This dog ran 100 km and showed the world what true loyalty

never know at what point you in a charming home suddenly chooses a homeless dog, and it will be impossible to resist. This happened with Leonard Dion (Dion Leonard), an athlete from Scotland, who recently ran a grueling six-day marathon in the desert.

"On the 2nd day before the start of the race I was approached by a small stray dog, -rasskazyvaet Leonard. - He followed me, and I thought that it was unlikely he would be able to run a lot. I imagine my surprise when he overcame with me all the 37 kilometers! »

The next, the third day of the race dog joined the athlete and together they ran another 42 kilometers.

In the 4th and 5th days of heavy rain and the dog, which Dion called Gobi I could not run with him. However, the organizers have brought it to the finish line, so that he could greet his friend. On the last day of the marathon Dion and the Gobi again we ran together and crossed the finish line as a real team.

But there the story is not over: Dion decided to take the dog to his home in Scotland, despite the many bureaucratic

"Gobi chose me as your friend, and I will try to do everything possible to implement his plan in life," - said athlete

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Photos on the preview 4DESERTS.COM / OMNI CAI
Based on materials from Bored Panda, The dodo
See also:
Here's how sincerely thank his savior owl
15 animals before and after they were taken from the shelter
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