The couple had a terrific gift for the 63rd wedding anniversary

Love as expensive wine - over the years acquires special strength and depth
. Revision Website once again that true love is. Ensure you.
They met by chance - Joe saw Wanda, walking along the street. He just went up to a cute girl and invited her on a date. It was December 28, 1950. A few years later they were married and since then not leave.

Wanda and Joe have been married for 63 years. They raised three children, already have grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Their granddaughter Shalin Nelson - a professional photographer. She always admired anxious attitude to each other grandparents and wanted to share it with the world. Therefore, and I decided to give them a wedding anniversary photo shoot touching.

The aim was to catch Shalin tenderness and sensitivity in the camera lens to show people this story, trembling love.
"I want to show the world that there is still a real love. My grandparents, without a doubt, the best people I know. I call them my heroes, "- said Shalin

"I know what you want to create something special. So it was nice to watch her grandmother when she was getting ready for a photo shoot, pick up a dress. As she was thrilled. And I felt very happy on that and I am to some extent part of this love story, "- said Shalin Nelson

Shalin asked the grandparents to write love letters to each other and read them aloud during a photo shoot. To their amazing memories began to play to Wanda and Joe were really beautiful.

"Dear Wanda, I have not written you letters. I still love you, and even more than before. Years pass quickly. One morning we woke up just old. But in any case I would not trade those years even for all the gold in Alaska "- Joe writes

"We have three children, and so far we have raised them, was a lot of fun. Most part of time. Now our children have children of their own, and some of them have already got and their children. You and I must be really old ».

"We have gone through so much. And now came our golden years. I love you today as well as in the day when I married you. And to think - the license was worth only $ 2, but this was the best deal in life! With all my love to you, Joe, "- says Wanda

Wanda and Joe are very fortunate that once they met each other. Being close to a really close friend, to love and to be loved for many, many years - it is a real happiness
. Photos on the preview shalynnelson
Based on materials Shalyn Nelson of Love, The Nelsons
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