Massage the eye to restore vision! I see without glasses at times better ...
If you spend on the massage the eyes in just 10 minutes a day, you can achieve great results! I have myopia, and I work at a computer. Very often hurt the eyes at the end of the day, and when you go out into the sunshine, you feel like a vampire: painful to watch, there are cramps and felt dry eyes
. The only thing that saves - this massage! Make it a habit of doing it every night, and you will notice that the vision was better and took a terrible strain ... Very often, this massage relieves headaches caused by excessive tension of the eye muscles.
Massage glazMassiruy active points with pressing, about 90 seconds each! This is an excellent prevention of myopia and cataracts.
. The only thing that saves - this massage! Make it a habit of doing it every night, and you will notice that the vision was better and took a terrible strain ... Very often, this massage relieves headaches caused by excessive tension of the eye muscles.

Massage glazMassiruy active points with pressing, about 90 seconds each! This is an excellent prevention of myopia and cataracts.
- Strongly massage the eyebrows.
- massage the edge of the bottom of the eye socket.
- to apply pressure to the outer corners of the eyes, then -... on the internal
- Good mash nose
- Click on the sinuses are located under the eyes
- It is very strongly presses on the closed eyelids, 10-12 times .
- massage point located in the center of the forehead.
massage around eye is not as important as the massage eyeballs and eyelids . By improving blood circulation in the area, you do rehabilitation eye.
Tell your friends, how to massage your eyes , which returns good vision and fatigue!
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