The shape of the toes and character: these fun facts about yourself I have not read!
Our feet can tell a lot of interesting facts! Argued that the shape toes not only define the person's character , but even predict his fate.
Today «Website» will introduce you to the podomancy - guessing on lines of the foot and toes form. This refers to the science of physiognomy areas and enjoys great interest among fans of the mysterious practices.
character on the fingers nog
Example 1
It indicates a creative nature. People with this form of the fingers is very smart and always find creative solutions to any problems. But sometimes due to a lack of confidence they place already begun business midway.
< Example 2
People with this form of fingers are energetic and creative, always able to stand up for what they believe in.
Example 3:
Display leadership qualities. The main objective of such people - success in his beloved field of activity. Only one thing can knock them from the track ... This insatiable perfectionism!
Another interesting fact: in some Indian legend says that the mother did not allow their sons to marry women who have second toes are longer than others. It felt familiar imperious nature.
< Example 4:
For such people, the most important value is the family and close friends. Holders of such a form of fingers differ ability to listen and to put yourself in the place of others. Sometimes they take everything too close to the heart, so that such empathy often hurts.
Example 5
He talks about ambition, but unwilling to take responsibility. Man with fingers on his leg so funny and attractive, but often as a child, naive.
Learning also that said form of fingers on a hand, you can tell a lot about a person
Look down ... And what are you fingers?
Today «Website» will introduce you to the podomancy - guessing on lines of the foot and toes form. This refers to the science of physiognomy areas and enjoys great interest among fans of the mysterious practices.
character on the fingers nog

Example 1
It indicates a creative nature. People with this form of the fingers is very smart and always find creative solutions to any problems. But sometimes due to a lack of confidence they place already begun business midway.
< Example 2
People with this form of fingers are energetic and creative, always able to stand up for what they believe in.
Example 3:
Display leadership qualities. The main objective of such people - success in his beloved field of activity. Only one thing can knock them from the track ... This insatiable perfectionism!
Another interesting fact: in some Indian legend says that the mother did not allow their sons to marry women who have second toes are longer than others. It felt familiar imperious nature.
< Example 4:
For such people, the most important value is the family and close friends. Holders of such a form of fingers differ ability to listen and to put yourself in the place of others. Sometimes they take everything too close to the heart, so that such empathy often hurts.
Example 5
He talks about ambition, but unwilling to take responsibility. Man with fingers on his leg so funny and attractive, but often as a child, naive.
Learning also that said form of fingers on a hand, you can tell a lot about a person
Look down ... And what are you fingers?
10-minute workout with a rope - funny jumping to the perfect fit!
To wrap the yarn, she took a regular mixer. That's a clever way out!