Research: the level of physical activity should be in five to seven times higher than it is now recommended by the WHO
Daily physical activity is effective for the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, ischemic stroke, ischemic heart disease, reduces the risk of breast cancer and colon cancer
It is proved that physical activity prevents a number of chronic diseases and cancer. However, according to research at Washington State University and the Institute for the assessment of the level of health, the WHO recommendations are not true and the level of activity should be in five to seven times more to produce real results.
Now WHO recommends weekly undergo physical activity of 600 MET (metabolic equivalent minutes, expressed as a ratio of ml / kg * min and reflects oxygen consumption per kilogram per minute). This figure is 150 minutes of brisk walking or 75 minutes of jogging.
According to the study, people who engage in physical activity as recommended by WHO and pay, on average, 600 MET a week of this, are 2% lower risk of diabetes compared with people who do not exhibit activity. At the same time, with an increase in physical activity until 3600 MET risk of diabetes decreases much more substantial - have 19%
Schedule reduce the risk of disease, depending on the number of MET week
At the same time has a more serious increase in activity until 9000 and 12000 MET tested positive growth only 0, 6%, that is, respectively, practically does not positively impact on the subjects.
The results of the scientists were divided into four groups for low-level (activity of & lt; 600 the MET, the control group), inactive (activity 600-3999 MET), intermediate (4000-7999 MET activity) and high level (activity ≥8000 MET) subjects
<. br> The degree of risk reduction
depending on
group activity (%)
cancer breast cancer
colon diabetes coronary disease
ischemic heart
stroke & lt; 600 MET 0 0 0 0 0 600-3999 MET March 10 14 16 16 4000-7999 MET June 17 25 23 19 ≥8000 MET 14 21 28 25 26 The researchers note that MET - is equivalent to the value rather than the expression activity only when running or walking. So, scientists recommend to distribute the load evenly, eg, to devote half an hour working in the garden, while jogging, walking or another activity.
The work of researchers from BJM wore supervisory in nature and, of course, the unique truth of their conclusions can not be considered, but some "food" for thought their work provides. Also, there are a number of "weaknesses" of this work. In the study, researchers relied on the results of not only his statistics, but other studies conducted earlier. At the same time, they were limited to only two bases of work with the results, which were published in English, so some of the results that could be obtained by their foreign counterparts, but have not been published, was left for them is not available within these two bases.
The data clearly show that the WHO recommended level of activity in 600 MET / week seriously underestimated as a real effect on health in terms of prevention of several chronic diseases occurs only with an increase in activity in several times. At the same time the upper threshold of physical activity, in which the positive effects disappear, scientists had not identified.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/279384/

It is proved that physical activity prevents a number of chronic diseases and cancer. However, according to research at Washington State University and the Institute for the assessment of the level of health, the WHO recommendations are not true and the level of activity should be in five to seven times more to produce real results.
Now WHO recommends weekly undergo physical activity of 600 MET (metabolic equivalent minutes, expressed as a ratio of ml / kg * min and reflects oxygen consumption per kilogram per minute). This figure is 150 minutes of brisk walking or 75 minutes of jogging.
According to the study, people who engage in physical activity as recommended by WHO and pay, on average, 600 MET a week of this, are 2% lower risk of diabetes compared with people who do not exhibit activity. At the same time, with an increase in physical activity until 3600 MET risk of diabetes decreases much more substantial - have 19%

Schedule reduce the risk of disease, depending on the number of MET week
At the same time has a more serious increase in activity until 9000 and 12000 MET tested positive growth only 0, 6%, that is, respectively, practically does not positively impact on the subjects.
The results of the scientists were divided into four groups for low-level (activity of & lt; 600 the MET, the control group), inactive (activity 600-3999 MET), intermediate (4000-7999 MET activity) and high level (activity ≥8000 MET) subjects
<. br> The degree of risk reduction
depending on
group activity (%)
cancer breast cancer
colon diabetes coronary disease
ischemic heart
stroke & lt; 600 MET 0 0 0 0 0 600-3999 MET March 10 14 16 16 4000-7999 MET June 17 25 23 19 ≥8000 MET 14 21 28 25 26 The researchers note that MET - is equivalent to the value rather than the expression activity only when running or walking. So, scientists recommend to distribute the load evenly, eg, to devote half an hour working in the garden, while jogging, walking or another activity.
The work of researchers from BJM wore supervisory in nature and, of course, the unique truth of their conclusions can not be considered, but some "food" for thought their work provides. Also, there are a number of "weaknesses" of this work. In the study, researchers relied on the results of not only his statistics, but other studies conducted earlier. At the same time, they were limited to only two bases of work with the results, which were published in English, so some of the results that could be obtained by their foreign counterparts, but have not been published, was left for them is not available within these two bases.
The data clearly show that the WHO recommended level of activity in 600 MET / week seriously underestimated as a real effect on health in terms of prevention of several chronic diseases occurs only with an increase in activity in several times. At the same time the upper threshold of physical activity, in which the positive effects disappear, scientists had not identified.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/279384/
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