Another promise the Perseids and other events of astronomical autumn 2016

Some regions of Russia are languishing on the multi-day heat, but orbital mechanics is relentless. The sun rises below, and the day becomes shorter for a few minutes every day. Go back to the dark of the night, which almost was not in our northern country around the summer solstice. . It is time to recall the astronomical events of this autumn
PerseidyBudet: June 17 - August 24 the night of August 11-12
. This weekend will be the closest to the maximum of the meteor shower. Regardless of whether you're in the city or in the countryside, do not be lazy to look at one of the most intense, beautiful and easy to observe meteor showers. In the evening, the moon will interfere with the first quarter, but it will go fairly quickly - in the area in the morning. Sit out, so as not to lift up your head and look up, even if the usual sight on the intensity of the Perseids will be interesting.

Each year there are predictions that the Perseids will be more active. This year's schedule of activities (here constant updating) is not inspired, but who knows?

Lunar zatmenieBudet: evening of 16 September
. Unlike last year's autumn lunar eclipse, which was visible only in the European part of the country early in the morning, this year we had more luck - the eclipse will be visible throughout Russia

This year will be a penumbral eclipse, so the moon will not be red, but simply darken.

Visibility planetLuchshie conditions for observing the planets were in the first half of the year. The opposition of Mars in late May, Jupiter in March - all in the past. Currently Jupiter is no longer visible in the evening, but in October appear in the morning sky. Mars and Saturn can be seen in the evening near the horizon to the south-west, and they will be more down But September 28 will be visible in the morning sky Mercury with elongation (removal) from the sun at 18 °. Mercury is seen not as easy as Venus or Jupiter, try to find it in the east.

Venus is now visible in the evening in the west, very low
conjunction of Venus and YupiteraBudet:. the evening of August 27
. Interesting, but not very convenient to monitor is the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter on 27 August. Between planets will be only 4 arc minutes, but they will be visible very low on the western horizon. It is the brightest planet as seen from Earth, so climb higher and hope for good weather.

Neastronomicheskie yavleniyaZakanchivaetsya season noctilucent clouds, but you can still be lucky to notice this beauty here:

photo in full size
To be careful, it can be seen, and other rare summer for beautiful things. For example, a typical winter, the phenomenon of "light column," which I observed in the evening in early July.

So much, in fact, it depends on your interest and attention. Last month, returning from a lecture "The Sea of clarity" of the festival, I went to the hostel at ENEA. Corner of my eye I see a bright flash in the sky. After a few seconds, she goes out. I took out his phone, check out - it was a flash of Iridium. And there were plenty of people who did not look at the sky, and all missed ...

Sample photo Iridium flare
Even you can watch for auroras. Dare, the sky a lot of beauty that can go unnoticed.
The publication to use the photo under "Astro" Astroforuma materials VC community AstroAlert «Observational Astronomy»
Source: geektimes.ru/post/279388/
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