Emergency aid for poisoning. Do not put off the care of the body to sweat!
Stale and poor quality products are very often the cause of poisoning. Further exacerbates the situation of our people a habit of overeating during the roaring party. You can survive severe intoxication , if you drink too much alcohol, consume drugs dose that exceeds the norm.
Toxic and bacteria that enter the body along with spoiled food, provoke the appearance of nausea, headache, indigestion, and work intestine, fever.
Remember the scheme, which will save you from the terrible poisoning effects ! We also tell you that you need to take to such an unpleasant state visited your oraganizm very rare.
Signs food otravleniya
fever headache dizzy the pain in the stomach, intestine rumbling in the stomach and bloating vomiting indigestion general weakness, muscle pain
First aid otravlenii
gastric lavage
It is used only for children older than 5 years and adults! Toddler in case of poisoning is best to immediately to a hospital in order to avoid serious consequences. Drink 3-4 cups of liquid: light pink suit solution of manganese or soda solution (1 tablespoon of baking soda per gallon of water..). Very good, if after receiving the fluid will cause vomiting. Drink as much as possible, ad nauseam - in this case the stomach samoochistitsya. If severe poisoning, people will not be able even to drink - in this case the important urgent hospitalization
Activated Carbon
. The victim should be given to drink activated charcoal when gastric lavage is complete. As per 10 kg body weight need 1 tablet of activated charcoal - if you weigh 70 kg, you need 7 tablets Cool compresses
. If the temperature does not fall, it is very useful to be cool compress on the forehead. But in any case, not too cold! A laxative or an alkaline
If the victim has not been an upset stomach, it is necessary to drink a laxative for the purgation
<. / Warming during chill
The body temperature with a serious poisoning can not only rise but also fall. If the victim is observed shaking, it is cold - you can put a heating pad on your feet, to drink hot, medium bodied black tea Antipyretics
. If the temperature is high and kept at a critical point is stable, without fever-reducing drugs can not do. But we must be very careful with them! The fact that the means for reducing the heat contained in its composition substances harmful to the liver, and the liver and because so much suffer during poisoning. Use antipyretics in strict dosage, study the instructions carefully. Babies make such preparations better after consulting a doctor.
If poisoning symptoms do not go away, feeling very bad, then call an ambulance. The most important thing - to bring all the toxic substances from the body! Better than the doctors, you will not succeed. Time to make gastric lavage saves from serious consequences of poisoning, remember this.
Ginger tea as a remedy for the recovery of the body after otravleniyaZaley 1 tbsp. l. freshly grated ginger 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink ginger tea every half hour for a few tablespoons. Ginger stimulates the metabolism and helps the body to quickly get rid of all unnecessary.
To avoid poisoning , always wash your hands before preparing food and food intake. Meat and fish are thawed in a refrigerator, at room temperature, possible growth of bacteria! Carefully my products, prepare eggs, fish, meat enough time. Avoid storing cooked food without a refrigerator.
After experienced poisoning is recommended to use the sauna or do active exercise. Through the skin of the body displays a lot of poison, so a complete cleansing of the body is possible with heavy sweating.
Good tool for rehabilitation after intoxication - succinic acid , its easy to find in a drugstore. Succinic acid can help get rid of the weakness that accompanies stressful experiences.
This information will be a specific guide to action in the event of poisoning, remember it and tell others!
Toxic and bacteria that enter the body along with spoiled food, provoke the appearance of nausea, headache, indigestion, and work intestine, fever.
Remember the scheme, which will save you from the terrible poisoning effects ! We also tell you that you need to take to such an unpleasant state visited your oraganizm very rare.
Signs food otravleniya

fever headache dizzy the pain in the stomach, intestine rumbling in the stomach and bloating vomiting indigestion general weakness, muscle pain
First aid otravlenii

gastric lavage
It is used only for children older than 5 years and adults! Toddler in case of poisoning is best to immediately to a hospital in order to avoid serious consequences. Drink 3-4 cups of liquid: light pink suit solution of manganese or soda solution (1 tablespoon of baking soda per gallon of water..). Very good, if after receiving the fluid will cause vomiting. Drink as much as possible, ad nauseam - in this case the stomach samoochistitsya. If severe poisoning, people will not be able even to drink - in this case the important urgent hospitalization
Activated Carbon
. The victim should be given to drink activated charcoal when gastric lavage is complete. As per 10 kg body weight need 1 tablet of activated charcoal - if you weigh 70 kg, you need 7 tablets Cool compresses
. If the temperature does not fall, it is very useful to be cool compress on the forehead. But in any case, not too cold! A laxative or an alkaline
If the victim has not been an upset stomach, it is necessary to drink a laxative for the purgation
<. / Warming during chill
The body temperature with a serious poisoning can not only rise but also fall. If the victim is observed shaking, it is cold - you can put a heating pad on your feet, to drink hot, medium bodied black tea Antipyretics
. If the temperature is high and kept at a critical point is stable, without fever-reducing drugs can not do. But we must be very careful with them! The fact that the means for reducing the heat contained in its composition substances harmful to the liver, and the liver and because so much suffer during poisoning. Use antipyretics in strict dosage, study the instructions carefully. Babies make such preparations better after consulting a doctor.
If poisoning symptoms do not go away, feeling very bad, then call an ambulance. The most important thing - to bring all the toxic substances from the body! Better than the doctors, you will not succeed. Time to make gastric lavage saves from serious consequences of poisoning, remember this.
Ginger tea as a remedy for the recovery of the body after otravleniyaZaley 1 tbsp. l. freshly grated ginger 2 cups of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. Drink ginger tea every half hour for a few tablespoons. Ginger stimulates the metabolism and helps the body to quickly get rid of all unnecessary.
To avoid poisoning , always wash your hands before preparing food and food intake. Meat and fish are thawed in a refrigerator, at room temperature, possible growth of bacteria! Carefully my products, prepare eggs, fish, meat enough time. Avoid storing cooked food without a refrigerator.
After experienced poisoning is recommended to use the sauna or do active exercise. Through the skin of the body displays a lot of poison, so a complete cleansing of the body is possible with heavy sweating.
Good tool for rehabilitation after intoxication - succinic acid , its easy to find in a drugstore. Succinic acid can help get rid of the weakness that accompanies stressful experiences.
This information will be a specific guide to action in the event of poisoning, remember it and tell others!
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