Today, the "bar the road"
Today, the "bar the road" we have the story of the legendary Route 66, the road that was built through the heart and history of America.
Path rebels and fugitives, the beginning of all US roads, the first in world history, the present highway - four thousand kilometers, which tied the two opposite shore: the Pacific Ocean and Lake Michigan. For many Americans, a symbol of the country is not the Statue of Liberty, and the iconic Route 66 "Mother Road", because it gives everyone a wandering what they need most: the spirit of travel and freedom. She keeps a secret, which never had more backbone.
The lonely road that crosses the states of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, trail, which stretches over a trail of rumors, mysterious and spooky stories: ghost, a girl in white, awaiting unsuspecting drivers on Soultaker who votes on night road, about in flames truck that suddenly appears on the highway and just as suddenly disappears, about the dead boy who wakes up in the morning guests who dared to spend the night at a roadside hotel, and much, much more.
Start again have a distance, otherwise, will not understand, which is why all the fuss and why this track is so famous for. So we'll have to do a little historical digression. :).
Route 66 appeared in the 20s. It was built through eight states, hiding under his asphalt routes the first settlers, Native American trails and rural roads. During the Great Depression of the 30s hundreds of thousands of impoverished farmers and ejected from the factories workers rushed to California - in search of a better life. Dust storms in 1934 ripped from their seats still 210,000 displaced persons. They were mostly farmers, residents of rural America. Earth is no longer fed them: the rains have not been, a terrible drought destroyed crops, began a storm. People leave their homes and go to Route 66. They asserted: "If we get to California, we will survive».
Route 66 was a two-lane highway just that, at times, stretched the desert and prairie. Long trip could turn into a refugee danger torment in a way, curses and tears of people, hungry, frightened and depressed. They waited for blizzards, miles and miles of desert, and, quite possibly, in front of them waiting for death, because not all reached the blessed southern state. But travelers hard to move forward, to the west, towards the sea, to his hopes.
"Federal Road 66 - this is the way the fugitives, the path of those who are being saved from dust and impoverished land, from the thunder of tractors and self-impoverishment, the slow onset of the desert to the north, from the devastating winds blowing from Texas, flood, which not only enrich land, but steal her last strength. From all this, people flee, and 66 on the highway endure their tributaries side road, narrow country roads, rutted road in the fields. 66 - this is the main route is the way fugitives "- so began his book" The Grapes of Wrath "by John Steinbeck. He talked about how the family farm on the old car is driven on the highway 66, hoping like everyone else, to get to California.
Steinbeck published his book in 1939.
Through the year, the novel was made into a movie.
Bobby Troup, a pianist from the group known bluesman Tommy Dorsey wrote about this road blues «Get your kicks on Route 66? and the words of his songs have become the hallmark of the track. They wrote on cars and signs, T-shirts, jackets, and even on the menu at roadside restaurants.
For millions of Americans Route 66 was the road to a better life.
... Gradually, Route 66 became a cult road. She had his own roadside culture: Hundreds of petrol stations, cafes, hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops. It is mentioned in many films about bikers, because every year thousands of American bikers and their foreign counterparts are carried along this road, getting to know the place well-known for their favorite film.
In the 60s the popularity of track added, and the TV series «Route 66", in which two characters go in search of the legendary adventures on the way to the equally legendary "Chevrolet Corvette».
But as time passed and the old road had to give way to a modern highway.
In 1970, from Chicago to Los Angeles conveniently and quickly had to go on other highways, and in 1985, Route 66 was excluded from the list of existing roads.
Across the highway roadside billboards removed, placed at the entrance gates and the road was empty: no one else looked here. But until recently there was noisy and lively: raced cars, travelers wrapped in roadside restaurants, truck drivers stayed in a long time ago motels friends - and suddenly it all stopped.
The road was doomed to oblivion. It was the end of an era, the end of the track 66.
But hundreds of thousands of people for whom the word "Route 66" was not empty words, not allowed to die favorite road.
Public Association was established, which has forced state governors to recognize the track 66 historically significant. And as the sailors put on eternal parking famous ships, as the Americans put on their favorite funny way.
She continues to live now, and the local authorities see to it, so that the road itself, and all the buildings remain intact
Route 66 stood on a par with the Grand Canyon, the skyscrapers of New York City and Yellowstone National Park, became one of the symbols of the United States and received the status of "historic route". The very name «Route 66" has become one of the most promoted brands.
Now the road turned into a kind of pilgrimage place.
For every biker is compulsory at least once in a lifetime race around the legendary track. In the scenery of Route 66 was played the story "the Oscar-winning" film "Easy Rider" Dennis Hopper. For many tourists visit to Historic Route 66 was the best way to get to know the "real America" and join the "spirit of freedom." Hundreds of thousands of travelers each year go on the road in California, the route of those who once rode on this road in search of a better life.
During its existence, Route 66 overgrown with legends and rumors, just as a huge sea ship accumulates barnacles.
They say it's dangerous to go alone, you never know what might happen!
It is said that one person was driving late at night on the highway - the road was deserted for miles around. Suddenly he saw rushing in the middle of the road truck in flames. The truck sped so fast that sparks flew at him from under the wheels. Traveler hurriedly pull over, and the flaming truck flew past and disappeared.
Tell horror stories about the bridge and Street Bridge in Pasadena, Calif.
It is called the "suicide bridge", however, the first death on this bridge was not at all intentional. When construction was in full swing, one of the builders fell into a vat of concrete. Save a man could not, moreover, from the vat could not even get his body. Now it forever rest in one of the wells, which were set bearing bridge and shortly after workers first noticed the ghost who wandered near the building. Since then, over the bridge like a curse hung invisible.
The first suicide occurred November 16, 1919, it was followed by several others. During the Great Depression, more than 100 people committed suicide by jumping over the railing of the bridge. One of the most memorable cases was a double suicide: May 1, 1937 the mother threw baby daughter from a bridge, with a height of almost 150 feet (about 45 meters), then jumped herself.
Mother killed herself, but the child miraculously survived. The girl fell on the branches of trees and they cushion the blow. To avoid such cases, on both sides of the "suicide bridge" pulled a metal mesh, and although the number of suicides has decreased over time, this place still go terrible rumors.
At night you can hear the screams of the canyon, and very often on the railing of the bridge saw a woman with long flowing hair. If she hesitates, as if to the spirit, and many motorists, seeing her, stopping cars and Rescue. But every time they are late: the woman rushes down, but the next night it is possible to meet again on the famous bridge.
... If you suddenly decide to take a ride on this road, we must remember also that's what.
Never, never drive on Route 66 alone!
In the car, racing at full speed on the road, may suddenly appear uninvited passenger. This is the spirit of the Indian skin walker. He is able to control the will of birds and animals: crows, coyotes, wolves. Obeying his orders, the animals suddenly pop up on the road in front of the car, causing the accident. That is why it is recommended to go on the road a great company to skin walker could not squeeze into the car. However, this is unlikely to help: they are able to control the human mind, as they want and can get the driver to do anything.
But in any case, it is better not to drive at night, because it is at this time may encounter and "Girl in White" - a ghostly fellow traveler.
Fellow traveler Ghost are the most famous ghost that ever were in the United States. In most cases, this fellow traveler ghost - a girl or young woman. It occurs late at night, on the edge of the desert road, right in the headlights.
As a rule, drivers willingly stopped to pick up a girl (and she always, always need it in the city, and that the driver). Fellow traveler sits in the back seat. Usually she did not talk much, except that sometimes can give his name. Remember just in case: her name is Mary Risen.
Try not to bother her talk and no anger - she a ghost, and the ghosts trifled with.
When the driver arrives at the address, which needed a girl, he looks back and sees the girl is no longer there!
He starts to look for her, knocking all nearby homes and always stumbles upon those who tells him the story of a girl who died on the highway, on the very spot where she met her driver. On each anniversary of his death, she tries to return home, but each time her something interferes.
But not always Risen Mary is not so harmless!
There were on the highway and 66 such cases: a female figure suddenly appeared right in front of the car and then the driver not to bring down the girl turns sharply to the side ... and falls into the abyss or crashed into a rock.
So if you happen to travel by road 66, just in case, do not pick on the road for travel!
But this track can meet not only the ghosts-people eat there and
ghost cars. But this track can meet not only the ghosts-people eat there and ghost cars. On fire, they suddenly appear on the road and carried forward at great speed. Behind the wheel of no one, and oncoming drivers, trying to avoid a head-on collision, trying to dodge - and ends is usually tragic. After all, cars ghost appear exactly on the spot where the accident happened and they appear precisely in order to there was another.
At night, in June 1994, a traveler from Alabama, was driving along the famous track. Suddenly I saw that he was rushing to meet the bus. The young man managed to pull off the road, and when he got to the first available motel, I learned from the owner that he was still lucky. This bus for many years appeared on this segment runs, and it was the fault of a lot of accidents. Also on Route 66 truck seen a ghost, which also causes drivers to swerve off the road. In 1960, van, trying to avoid a collision with a truck overturned, but the driver survived.
If you still have to stop for the night at a hotel, you have to keep in mind that almost all of them have their "ghost" stories.
For example, at the Monte Vista early in the morning to greet the guest can ghost long ago shot the robber. Once, during a raid on a bank it seriously wounding a security guard, however, the robber, together with his friends, got to the hotel bar, where they decided to celebrate a successful robbery and a good drink. Alas, long hapless robber was the owner of a round sum earned by someone money: he died from loss of blood right next to the bar. However, after his death, he did not want to leave the institution, so that since guests often hear the bar themselves ringing bottles and chairs moving, and when the ghost is in a good mood, he greets people together and offers to skip a glass.
In another roadside hotel in Arizona, is also haunted by a ghost - a ghost of a deceased miner-Irish. Irlanltsa death was caused by excessively pyanok constant, so that the ghost of his constantly drunk: he loves to wake up early in the morning guests bagpipes.
Roadside motels also keep their secrets. When on the highway 66 you get to Missouri, certainly ostanovitetes for the night at a roadside motel "Blue Rooster».
Of course, the motel also has a ghost: a little boy who early in the morning rings the bell hanging on the porch. And maybe you're lucky, and you will take it the wrong room, which at night they hear a baby crying and rocking chair creaks. Seasoned travelers are advised without further ado to move out of this room and ask for another. Well, maybe they know that gvorit. :)
But the most important thing is not it. Ghosts and Resurrected Mary - these visitors to our "Bar the road" will be surprised!
The most important thing - that on Route 66, you can meet a man named Grant Auger.
Nobody knows who he is (are fond of fantasy and mysticism people seriously believe its modern itinerant magician).
Auger Grant is endowed with an amazing ability - if you ask for, it can change your destiny.
And you get a completely different life: better or worse - but another.
Meet the man can only be here on Route 66, but where exactly - is unknown. How do you know it from the thousands and thousands who travels around the legendary road - also unclear. His recognize only those whose fate it is time to change.
So, if you want to try your luck - go ahead, the road on Route 66!
And somewhere in a roadside restaurant or gas station, at the gift shop or motel, you will meet someone who can give you a different fate.
Path rebels and fugitives, the beginning of all US roads, the first in world history, the present highway - four thousand kilometers, which tied the two opposite shore: the Pacific Ocean and Lake Michigan. For many Americans, a symbol of the country is not the Statue of Liberty, and the iconic Route 66 "Mother Road", because it gives everyone a wandering what they need most: the spirit of travel and freedom. She keeps a secret, which never had more backbone.
The lonely road that crosses the states of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, trail, which stretches over a trail of rumors, mysterious and spooky stories: ghost, a girl in white, awaiting unsuspecting drivers on Soultaker who votes on night road, about in flames truck that suddenly appears on the highway and just as suddenly disappears, about the dead boy who wakes up in the morning guests who dared to spend the night at a roadside hotel, and much, much more.

Start again have a distance, otherwise, will not understand, which is why all the fuss and why this track is so famous for. So we'll have to do a little historical digression. :).
Route 66 appeared in the 20s. It was built through eight states, hiding under his asphalt routes the first settlers, Native American trails and rural roads. During the Great Depression of the 30s hundreds of thousands of impoverished farmers and ejected from the factories workers rushed to California - in search of a better life. Dust storms in 1934 ripped from their seats still 210,000 displaced persons. They were mostly farmers, residents of rural America. Earth is no longer fed them: the rains have not been, a terrible drought destroyed crops, began a storm. People leave their homes and go to Route 66. They asserted: "If we get to California, we will survive».
Route 66 was a two-lane highway just that, at times, stretched the desert and prairie. Long trip could turn into a refugee danger torment in a way, curses and tears of people, hungry, frightened and depressed. They waited for blizzards, miles and miles of desert, and, quite possibly, in front of them waiting for death, because not all reached the blessed southern state. But travelers hard to move forward, to the west, towards the sea, to his hopes.
"Federal Road 66 - this is the way the fugitives, the path of those who are being saved from dust and impoverished land, from the thunder of tractors and self-impoverishment, the slow onset of the desert to the north, from the devastating winds blowing from Texas, flood, which not only enrich land, but steal her last strength. From all this, people flee, and 66 on the highway endure their tributaries side road, narrow country roads, rutted road in the fields. 66 - this is the main route is the way fugitives "- so began his book" The Grapes of Wrath "by John Steinbeck. He talked about how the family farm on the old car is driven on the highway 66, hoping like everyone else, to get to California.

Steinbeck published his book in 1939.
Through the year, the novel was made into a movie.
Bobby Troup, a pianist from the group known bluesman Tommy Dorsey wrote about this road blues «Get your kicks on Route 66? and the words of his songs have become the hallmark of the track. They wrote on cars and signs, T-shirts, jackets, and even on the menu at roadside restaurants.
For millions of Americans Route 66 was the road to a better life.

... Gradually, Route 66 became a cult road. She had his own roadside culture: Hundreds of petrol stations, cafes, hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops. It is mentioned in many films about bikers, because every year thousands of American bikers and their foreign counterparts are carried along this road, getting to know the place well-known for their favorite film.
In the 60s the popularity of track added, and the TV series «Route 66", in which two characters go in search of the legendary adventures on the way to the equally legendary "Chevrolet Corvette».

But as time passed and the old road had to give way to a modern highway.
In 1970, from Chicago to Los Angeles conveniently and quickly had to go on other highways, and in 1985, Route 66 was excluded from the list of existing roads.
Across the highway roadside billboards removed, placed at the entrance gates and the road was empty: no one else looked here. But until recently there was noisy and lively: raced cars, travelers wrapped in roadside restaurants, truck drivers stayed in a long time ago motels friends - and suddenly it all stopped.
The road was doomed to oblivion. It was the end of an era, the end of the track 66.

But hundreds of thousands of people for whom the word "Route 66" was not empty words, not allowed to die favorite road.
Public Association was established, which has forced state governors to recognize the track 66 historically significant. And as the sailors put on eternal parking famous ships, as the Americans put on their favorite funny way.
She continues to live now, and the local authorities see to it, so that the road itself, and all the buildings remain intact
Route 66 stood on a par with the Grand Canyon, the skyscrapers of New York City and Yellowstone National Park, became one of the symbols of the United States and received the status of "historic route". The very name «Route 66" has become one of the most promoted brands.
Now the road turned into a kind of pilgrimage place.
For every biker is compulsory at least once in a lifetime race around the legendary track. In the scenery of Route 66 was played the story "the Oscar-winning" film "Easy Rider" Dennis Hopper. For many tourists visit to Historic Route 66 was the best way to get to know the "real America" and join the "spirit of freedom." Hundreds of thousands of travelers each year go on the road in California, the route of those who once rode on this road in search of a better life.
During its existence, Route 66 overgrown with legends and rumors, just as a huge sea ship accumulates barnacles.
They say it's dangerous to go alone, you never know what might happen!
It is said that one person was driving late at night on the highway - the road was deserted for miles around. Suddenly he saw rushing in the middle of the road truck in flames. The truck sped so fast that sparks flew at him from under the wheels. Traveler hurriedly pull over, and the flaming truck flew past and disappeared.
Tell horror stories about the bridge and Street Bridge in Pasadena, Calif.
It is called the "suicide bridge", however, the first death on this bridge was not at all intentional. When construction was in full swing, one of the builders fell into a vat of concrete. Save a man could not, moreover, from the vat could not even get his body. Now it forever rest in one of the wells, which were set bearing bridge and shortly after workers first noticed the ghost who wandered near the building. Since then, over the bridge like a curse hung invisible.

The first suicide occurred November 16, 1919, it was followed by several others. During the Great Depression, more than 100 people committed suicide by jumping over the railing of the bridge. One of the most memorable cases was a double suicide: May 1, 1937 the mother threw baby daughter from a bridge, with a height of almost 150 feet (about 45 meters), then jumped herself.
Mother killed herself, but the child miraculously survived. The girl fell on the branches of trees and they cushion the blow. To avoid such cases, on both sides of the "suicide bridge" pulled a metal mesh, and although the number of suicides has decreased over time, this place still go terrible rumors.
At night you can hear the screams of the canyon, and very often on the railing of the bridge saw a woman with long flowing hair. If she hesitates, as if to the spirit, and many motorists, seeing her, stopping cars and Rescue. But every time they are late: the woman rushes down, but the next night it is possible to meet again on the famous bridge.
... If you suddenly decide to take a ride on this road, we must remember also that's what.
Never, never drive on Route 66 alone!
In the car, racing at full speed on the road, may suddenly appear uninvited passenger. This is the spirit of the Indian skin walker. He is able to control the will of birds and animals: crows, coyotes, wolves. Obeying his orders, the animals suddenly pop up on the road in front of the car, causing the accident. That is why it is recommended to go on the road a great company to skin walker could not squeeze into the car. However, this is unlikely to help: they are able to control the human mind, as they want and can get the driver to do anything.
But in any case, it is better not to drive at night, because it is at this time may encounter and "Girl in White" - a ghostly fellow traveler.

Fellow traveler Ghost are the most famous ghost that ever were in the United States. In most cases, this fellow traveler ghost - a girl or young woman. It occurs late at night, on the edge of the desert road, right in the headlights.
As a rule, drivers willingly stopped to pick up a girl (and she always, always need it in the city, and that the driver). Fellow traveler sits in the back seat. Usually she did not talk much, except that sometimes can give his name. Remember just in case: her name is Mary Risen.
Try not to bother her talk and no anger - she a ghost, and the ghosts trifled with.
When the driver arrives at the address, which needed a girl, he looks back and sees the girl is no longer there!
He starts to look for her, knocking all nearby homes and always stumbles upon those who tells him the story of a girl who died on the highway, on the very spot where she met her driver. On each anniversary of his death, she tries to return home, but each time her something interferes.
But not always Risen Mary is not so harmless!
There were on the highway and 66 such cases: a female figure suddenly appeared right in front of the car and then the driver not to bring down the girl turns sharply to the side ... and falls into the abyss or crashed into a rock.
So if you happen to travel by road 66, just in case, do not pick on the road for travel!
But this track can meet not only the ghosts-people eat there and
ghost cars. But this track can meet not only the ghosts-people eat there and ghost cars. On fire, they suddenly appear on the road and carried forward at great speed. Behind the wheel of no one, and oncoming drivers, trying to avoid a head-on collision, trying to dodge - and ends is usually tragic. After all, cars ghost appear exactly on the spot where the accident happened and they appear precisely in order to there was another.
At night, in June 1994, a traveler from Alabama, was driving along the famous track. Suddenly I saw that he was rushing to meet the bus. The young man managed to pull off the road, and when he got to the first available motel, I learned from the owner that he was still lucky. This bus for many years appeared on this segment runs, and it was the fault of a lot of accidents. Also on Route 66 truck seen a ghost, which also causes drivers to swerve off the road. In 1960, van, trying to avoid a collision with a truck overturned, but the driver survived.
If you still have to stop for the night at a hotel, you have to keep in mind that almost all of them have their "ghost" stories.
For example, at the Monte Vista early in the morning to greet the guest can ghost long ago shot the robber. Once, during a raid on a bank it seriously wounding a security guard, however, the robber, together with his friends, got to the hotel bar, where they decided to celebrate a successful robbery and a good drink. Alas, long hapless robber was the owner of a round sum earned by someone money: he died from loss of blood right next to the bar. However, after his death, he did not want to leave the institution, so that since guests often hear the bar themselves ringing bottles and chairs moving, and when the ghost is in a good mood, he greets people together and offers to skip a glass.
In another roadside hotel in Arizona, is also haunted by a ghost - a ghost of a deceased miner-Irish. Irlanltsa death was caused by excessively pyanok constant, so that the ghost of his constantly drunk: he loves to wake up early in the morning guests bagpipes.
Roadside motels also keep their secrets. When on the highway 66 you get to Missouri, certainly ostanovitetes for the night at a roadside motel "Blue Rooster».
Of course, the motel also has a ghost: a little boy who early in the morning rings the bell hanging on the porch. And maybe you're lucky, and you will take it the wrong room, which at night they hear a baby crying and rocking chair creaks. Seasoned travelers are advised without further ado to move out of this room and ask for another. Well, maybe they know that gvorit. :)
But the most important thing is not it. Ghosts and Resurrected Mary - these visitors to our "Bar the road" will be surprised!
The most important thing - that on Route 66, you can meet a man named Grant Auger.
Nobody knows who he is (are fond of fantasy and mysticism people seriously believe its modern itinerant magician).
Auger Grant is endowed with an amazing ability - if you ask for, it can change your destiny.
And you get a completely different life: better or worse - but another.
Meet the man can only be here on Route 66, but where exactly - is unknown. How do you know it from the thousands and thousands who travels around the legendary road - also unclear. His recognize only those whose fate it is time to change.
So, if you want to try your luck - go ahead, the road on Route 66!
And somewhere in a roadside restaurant or gas station, at the gift shop or motel, you will meet someone who can give you a different fate.