She has made up half of the face. When I saw the result, he could not help but delight!

Closely watching this video, I made sure that I knew the basic makeup rules ! The girl is very clearly showed what to do to look irresistible every day. The main thing - to avoid common mistakes such as ignoring the use of the base for make-up and concealer ...

I think this is a brilliant idea: to make up one half of the face is right and the other - badly. This girl is very well demonstrated to all the consequences of the common errors in makeup!

Technique makiyazhaObrati attention to what tools use beauty-blogger. It is important to apply tonal cream brush, so that it went perfectly! Use concealer several shades lighter helps to form the correct shape of the face and remove under-eye circles.

Good to watch a video for those who have oily skin appear shine during the day, one clever trick will fix everything ...

This girl definitely has a lot to learn! How much better looks of the person with the correct application of cosmetics ...

Professional make-up appliances - that comes with new knowledge and experience. Share this video her friends - that will discuss
