She rubbed at the feet of soda every day for 2 weeks. Result? I have not seen this!
Normal baking soda has helped me get rid of corns, abrasions and small cracks on the heels! Which only means I did not use ... No special creams or oils do not help me to achieve perfect skin on your feet!
If you're wearing is not quite the right size shoes, if you have wide feet, protruding bones on the feet or varicose veins, if the legs are often swollen - a better means than soda, do not look! I share a recipe that has been tested on their own experience.
Soda nogTebe need 5 Art. l. baking soda a little shower gel a few drops of essential oil (lemon, orange, lavender)
Application < To improve the effect of the procedure should be to steam the legs. Hold the feet in hot water for 5 minutes. Mix baking soda, essential oils and shower gel so as to obtain a paste. Rub this mixture into the skin of the feet, while making a gentle massage of the feet. If the skin is too rough, you can use a brush or pumice stone for rubbing ash in the foot. Wash soda smazh feet any moisturizer cream.
Foot Treatment soda will give their results in 2 weeks! Do soda rubbing the legs, and you will get rid not only of cosmetic problems. Soda - the perfect remedy for fungal infections
. Mask of soda legs will help get rid of excessive sweating and odor, as well as promote rapid healing of abrasions.
You can go the other way: baths with soda , if you do them regularly, also contribute to the health of the skin of feet. Try this amazing tool, and you will be impressed with the results!
If you're wearing is not quite the right size shoes, if you have wide feet, protruding bones on the feet or varicose veins, if the legs are often swollen - a better means than soda, do not look! I share a recipe that has been tested on their own experience.

Soda nogTebe need 5 Art. l. baking soda a little shower gel a few drops of essential oil (lemon, orange, lavender)
Application < To improve the effect of the procedure should be to steam the legs. Hold the feet in hot water for 5 minutes. Mix baking soda, essential oils and shower gel so as to obtain a paste. Rub this mixture into the skin of the feet, while making a gentle massage of the feet. If the skin is too rough, you can use a brush or pumice stone for rubbing ash in the foot. Wash soda smazh feet any moisturizer cream.
Foot Treatment soda will give their results in 2 weeks! Do soda rubbing the legs, and you will get rid not only of cosmetic problems. Soda - the perfect remedy for fungal infections
. Mask of soda legs will help get rid of excessive sweating and odor, as well as promote rapid healing of abrasions.
You can go the other way: baths with soda , if you do them regularly, also contribute to the health of the skin of feet. Try this amazing tool, and you will be impressed with the results!
She laid out the dead leaves in every corner of the house. After learning the reason, I just did the same thing!
"The face of the cappuccino"! 4 daily habits that age the skin and hopelessly spoiled person.