Throughout each day, there is one minute MAGIC
Throughout each day, there is one moment when between us and the higher powers that control the fate of a direct channel of communication. And what do you think at this moment come true a hundred percent.
The structure of the space-time continuum of Earth (PVKZ) is arranged in such a way that energy and information are transmitted sequentially from day to day. This transfer is like a chain, but in a strictly defined intervals. Once a day, for one minute, PVKZ resistance drops to near zero. This moment is called the "golden minute of the day».
Initiates of Atlantis and the priests of ancient Egypt are actively ipolzovat this knowledge for doing that even now called miracles. Indeed, in these moments you can achieve maximum creative effect with a minimum expenditure of energy. It is as if the door to the higher measurement.
Now you see the consequences of the ill-considered words at a time when the desire fulfilled. To sort happened, let us note in the calendar are the same golden minute and will use them only for the sake of zagadyvaya their most cherished dreams.
So, first we write the date - day and month.
For example, on September 15 - 15.09.
So the magic moment of execution desires will come on September 15 in 15 hours, 9 minutes, within sixty seconds you one wish.
For example - "I want the new year to get 30 thousand rubles a month!»
Speaking want to have raised the salary should not be too is uncertain.
Ask specifically and clearly - that you want to receive and when
. You have certainly understood that the number of days corresponding to the hour and the month - minutes during which we were smiling happy.
But what to do, for example - SEPTEMBER 29 or 31 of January?
Yes, indeed, we have in the day of 24 hours.
Therefore, from 25 to 31 the number we change the rules of counting - number of the month shows us the hours and number of days becomes an indicator of minutes.
For example 29 of September (29.09) while making wishes come at 9 o'clock 29 minutes.
Accordingly - January 31 (31.01), we have to wake up in the second half of the night, because the minute a happy start to the night 1:00 31 minute
. Check - and believe it!
The structure of the space-time continuum of Earth (PVKZ) is arranged in such a way that energy and information are transmitted sequentially from day to day. This transfer is like a chain, but in a strictly defined intervals. Once a day, for one minute, PVKZ resistance drops to near zero. This moment is called the "golden minute of the day».
Initiates of Atlantis and the priests of ancient Egypt are actively ipolzovat this knowledge for doing that even now called miracles. Indeed, in these moments you can achieve maximum creative effect with a minimum expenditure of energy. It is as if the door to the higher measurement.
Now you see the consequences of the ill-considered words at a time when the desire fulfilled. To sort happened, let us note in the calendar are the same golden minute and will use them only for the sake of zagadyvaya their most cherished dreams.
So, first we write the date - day and month.
For example, on September 15 - 15.09.
So the magic moment of execution desires will come on September 15 in 15 hours, 9 minutes, within sixty seconds you one wish.
For example - "I want the new year to get 30 thousand rubles a month!»
Speaking want to have raised the salary should not be too is uncertain.
Ask specifically and clearly - that you want to receive and when
. You have certainly understood that the number of days corresponding to the hour and the month - minutes during which we were smiling happy.
But what to do, for example - SEPTEMBER 29 or 31 of January?
Yes, indeed, we have in the day of 24 hours.
Therefore, from 25 to 31 the number we change the rules of counting - number of the month shows us the hours and number of days becomes an indicator of minutes.
For example 29 of September (29.09) while making wishes come at 9 o'clock 29 minutes.
Accordingly - January 31 (31.01), we have to wake up in the second half of the night, because the minute a happy start to the night 1:00 31 minute
. Check - and believe it!