This will save your home of the pesky fruit flies for 60 seconds! Just a wonderful trick.
I hate fruit flies so as much as I love fruit! Even in the cleanest kitchen these greedy for fruit flies appear in the blink of an eye ...
Now you know, how to get rid of fruit flies in the apartment and prevent their further occurrence! Perhaps the best trick of the summer.
Getting rid mushekTebe need water a little vinegar any little fruit juice < dishwashing detergent 3 glasses
Application Fill a glass one-third vinegar. The next glass half filled with water. The third glass of fruit juice pour to the brim.
Pour the contents of the glasses in a bowl and mix.
Now add to the mix detergent for dishes, enough for three drops.
Stir the liquid several times. Traps for fruit flies ready!
Put a plate of this wonderful blend of a number of fruit. < Fruit flies no longer bother you!
Fly Drosophila has always been my enemy, and now I even feel sorry for her ... instantly disappearing, we need only to put on the table a bowl of this means! If you appreciated the benefit of this trick, tell your friends about it: sure, they will be happy and will use cunning than once
Now you know, how to get rid of fruit flies in the apartment and prevent their further occurrence! Perhaps the best trick of the summer.
Getting rid mushekTebe need water a little vinegar any little fruit juice < dishwashing detergent 3 glasses
Application Fill a glass one-third vinegar. The next glass half filled with water. The third glass of fruit juice pour to the brim.
Pour the contents of the glasses in a bowl and mix.
Now add to the mix detergent for dishes, enough for three drops.
Stir the liquid several times. Traps for fruit flies ready!
Put a plate of this wonderful blend of a number of fruit. < Fruit flies no longer bother you!
Fly Drosophila has always been my enemy, and now I even feel sorry for her ... instantly disappearing, we need only to put on the table a bowl of this means! If you appreciated the benefit of this trick, tell your friends about it: sure, they will be happy and will use cunning than once
"Liquid bomb", which is just 7 days literally uzhmet your waist!
If you notice a plant in his yard, do not rush to pluck it up by the roots!