The woman hid garlic clove under the pillow of his son every night ... The reason is simple!
Once the garlic was used as an amulet against the vampires, werewolves, witches and evil spirits. Bundles of garlic hanging at the entrance to the house, and the owners were easy on the soul ...
Garlic really has a powerful protective effect! Bacteria, viruses, any pathogens that cause serious diseases disappear, if the time to apply this natural antibiotic.
Garlic from worms - means number one, and now you know how to take it to cleanse the body from parasites
Garlic from parazitovVse aware of the beneficial properties of garlic, but not all, remember one important proviso: this tool is able to solve many health problems if consumed it regularly! Not a day without healing cloves ...
Great idea - put for the night garlic cloves under the pillow. In the morning, only to wake up, should eat the most clove for the prevention of worms and other parasites. < Garlic fasting - a potent tool. If you'll find it in the morning in bed, just do not forget to take advantage of natural medicine!
Kidney disease, alopecia, a blockage of the arteries, cold, all respiratory infections - all of these problems can prevent the natural substances contained in garlic. You can activate its effect by crushing a clove and mix it with a drop of vegetable oil and a sprig of chopped parsley. If you eat garlic, so there will be no bad breath!
Tell a friend about why garlic is there all the time, not missing a single day. This is the best prevention of disease!
Garlic really has a powerful protective effect! Bacteria, viruses, any pathogens that cause serious diseases disappear, if the time to apply this natural antibiotic.
Garlic from worms - means number one, and now you know how to take it to cleanse the body from parasites

Garlic from parazitovVse aware of the beneficial properties of garlic, but not all, remember one important proviso: this tool is able to solve many health problems if consumed it regularly! Not a day without healing cloves ...
Great idea - put for the night garlic cloves under the pillow. In the morning, only to wake up, should eat the most clove for the prevention of worms and other parasites. < Garlic fasting - a potent tool. If you'll find it in the morning in bed, just do not forget to take advantage of natural medicine!
Kidney disease, alopecia, a blockage of the arteries, cold, all respiratory infections - all of these problems can prevent the natural substances contained in garlic. You can activate its effect by crushing a clove and mix it with a drop of vegetable oil and a sprig of chopped parsley. If you eat garlic, so there will be no bad breath!
Tell a friend about why garlic is there all the time, not missing a single day. This is the best prevention of disease!
Natural sweeteners: losing weight without giving up the desserts!
Natural remedy for unwanted hair. Gently and without pain destroys everything!