Why Practice Buddhist Mudras
Mudras are unique practices elaborated in yoga. In fact, these are the special positions of the fingers. When done correctly, mudras bring the energies around you and your own energy into harmony.
Mudras truly magically change the quality of life. They help improve health and strengthen financial well-being. Mudras contribute to the harmonious development of all aspects of the personality – physical, mental and even moral.
Mudras are convenient to perform in any position. You can arrange as you are comfortable - sit, lie down, stand. To achieve the best effect, close your eyes and relax well.
Yoga practices
Perform each of these exercises for at least a minute. It is advisable to keep mudras as long as possible, but to achieve the effect it is better to get used to these practices a little.
Remember that wise people are not enough to improve your financial and spiritual well-being! They're just helpers on yours. perfectionist and success. Practice yourself and be sure to share this detailed guide with your friends.
Mudras truly magically change the quality of life. They help improve health and strengthen financial well-being. Mudras contribute to the harmonious development of all aspects of the personality – physical, mental and even moral.
Mudras are convenient to perform in any position. You can arrange as you are comfortable - sit, lie down, stand. To achieve the best effect, close your eyes and relax well.
Yoga practices
- Anjali mudra Calms the flow of thoughts and helps to focus.
Put your hands together to your chest. Bow your head a little and concentrate on the good. - Ahamkara mudra It will strengthen you in a state of fear and sudden timidity.
Apply the upper phalanx of the thumb to the middle phalanx of the index finger. The brush should be relaxed. - Bhudi mudra It restores the fluid balance in the body.
The tips of the little finger and thumb are put together. The rest of the fingers relax arbitrarily. - Brihaspati mudra Correctly directs the energy that is responsible for overcoming difficulties.
Fold the index fingers of both hands and stretch them in front of you. Leave the rest of your fingers folded. - Dhyani mudra Balances thinking and frees the mind from unnecessary thoughts.
Put your left hand on your right. Put your thumb pads together. - Ganesha mudra It strengthens the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
Hold your hands so that the back of your right hand is outside. Put your hands to your chest. - Gyan mudra Prevents the appearance of a headache, removes insomnia, depression, helps with apathy.
Put together the pads of the index and thumb. Keep the other three fingers relaxed. - Hakini mudra Improves memory and concentration.
Connect the fingertips of both hands. Put your thumbs down so that they form a ring. - Hridaya mudra Reduces excessive emotions.
The upper phalanx of the index finger touch the lower phalanx of the thumb. Put together the middle, ring and thumb. Leave your little finger straight. - Kaleshwara mudra Improves the ability to concentrate, helps in an overexcited state.
Connect the tips of the thumbs and middle fingers. The rest of your fingers rot inside. - Linga mudra Increases immunity, strengthens the body's defenses.
Put your hands together, cross your fingers. Place one of your thumbs and take it into the ring of the thumb and index finger of the other hand. - Matangi mudra It has a beneficial effect on the health of all internal organs.
Raise your hands to the level of the solar plexus and clutch them together. Straighten your middle fingers and put them together. Focus all your attention on breathing. - Ushas mudra Responsible for hormone balance.
Clutch your fingers so that the thumb of the right hand is on top, on the thumb of the left hand. - Vajrapradama mudrama It gives you unwavering confidence in your own abilities.
Place both hands with your hands, cross your fingers. Thumbs straighten and relax. - Asthma mudra It is useful for those who suffer from asthma and other respiratory diseases.
Bend the middle fingers so that they touch each other with their nails. Straighten the other fingers. - Bronchi mudra It has a beneficial effect on the work of the respiratory tract.
Put your little finger on the base of your thumb. Place the ring finger on the middle phalanx of the thumb. Place the middle finger on the tip of the thumb. Leave your index finger straightened. - Shanmukhi mudra Frees the mind and calms the senses.
Cover the eye area with your index fingers. Place your middle fingers on your nostrils. Put the nameless ones on the upper lip, and the little fingers under the lower. This mudra is the most difficult, in its execution, all attention should be directed inward, to oneself.
Perform each of these exercises for at least a minute. It is advisable to keep mudras as long as possible, but to achieve the effect it is better to get used to these practices a little.
Remember that wise people are not enough to improve your financial and spiritual well-being! They're just helpers on yours. perfectionist and success. Practice yourself and be sure to share this detailed guide with your friends.
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