A man is satisfied through external achievements, external success, career, success, and a woman - through family relationships.
A man is satisfied through external achievements, external success, career, success, and a woman - through family relationships. Therefore, man must first feel that it is necessary. He should definitely make one feel that it is very important that it is not just a hero and savior of the whole family, and what would we do without it all ...
This is one of the main reasons so many divorces in Western countries. Instead of allowing a man to spend the hero (you're my hero), the woman begins to compete with him. And instead of meet, coming home, recognition and fame winner, he meets the last opponent for the day, and all his anger (and in this world come with difficulty to obtain resources to sustain life) falls on his beloved wife. He is in control all day, endured difficulties, hardship and hunger, and half already dreaming about food and the couch, and then gets in his way of his own wife. So give him just to eat, relax, and let him feel it necessary, and then ask what you want ...
Charges, tips, criticisms, instruction in the first minutes of the meeting - felt like slapping a man, and he remembers them for a long time. And if he often feels humiliation and distrust himself - he has a first alarming symptom - apathy. And if a man stops, it stops for a long time, as an ice rink, so it just has not budge from their seats.
Law of 15 minutes can not demand anything from the man in the first minutes of the meeting! 87% of women criticize a man in the first minutes of his return home. This is a fatal mistake, which could easily lead to divorce.
This woman is just next to this man.
To calm the mind and remove a lot of stress, the best way - the forest, not a therapist.