9 reasons to start running right from tomorrow morning

Running - perfect and free way to look good. It does not require special equipment or a place to study. Only gym shoes or sneakers. Almost three seasons of the year they can do on the street. Running useful and effective in treating a variety of diseases. By itself, running is not a medicine or a cure, but its indirect effect due to pressures on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems has a positive effect on the whole body.
Website results nine good reasons as soon as possible to add a run in his life!
Running increases the possibility of the heart and blood vessels, training takes place directly to the heart muscle itself. This means that the heart becomes stronger, stronger. This inevitably affects its performance.
< Increases blood oxygen capacity. to train the heart for one cycle runs the much larger volume of blood than non-trained. It increases blood flow - increased and oxygen exchange. To all the tissues and organs receive more blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients
Excellent tool to combat nervous tension Stress and fatigue accumulate in the body during the day decay products -.. This is the fatigue cause. To get rid of fatigue must be properly sweat and run copes with this task.
During prolonged load in the blood is thrown out a special hormone - endorphin. This hormone is also called "the hormone of happiness." And for good reason. When endorphin concentration in the blood increases, the person experiences a slight feeling of euphoria. Depression disappears.
< Increased mental activity. During the run often "by itself" comes the solution of a problem or task. Blood during an active workout richly saturated with oxygen, increases metabolism, therefore, more actively functioning central nervous system, and thus the brain.
< Systematic jogging enhances immunity, at the expense of increases in hemoglobin and red blood cells. In the course of cross-country loads decreases blood cholesterol, reduced hunger, improves bowel motility. Together with the improvement of metabolism all this leads to a normalization of body weight.
< You can run at any time of the day. So, in the morning, when the blood increased amounts of hormones, running is a natural remedy to discharge that will help the body to return to harmony. If you run after a hard day - in the evening, then you remove this stress, relax, recharge your batteries, suppress excessive appetite and fall asleep beautiful dream
. Research scientists show that there is a partial regeneration of liver tissue There is a positive effect on the kidneys:. While running with them the load is removed, which leads to their better functioning
. Regular running load also have a a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system. For the elderly such training is particularly useful, t. To. They prevent the degenerative changes in the joints and muscle tissues.
Ancient Greeks said: "If you want to be strong - run, you want to be beautiful - run, you want to be smart - run»
. via fit4brain.com/20