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Mystical history of Russian cities

Scientists attribute the popularity of horror movies that modern man lacks the live emotions. We, the inhabitants of the concrete jungle, no longer hunt mammoths, and not hiding from saber-toothed tigers. Therefore, in order to tickle your nerves, often drawn to something mysterious and unknown.

To fill the shortage of adrenaline offered by the reading of fascinating urban legends.

Raifa monastery, Kazan

Eighty six million seven hundred twenty nine thousand seven hundred fifty

The legend of the monastery of Raifa, one of the largest in the Kazan diocese, is an example of an ordinary miracle. So ordinary, that it can be seen here, on the territory of the monastery — the frogs have exceptionally silent disposition. According to legend, the monks for a long time suffered from the loud cukusic, preventing them singing, and one day asked the Lord to deliver them from this scourge. They say that with time all the frogs that infest the shore of the lake, where stands the monastery, like clams.

Russian and foreign scientists, who learned about the unusual phenomenon, not just trying to find an explanation. According to several sources for an unusual experiment even used French frogs, which are near the monastery suddenly fell silent. Local frogs, by contrast, is just a kilometre from the Shrine of Raifa were uncontrollably croak yearned for loud singing.

The Spaso-evfimiev monastery, Suzdal

Eighty eight million seventy two thousand eight hundred thirty three

According to legend, the Spaso-evfimiev monastery became the last refuge of the monk Abel — Russian Nostradamus, with remarkable accuracy predicted the date of death of Catherine II and Paul I, the capture of Moscow by the French, and the First and Second world war.

Saying that, listening to the mysterious voice which called to share visions with the powerful, Abel has written several books, pages which described the future. However, vision was assisted by Abel bad service 20 years of his life, the prophet spent in the ordeal, survived imprisonment in the Peter and Paul and shlissel'burg fortresses exile in Kostroma, lived in the Solovetsky monastery, which he was not told to leave, and ended the day in Spaso-Evfimiev of the monastery, where I went by order of Nicholas I.

This legend has all chances to be true, because, they say, that Abel was not a mistake in any of his prediction.

The Krasnoyarsk regional Museum, Krasnoyarsk

Seven million three hundred thirteen thousand one hundred forty three

Who would have thought: skeletons in the closet even has a Museum of local lore of Krasnoyarsk! Along its corridors, talking quietly haunting Ghost of Arctic Explorer Fridtjof Nansen — a witness Norwegian scientist Max Moore.

Part-time acquaintance of Moore's famous polar researcher began with the book "journey to the land of the future" in which Nansen spoke very favorably about the possibilities of Krasnoyarsk region. Moore was interested in the reasons why the famous polar Explorer, spent the whole winter in one of the Siberian villages.

There were even rumors that these places can live the descendants of Fridtjof. The thirst for details was so captured by Moore that he days and nights spent in the Museum's archives, working with ancient documents. And then, when he seemingly was close, someone persistently shook his shoulder. Turning around, Moore saw an older gentleman with a thick beard and long hair. "Do not meddle in the Affairs of others. None of your business. Warn is good," said the mysterious bearded man on the pure Norwegian. Moore wanted to react, but the face of the night visitor was familiar to him. And only he was going to stand up as the stranger disappeared in the air.

Rumor has it that after the incident, Moore escaped from the Museum, leaving things in great disorder, and two days later many of them left the city and never returned.

Chamber theatre, Chelyabinsk

Five million five hundred eight thousand five hundred sixty seven

Chelyabinsk temple of art, formerly the mansion of the merchant Breslin, is also full of surprises. So, during the capital repairs of the building work, cracking the concrete floor, found the true theatre of the dungeon — brick passages with a width of 2.6 m leading to the embankment of the Miass river. Later, the cave was carefully examined, but neither disembodied ladies, no scary ghosts here were found. However, around the mansion steeped in legend.

One of the versions of the origin of the hole indicates the development of a gold mine, and the other smugglers that used the underpass for the supply of gold in the secret workshop, which produced counterfeit coins. Anyway, but today dungeon Chamber theatre became the unofficial landmark of the city, so some critics propose to restore an unusual monument, and to bring the underground tour.

Estate Zheleznova, Yekaterinburg

Ninety five million five hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred fifty nine

The Ghost of beauty haunting kleptomanka near Zheleznov estate in Yekaterinburg. They say that her presence can be felt the smell of perfume, goosebumps on the skin and empty pockets.

According to legend, when life is beautiful was the wife of the merchant and philanthropist Zheleznova. In contrast to the life-loving wife, Maria Efimovna was reputed to be particularly avoidant, prone to kleptomania. Letting go of his wife in the city, caring husband then sent a faithful servant to spy on the innocent mischief of young ladies and paid all that it was stolen.

According to rumors, the Ghost Zheleznova still wanders around the old mansion, unable to cope with addiction.

Kunstkamera, St. Petersburg

Eighty million four hundred fifty two thousand two hundred fifty one

Northern capital is one of the most mystical and mysterious cities in Russia. Here the poltergeist walks through the streets, looking in Windows of houses, and in museums and is even a frequent guest. Very colorful "showpiece" boasts a Cabinet of curiosities.

It was the Ghost of the French giant, whose skeleton in the turmoil of 1917 unexpectedly been found without a skull. They say that after that and began walking giant Ghost through the corridors of the Museum. However, he behaved decently and only in special periods of boredom were shown to the visitors.

The Ghost of a giant long would bother the hapless visitors, if not the consciousness of Museum workers, who in a fit of sympathy gave a restless giant the new skull. Only after that the giant calmed down and ceased to frighten impressionable guests.

Underground city with the centre in the Opera theatre, Novosibirsk

Forty million five hundred seventy three thousand six hundred

The legend of the underground in Novosibirsk remarkably tenacious. Although the evidence is not, Siberians stubbornly continue to believe in the fantastic story of a city located underground. It is believed that an underground centre of the monastery is the Opera house, which not only is the bunker for a leader, but also two underground lakes and railroad.

Believe it or not — you decide. It is only known that in the area of Lenin square, on Kommunisticheskaya street, there really is a bomb shelter, the room which is partially used in the local cafes.


Street The Kuznetsk Bridge, Moscow

Sixty five million one hundred eight thousand seven hundred ninety two

Kuznetsky most — the street of boutiques and restaurants — today, as 200 years ago, is considered one of the most fashionable in Moscow. And, they say, it is possible to meet a Ghost. According to rumors, it is here that inhabits the spirit of the great Juju that was tragically killed on the pavement fashionable in the early twentieth century.

It is known that the charming Frenchwoman had passion cotton manufacturer and philanthropist Savva Morozov and worked as a model in one of the fashion house on Kuznetsky most. One morning, driving in the crew, Juju heard the cries of the boys-newspaper, announcing the death of her admirer. "Savva Morozov committed suicide!"— nonchalantly bawling newsboy. Distraught Juju jumped out of the carriage onto the roadway and fell under the wheels of an oncoming carriage.

She had died on the same day and in the evening late passer-by found the lifeless body of the boy newspaperman with French silk stocking around her neck. Stocking, of course, belonged to Juju, which by the time of the crime were already dead. Since then, the Newspapers avoided the Kuznetsk Bridge party so as not to fall into the strong arms of a vengeful Juju.


Gagarin street, house No. 9, Tomsk

Twenty three million seven hundred seventy thousand eight hundred seventy one

This story happened in Tomsk province at that wonderful time when hussar uniform induced stupor for a languid young ladies, and the owners thereof the same as fearlessly rushed into battle, and under the crown.

There was a cute girl named Masha. It's time the young lady has blossomed and fell in love with the dashing officer's uniform, sword and mustache, of course. Only now the girl's parents were against the unequal Union and its blessing was denied. Then the lovers decided to escape, resorting to the help of the maid that was to accompany the fugitive to her beloved. However, the maid being young and adventurous special, decided to take the groom from unsuspecting Housewives.

The attempt failed — the groom was not too picky. Waited in vain for her betrothed bride. Legend has it that until now, the Ghost of the unfortunate girls there, he appears at the window of the house. published 


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Source: www.moya-planeta.ru/travel/view/misticheskie_istorii_rossijskih_gorodov_16788/