5 critical mistakes in the relationship and what to do:

1. The principle of automaticity.
This is - a mistake to think that once you are together, all will now occur automatically.
Look around you, everything in nature or being destroyed by external forces or self-destructs. The same thing happens with relationships. If one or both partners are no longer invest in them, the gap is inevitable.
2. Principle of sugar
This is - a mistake to give herself to a man, forgetting about other areas of life. A man and a relationship - it is only part of your interests, but not everything in the world.
The woman should have his own personal territory, hobbies, passions, desires, etc. Otherwise, then it will be a classic, "I'm on your best years, and you ..." Live your life!
3. The principle of freezing
This is - a mistake to stop development, learn new things, samosovershenstovatsya.
Our world is dynamic, and if you are frozen at the same level, you will immediately overtake faster. Need to be interesting to the man, and the best way for this - always learn new things, to live with interest, etc.
4. Principle weights
This is - a mistake to tie a man, depriving him of personal space.
Perechitate preceding paragraph and understand - the man, too, must evolve to have a certain freedom and to live their lives, not just relationships. If a person does not know how to combine individual freedom and fidelity in a relationship - think, and whether you need this?
5. The principle of "every man for himself»
A couple of important to create a common space. Necessarily have to be something that unites your pair at three levels: emotional, intellectual and physical.
As you know, we are not talking about children, an apartment and a dog :)
Think right now, what you can do to strengthen your relationship and do it!