A powerful tool for rejuvenation
In one of the ancient languages (Sanskrit) words related to turmeric, means that it is able to "expel the worms from the body", "to improve the color and external structure of the body", "skin looks clean and clear", "beautiful as the starry sky ". The healing properties of turmeric are so strong that its components are able to stop the development of cancer even in the later stages of the disease.
The turmeric contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. Vitamins C, B1, B2, OT
. Reducing properties of turmeric
This spice - an essential support for those who are weakened by chronic illness or after the sick. It warms and purifies the blood. Turmeric cleanses the blood, improves circulation, warms and stimulates the formation of new blood cells.
The Medica is used as a powerful tool that removes toxins and promotes healing of tissue. Curcumin remove waste and toxins from the body, it helps in cases of poisoning by chemicals and insecticides.
Gastrointestinal drug of turmeric
Turmeric inhibits putrefactive microflora in the intestines, cleanses the intestines of mucus excess, normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the pancreas. It has a stimulating, healing and antibacterial effect, improves metabolism. Used in the treatment of digestive and circulatory systems. It is a natural antibiotic. It improves digestion, helps to maintain normal intestinal flora, reduces the amount of gases, has tonic properties. From diseases of the digestive system treats indigestion, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Turmeric - a cosmetic surgeon
When skin diseases turmeric irreplaceable. It promotes good metabolism. Kurkumnaya pasta - excellent remedy for eczema, itching (externally), quickly resolves boils. In India, turmeric is widely used as a cosmetic: improves complexion, cleanses the skin, sweat glands opens
. Krkuma used for massage, as well as the powder in all kinds of skin diseases.
To cleanse the body and improve the tone of turmeric drink at night with hot milk, butter and honey. This tool is also capable of toning the skin, it is used to treat sprains, bruises and itching.
Rejuvenating effect of turmeric
As part kukrumy includes different oils: essential and fatty, phenolic compounds (curcumin), and even fats
. Curcumin, even in small doses, significantly weakens the damaging effects of free radicals on the cells, and it slows down the aging process. With regular use of cosmetics containing turmeric can prevent the appearance of wrinkles. It regulates the sebaceous glands, improves complexion, nourishes, softens and gives the skin a youthful and healthy appearance.
In many countries, turmeric extract is sold in capsules, they are used in cosmetics in order to maintain the quality of the skin. That the skin was beautiful, take a daily capsule of turmeric. It is also part of the anti-aging creams, masks and lotions. It improves complexion, cleanses the skin and opens up the sweat glands, smoothes and heals the cracks and improves blood flow. It improves the complexion, is used to get rid of scars and postoperative sutures.
To remove dark spots Apply the paste of turmeric and basil.
Purifying mask of turmeric
Mix two tablespoons of cosmetic clay for the face and a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder.
Spread a third of the mixture into a bowl, dilute it with a little water and add two drops of lavender essential oil. (The remaining dry mixture can be stored in a sealed jar.)
If you have dry skin, apply a thin layer of the mask, if the skin is oily - thick. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with cool water.
Rejuvenating mask of turmeric face
1 h. Spoon turmeric 1 hour. L. milk or cream, 1 hr. l. honey, mix the ingredients and apply on cleansed face for 10-30 minutes. Making masks course through the day. Visible results after 2-3 mask.
Effect: reduces inflammation and rejuvenates the skin, smoothes scars, improves complexion
. The mask of turmeric
Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a little milk, stir and spread the resulting mixture on the face. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Also milk can be used instead of lime juice (or lemon juice) with a small amount of water.
The turmeric contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and iodine. Vitamins C, B1, B2, OT
. Reducing properties of turmeric
This spice - an essential support for those who are weakened by chronic illness or after the sick. It warms and purifies the blood. Turmeric cleanses the blood, improves circulation, warms and stimulates the formation of new blood cells.
The Medica is used as a powerful tool that removes toxins and promotes healing of tissue. Curcumin remove waste and toxins from the body, it helps in cases of poisoning by chemicals and insecticides.

Gastrointestinal drug of turmeric
Turmeric inhibits putrefactive microflora in the intestines, cleanses the intestines of mucus excess, normalizes activity of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the pancreas. It has a stimulating, healing and antibacterial effect, improves metabolism. Used in the treatment of digestive and circulatory systems. It is a natural antibiotic. It improves digestion, helps to maintain normal intestinal flora, reduces the amount of gases, has tonic properties. From diseases of the digestive system treats indigestion, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
Turmeric - a cosmetic surgeon
When skin diseases turmeric irreplaceable. It promotes good metabolism. Kurkumnaya pasta - excellent remedy for eczema, itching (externally), quickly resolves boils. In India, turmeric is widely used as a cosmetic: improves complexion, cleanses the skin, sweat glands opens
. Krkuma used for massage, as well as the powder in all kinds of skin diseases.
To cleanse the body and improve the tone of turmeric drink at night with hot milk, butter and honey. This tool is also capable of toning the skin, it is used to treat sprains, bruises and itching.
Rejuvenating effect of turmeric
As part kukrumy includes different oils: essential and fatty, phenolic compounds (curcumin), and even fats
. Curcumin, even in small doses, significantly weakens the damaging effects of free radicals on the cells, and it slows down the aging process. With regular use of cosmetics containing turmeric can prevent the appearance of wrinkles. It regulates the sebaceous glands, improves complexion, nourishes, softens and gives the skin a youthful and healthy appearance.
In many countries, turmeric extract is sold in capsules, they are used in cosmetics in order to maintain the quality of the skin. That the skin was beautiful, take a daily capsule of turmeric. It is also part of the anti-aging creams, masks and lotions. It improves complexion, cleanses the skin and opens up the sweat glands, smoothes and heals the cracks and improves blood flow. It improves the complexion, is used to get rid of scars and postoperative sutures.
To remove dark spots Apply the paste of turmeric and basil.
Purifying mask of turmeric
Mix two tablespoons of cosmetic clay for the face and a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder.
Spread a third of the mixture into a bowl, dilute it with a little water and add two drops of lavender essential oil. (The remaining dry mixture can be stored in a sealed jar.)
If you have dry skin, apply a thin layer of the mask, if the skin is oily - thick. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse with cool water.
Rejuvenating mask of turmeric face
1 h. Spoon turmeric 1 hour. L. milk or cream, 1 hr. l. honey, mix the ingredients and apply on cleansed face for 10-30 minutes. Making masks course through the day. Visible results after 2-3 mask.
Effect: reduces inflammation and rejuvenates the skin, smoothes scars, improves complexion
. The mask of turmeric
Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a little milk, stir and spread the resulting mixture on the face. After 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
Also milk can be used instead of lime juice (or lemon juice) with a small amount of water.