Add 1 drop of essential oil to the water and watch what happens to your lungs!

Many people love the spring is a wonderful time of awakening of nature from winter dull dreams. But there are those who are waiting for the arrival of spring with horror ...

Spring allergy on the flowering of various plants - a very common phenomenon in the modern world. There are many allergy medications that relieve symptoms. But, unfortunately, they damage the liver and kidneys, quite a negative effect on the stomach.

There is an alternative method for the prevention and treatment of allergy using natural means! < The essential oil of oregano is capable of a miracle ...

Prevention allergiiChtoby relieve painful condition during acute allergy, it is recommended to wear a surgical mask on the street. This ridiculously simple technique helps many people: it is not necessary to poison themselves with toxic drugs

! Also, it is important to moisten the air in the room where you are for a long time, and diet: less sugar and meat, because the liver is overloaded and so much during attacks allergens

. For treatment of acute attacks of allergies is recommended to use the essential oil of oregano. You can do inhalation, if you have the opportunity to: dissolve in water 1 drop of oil diluted in water and added to the inhaler. Inhalation of this means ventilate the lungs clean allergic bronchospasm and cough, breathing easier.

You can drink and curative medicine with essential oil: dissolve 3 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water (oregano) and drink. Accepted 1 times a day for 10 days, then you need to make a break for 2 weeks. Oil of oregano has powerful antiseptic, expels parasites from the body and reduces the allergic processes.

You can use the Oregano essential oil with olive oil
Antihistamine properties of oregano oil are amazing! Warning: this is a very powerful tool. In no case can not use it to treat children under 12 years of age, pregnant and nursing women. Contraindicated means those who are allergic to such herbs: mint, sage, basil. Before treatment with oil of oregano is best to consult with your doctor.

Tell your friend that allergies can be cured by using natural essential oils!