Wise to protect against undesirable external influences
It is widely known that thoughts are concentrated energy, which, though not recorded by our gross senses, however, is having some impact on the subtle components of our being.
And not always this influence is positive and friendly nature.
To protect yourself from others negative impact there are a number of methods, including working with mudras.
Wise to protect. Fast and efficient pomaderreae protective wise that will help us in moments of confusion and vulnerability is the following:
Join hands so that the fingers were twisted and hold this mudra at the level of the solar plexus. The thumbs either touch each other or lie freely. The palms are directed to the stomach.
Imagine a protective cocoon around itself, which no one is able to cross or break.
Engage in quiet and deep breathing.
Castle, formed this wise protects our most vulnerable body part – the stomach and protects us from negative alien volitional impact.
For circuit own power circuit you can also use another wise widely used yoga.
This wise is called "Attachment rings"
Try moving closer to each other, the forefinger and thumb of one hand and forming a ring, put it in the palm of the opposite hand. The thumb and forefinger of the other hand form a ring and place it in the palm of the first hand.
Repeat this sequence three times
Often after the third time may be a feeling of density around the head. This suggests that you have closed the loop of its own bio-field and condensed it.
Another method that you can use to close the borders of their fields is the following.
Connect thumb and index finger of one hand with the same fingers of the other hand, the other fingers touching the pads or overlap each other.
And ends the article on mudras for protection wise called "the Shield of Shambala"
This wise protects him from alien negative energy and helps to restore its own capacity, increasing the body's resistance to external influences.
Women clench my right hand into a fist and a thumb pressed to the brush. Straight left hand, push her hand, clenched in a fist
Men squeeze into a fist the left hand and hold it to the right.
Perform this wise activates manipura and serves as a good protection from external adverse effects.
Practice all of the above are wise to protect and then the attacker will be much harder to carry out his intentions.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: slavyoga.ru/mudryi-dlya-zashhityi.html
And not always this influence is positive and friendly nature.
To protect yourself from others negative impact there are a number of methods, including working with mudras.
Wise to protect. Fast and efficient pomaderreae protective wise that will help us in moments of confusion and vulnerability is the following:
Join hands so that the fingers were twisted and hold this mudra at the level of the solar plexus. The thumbs either touch each other or lie freely. The palms are directed to the stomach.
Imagine a protective cocoon around itself, which no one is able to cross or break.
Engage in quiet and deep breathing.
Castle, formed this wise protects our most vulnerable body part – the stomach and protects us from negative alien volitional impact.
For circuit own power circuit you can also use another wise widely used yoga.
This wise is called "Attachment rings"
Try moving closer to each other, the forefinger and thumb of one hand and forming a ring, put it in the palm of the opposite hand. The thumb and forefinger of the other hand form a ring and place it in the palm of the first hand.
Repeat this sequence three times
Often after the third time may be a feeling of density around the head. This suggests that you have closed the loop of its own bio-field and condensed it.
Another method that you can use to close the borders of their fields is the following.
Connect thumb and index finger of one hand with the same fingers of the other hand, the other fingers touching the pads or overlap each other.
And ends the article on mudras for protection wise called "the Shield of Shambala"
This wise protects him from alien negative energy and helps to restore its own capacity, increasing the body's resistance to external influences.
Women clench my right hand into a fist and a thumb pressed to the brush. Straight left hand, push her hand, clenched in a fist
Men squeeze into a fist the left hand and hold it to the right.
Perform this wise activates manipura and serves as a good protection from external adverse effects.
Practice all of the above are wise to protect and then the attacker will be much harder to carry out his intentions.published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: slavyoga.ru/mudryi-dlya-zashhityi.html