Dr. Komarovsky: “Insufficient physical activity is the cause of premature death!”
You probably did not know that insufficient physical activity is one of the main factors. mortality in the world, and also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes. According to statistics, one in four people is not active enough. Improved health contributes to both moderate and intense physical activity.
“The term ‘physical activity’ should not be confused with ‘exercise’,” says Dr. Komarovsky. Editorial "Site" will tell you how much time a day you need to devote to physical activity to people of a particular age category, according to World Health Organization.
Dr. Komarovsky argues that, in addition to exercise, any other type of physical activity performed while resting, traveling to other places or while working is also beneficial to health. In addition, both moderate and intense physical exertion contribute to improving health.
But physical activity should take into account the age of the person, because what is useful for a 16-year-old teenager, not very good for the health of a middle-aged person. The WHO calculated the amount of physical activity required for each age group.
Children and adolescents aged 5-17 years Physical activity should be at least 60 minutes a day. It should be either medium or high intensity. Spend more time walking and playing with the child, because activity more than the stated time will only benefit the growing person.
Physical activity aimed at the development of the musculoskeletal system should be practiced at least 3 times a week. Therefore, various sections such as boxing or dancing are not taken away from the child’s childhood, but an investment in his health and longevity.
Adults aged 18-64 years of moderate-intensity physical activity should be given at least 150 minutes per week. That is, 2-3 trips to the gym per week is ideal.
If you give preference high intensity trainingTheir total duration should be at least 75 minutes per week. You can combine, for example, walking before bed and power loads in the hall, just distribute the time proportionally.
If there are health problems and it is necessary to increase immunity and protective function of the body, you should increase the time of moderate-intensity physical activity to 300 minutes per week.
People aged 65 and older The ideal physical activity option for this age category is aerobics and walking. Each aerobic exercise should take at least 10 minutes. As you can guess, in general, the duration of classes should be 70 minutes a week or more. If the condition of the joints and spine allows, you should also engage in power loads once a week.
Adults in this age group with joint problems should perform balance exercises several times a week to prevent the risk of falls.
No matter how old you are, consider the level of your physical abilities. If your health does not allow you to engage in physical activity to the extent recommended by WHO, create your individual regimen, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember: walking, jogging, playing, swimming, and ordinary jumping on the bed is all physical activity that will give you health and longevity.
Don’t sit still, movement is life. Spend enough time physical activity and share useful information with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

“The term ‘physical activity’ should not be confused with ‘exercise’,” says Dr. Komarovsky. Editorial "Site" will tell you how much time a day you need to devote to physical activity to people of a particular age category, according to World Health Organization.
Dr. Komarovsky argues that, in addition to exercise, any other type of physical activity performed while resting, traveling to other places or while working is also beneficial to health. In addition, both moderate and intense physical exertion contribute to improving health.

But physical activity should take into account the age of the person, because what is useful for a 16-year-old teenager, not very good for the health of a middle-aged person. The WHO calculated the amount of physical activity required for each age group.
Children and adolescents aged 5-17 years Physical activity should be at least 60 minutes a day. It should be either medium or high intensity. Spend more time walking and playing with the child, because activity more than the stated time will only benefit the growing person.
Physical activity aimed at the development of the musculoskeletal system should be practiced at least 3 times a week. Therefore, various sections such as boxing or dancing are not taken away from the child’s childhood, but an investment in his health and longevity.

Adults aged 18-64 years of moderate-intensity physical activity should be given at least 150 minutes per week. That is, 2-3 trips to the gym per week is ideal.
If you give preference high intensity trainingTheir total duration should be at least 75 minutes per week. You can combine, for example, walking before bed and power loads in the hall, just distribute the time proportionally.
If there are health problems and it is necessary to increase immunity and protective function of the body, you should increase the time of moderate-intensity physical activity to 300 minutes per week.

People aged 65 and older The ideal physical activity option for this age category is aerobics and walking. Each aerobic exercise should take at least 10 minutes. As you can guess, in general, the duration of classes should be 70 minutes a week or more. If the condition of the joints and spine allows, you should also engage in power loads once a week.
Adults in this age group with joint problems should perform balance exercises several times a week to prevent the risk of falls.

No matter how old you are, consider the level of your physical abilities. If your health does not allow you to engage in physical activity to the extent recommended by WHO, create your individual regimen, be sure to consult your doctor. Remember: walking, jogging, playing, swimming, and ordinary jumping on the bed is all physical activity that will give you health and longevity.
Don’t sit still, movement is life. Spend enough time physical activity and share useful information with your friends on social networks!
Photo by depositphotos preview.
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