Stretched right! Cheat sheet for those who always wants to feel in shape!

If you are a supporter of an active lifestyle, not lazy to do morning exercises or fitness center - this article is for you. As is known, correct stretching is also called half the exercises, because in this way a person prepares your body for a large load.

To stretch the muscles properly, you need to get to the feeling of mild discomfort and kept in this state for 30 seconds. Thus the body gets used to this procedure, the pain threshold is increased and it is possible to reach further. We offer to your attention a few examples of how to stretch different parts of the body.

How to stretch myshtsyMyshtsy arms (biceps and triceps)
vertical stretching hanging on the crossbar supinirovanym grip < / hands behind his head

Muscular legs group (quadriceps) and hamstrings
flexion at the knee hip flexion with knee support extension of the thigh to the knee extended

muscles of the neck and shoulders
tilts to the side horizontal adduction castle behind < /

major and minor pectoral muscles
turn the housing between supports failure stretching from wall bars li >

Muscular legs Group (shin)
Rod hands sitting at the feet stretching, focusing on the heel

Muscular legs Group (buttocks)
hip rotation while lying on the floor to bring the hips standing flexion and internal hip rotation

muscles of hands (forearm and hand)
the front extension of the fingers flexing the fingers from the "Castle» flexing fingers with another

muscle groups legs (adductors)
hip abduction sitting hip abduction on his knees with a hip abduction focusing on knees

Many people underestimate the stretching, leaning directly on the basic exercises. Hopefully after this article you will not repeat their mistakes and paid to stretching the muscles just as much attention as they deserve. Do not forget to share this article with your friends. Fizkult hi!