This is what may be the cause of bad breath: it is daring and solve a problem!
Oral hygiene with the use of toothpastes, brushes, thread and rinses not give any result and you have to repeatedly refresh your breath during the day? Cause unpleasant odor can be covered in the cheesy traffic , located in the throat.
gorleEto plugs in yellow-white lumps cheesy consistency with a very unpleasant odor, which is usually formed as a result of chronic inflammatory diseases of the throat and tonsils - tonsillitis .
Traditional medicine has a number of tools to get rid of traffic jams tonsillitic
Rinse soda
In 200 ml of warm water, the solution boiled 0 5 h. L. soda, 0, 5 h. l. salt and 2-3 drops of iodine. Actively rinse the throat with this solution several times a day, throwing her head back strongly. better not to swallow the liquid. Gargle vodka
Very extravagant, yet effective way! After the procedure, the wheel is better not to sit down ... Rinse herbs
Mix equal parts of dried flowers of chamomile, sage, yarrow. Pour 2 tbsp. l. mixture cup boiling water, let it brew and cool to room temperature.
Extrude or pick out tonsillitic plug yourself is not recommended because of the high probability of injury to the tonsils and the larynx. This procedure is better to consult a doctor.
The video below - not for the faint of heart. This is a demonstration of how much may be hiding in the gaps of the tonsils.
In addition to the rinses, excellent positive results gives the lion posture, used in yoga for the treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the throat. Everyone who tried this method on the angina is already forgotten!
If the article is made an impression on you, share it with your friends!

gorleEto plugs in yellow-white lumps cheesy consistency with a very unpleasant odor, which is usually formed as a result of chronic inflammatory diseases of the throat and tonsils - tonsillitis .

Traditional medicine has a number of tools to get rid of traffic jams tonsillitic
Rinse soda
In 200 ml of warm water, the solution boiled 0 5 h. L. soda, 0, 5 h. l. salt and 2-3 drops of iodine. Actively rinse the throat with this solution several times a day, throwing her head back strongly. better not to swallow the liquid. Gargle vodka
Very extravagant, yet effective way! After the procedure, the wheel is better not to sit down ... Rinse herbs
Mix equal parts of dried flowers of chamomile, sage, yarrow. Pour 2 tbsp. l. mixture cup boiling water, let it brew and cool to room temperature.
Extrude or pick out tonsillitic plug yourself is not recommended because of the high probability of injury to the tonsils and the larynx. This procedure is better to consult a doctor.
The video below - not for the faint of heart. This is a demonstration of how much may be hiding in the gaps of the tonsils.
In addition to the rinses, excellent positive results gives the lion posture, used in yoga for the treatment of chronic and acute diseases of the throat. Everyone who tried this method on the angina is already forgotten!
If the article is made an impression on you, share it with your friends!
This soup - something sugar normal, weight is reduced!
He pulled the wire mesh of the old window frame. Result? My applause!