These homeless kids hugging continue even after they were rescued!

Recently a Buddhist monastery in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, arrived two small puppies. Both were shaking from cold and fear, and the monks are happy to have provided shelter and comfort of the kids. The older of the two ciliospores itself more baby, but he tenderly embraces and protects the second puppy, even more flimsy and weak. Buddhist monks who took dogs into care, say they can not imagine that they had experienced on the street. Even as a little puppy poobvyklis in the walls of a new home, they continue to huddle together.
< Website invites the reader to get acquainted with this pathetic couple.
These two stray puppies roamed and wandered through the streets of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Photo source: Boredpanda.comVsem did not care for them until the kids are not caught the eye of the monks of the Buddhist temple

kid grow larger covered very little puppy paws, comforting and protecting

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no one can imagine that the puppies had to survive on the streets

But every day they are becoming stronger and more confident

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Because now kids are in good hands

They look more and more relaxed

Because now the puppies have found house

via www.boredpanda.com/adopted-dogs-cuddle-buddhist-nuns-china/
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