10 comics that between work and kindergarten are not so many differences

Afternoon scary sleepy

Waiting will not wait, when you can have a snack cookies

constantly under the supervision of senior

Sometimes I want to cry and call my mother

< br>
Lunch - favorite time of the day

can find a best friend

have to constantly learn

If you try, then you praise

Sometimes there are fun holidays

At the end of the day you go home having fun

< br> Illustrator Ekaterina Gapanovich The site specifically for
See also:
20 illustrations, confirming that the world has gone mad
10 illustrations of how they see the world of creative people
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/10-illyustracij-o-tom-kakim-vidyat-mir-tvorcheskie-lyudi-1316415/
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