Just one phrase, instantly transforming people
We appreciate strangers minutely and often suspicious. Photographer Jay Weinstein took and showed us an interesting piece. Sad, indifferent, and at times harsh and suspicious people can be transformed in an instant. And only one phrase. Absolutely simple yet so powerful: "Smile»
I do not need the names and professions. Only one person. That, as we see them for the first time, and cheerful and open after a moment. A smile changes everything, and Website with this totally agree.
Kahsar Village, Gujarat, India
Vrindavan , Uttar Pradesh, India
Kisame, Nagaland, Northeast India
< br> Village Kahsar, Gujarat, India
Hill Cvayambunath in Kathmandu, Nepal
< br> Pune, Maharashtra, India
Kahsar Village, Gujarat, India
Photos on the preview Jay Weinstein
See also:
Look how different may look the same people in the morning and evening
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