and found embodiment. The traditional oral tales and legends retold only at special times - during the holy festivals and initiations. On the student was assigned the responsibility to translate the legend in its own language and treat them. That, as a disciple of symbols used, allows the teacher to make a final conclusion about what depth understanding of the meaning and significance of the events reached his successor.
Sacred sounds and words were transmitted to comprehend the secret with great care. The disciples were first and foremost to prove his unselfishness and love for humanity. They had to get an education in the mystical and metaphysical skills and the ability to rise to reveal the higher and lower levels of your mind and build a bridge between the two (a bridge, as a rule, it consisted of a force of words and language). From students were required to pass the test of silence. Then, if you want a higher knowledge of sounds and words, they had to learn how to talk, what to say and, most importantly, when to speak.
To seek knowledge about the hidden meaning of the language and the power of words had to unlearn primarily use words as they have done before, and to refrain from "conventional" methods of conversation. In schools, the wisdom of Pythagoras newcomers were forbidden to talk in the first five years.1 The ban was intended to help them learn a low-key speech. They were required to learn the ability to remain silent so as not to give out the secrets of words or thoughts. The concept of strength, obtained silence was alive acting reality.
Words and language are similar to music that sounds outwardly, but inwardly is conceptualized. Words and sounds vibrate in different parts of the body, the different chakras, different organs, different emotional and mental states, different states of consciousness.
The concept of strength, obtained silence was alive acting reality. Words and language are similar to music that sounds outwardly, but inwardly is conceptualized. Words and sounds vibrate in different parts of the body, the different chakras, different organs, different emotional and mental states, different states of consciousness. Someone gets power over the individual, someone speeds up their emotions. To a large extent the power of words depends on the depth that spawned them, and from the enlightened person uttering them. That is why the words of individuals penetrate deep into our hearts as flames, and the same words spoken by others hundreds of times, and did not affect us.
Our minds - a reflection of our words. They are able to build a barrier for many things that do not want to hear, and even for those that want to hear. Yes, the word has power, but it lies not only in what we say but also in what we feel, how to express it, and what purpose lies behind this expression.
Any one of us to feel the power of language. We say something funny and laugh. Says something sad and crying. Advertise day allows us to feel the power of words and language. The advertising industry to Wall Street invented a new form of mass "magic word". Language is used to manipulate our energies, emotions and ideas. She has learned to go through any mental barriers that we can supply. Our society is seized with the idea that youth and harmony - the only way to happiness. Employees of the advertising industry have learned to apply the most simple words of our speech so that they create a dramatic effect. If it is possible in relation to the simplest of words, imagine how could we use ancient magic words and sounds, endowed with much greater strength and power!
Language has magical powers, and his vehicle is about. It operates in close connection with the laws of creation. Ancient magicians were able to prove the power of speech and silence. They knew how to use language to open the gates that separate people and being thin. They knew how to use language to pass the veil that separates the physical from other dimensions and realities.
Language and thought are manifested independently of each other, but the two are very closely linked. Our thoughts are working with a thin type of energy, which is very difficult to discern in the physical realm. It creates an environment for the energy that we want to show. In a speech this energy medium is amplified and introduced into the sphere of physical energy. From the abstract, ephemeral sphere among our thoughts transferred to the soil physical reality, which is manifested.
Ninety percent of the activity of the body is controlled by the subconscious. It literally responds to all of our words and thoughts. It picks up any thought or word, and uses them as the key to our energy and their manifestations in our lives. When we tell ourselves or others that twice in the winter cheer OCR subconscious immediately drawn to the energy of our body, to enable us to transfer the two winter colds. Our words and thoughts can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more we think about something, the more talking about it, the harder and faster the corresponding energy is manifested in our physical lives.
We exist in several dimensions, and our words should reflect this.
Any energy follows our thoughts. When we voice our thoughts, the corresponding energy gets a big boost to implementation. If we tell ourselves that clumsy and not creative, the circumstances required to prove it. If we say to ourselves: "What a fool I am!" Or "I can not believe!" - It is not surprising that all this is happening. We criticize ourselves mentally, aloud, and then we are surprised that our lives come to confusion and did not bring the desired result.
Always there are people who say that they can not think of yourself differently. It is their inborn quality. So they brought. It is a pity, if so. And yet, if we are on their own choose such a path of self-realization, there is nothing sadder.
The past can not be changed, but the future shape our thoughts and words right now. Uttering words associated with our thoughts - positive or negative - we run the very same mental energy medium in its own physical life.
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