She died in Genera time. When the husband forgives her, he showed it to her ...
Pregnancy Melanie Pritchard proceeded as planned, no abnormalities, doctors have not seen. However, when it came time delivery, the situation got out of control - Melanie start convulsing. Indicators on the monitors began to "gallop" and doctors have declared an emergency signal, Melanie was needed resuscitation.
It turned out that mom amniotic fluid embolism, and she died ...
Her husband Doug told his wife on clinical indicators was dead when she bore a daughter. "My first thought was - now I'm a widower. But we just got married 3 years ago ... "
Doctors told her husband to say goodbye to his wife. Doug remembers that he said: "If you have left the forces, at least some, fight!"
All that remained Doug and his family, - is to pray. Doctors threw all their forces to revive the life of Melanie. Positive news was not ... A time came Melanie's brother, he is a doctor.
Brother found internal bleeding, and doctors rushed to handle women. Relatives left all hope. But 24 hours later, Melanie woke up! 65,562,753
When she opened her eyes, Doug showed her a picture of his daughter, who miraculously survived. But life Melanie was still on the edge. Doctors reported that she would need a heart transplant or a lung.
Even if Melanie survive, it will have serious neurological problems. But Doug did not otchaivalsya.
Several hours later, Melanie has breathed itself. ! A miracle, but a week later the family was already at home, and Melanie had no complications Doug a long time could not believe his good fortune: "It's a miracle! What Melanie survived is a miracle!
I think God has heard our prayers. " Loading ... Loading ...
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It turned out that mom amniotic fluid embolism, and she died ...

Her husband Doug told his wife on clinical indicators was dead when she bore a daughter. "My first thought was - now I'm a widower. But we just got married 3 years ago ... "

Doctors told her husband to say goodbye to his wife. Doug remembers that he said: "If you have left the forces, at least some, fight!"

All that remained Doug and his family, - is to pray. Doctors threw all their forces to revive the life of Melanie. Positive news was not ... A time came Melanie's brother, he is a doctor.
Brother found internal bleeding, and doctors rushed to handle women. Relatives left all hope. But 24 hours later, Melanie woke up! 65,562,753
When she opened her eyes, Doug showed her a picture of his daughter, who miraculously survived. But life Melanie was still on the edge. Doctors reported that she would need a heart transplant or a lung.
Even if Melanie survive, it will have serious neurological problems. But Doug did not otchaivalsya.

Several hours later, Melanie has breathed itself. ! A miracle, but a week later the family was already at home, and Melanie had no complications Doug a long time could not believe his good fortune: "It's a miracle! What Melanie survived is a miracle!
I think God has heard our prayers. " Loading ... Loading ...
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