Dates protect from aging
Israeli scientists, like many other scientists of the world are working on the most important problem of mankind - of the search for the elixir of youth.
Of course, their scientific research are called in a different way. Elixir nobody is looking, looking for ways to prolong youth, to push the old age, or at least make it a cheerful and beautiful, says tvoymalysh. According to recent reports the Israelis to the category of rejuvenating ... fruit, we can safely add very useful dates.
It turns out that they are able to suspend the aging process.
According to scientists, there are enough 100 g of dates daily. These sweet fruits of care for vascular health, ensure normal blood supply of all organs and tissues, reduce the level of blood pH and significantly clean the blood vessels. Clean blood vessels, lack of atherosclerosis and other serious disease helps to keep fit mind and body, the youth systems and organs for a long time, - concluded the researchers. Dates are good by the fact that they can replace other sweets, without harm to the figures, youth and beauty. So even actively losing weight useful dates for women, though not during a strict diet, and in the intervals between them. This, among other things, will help to keep the weight.