15 unusual epitaphs people with a sense of humor

short text which is engraved on a tombstone or gravestone in memory of the deceased is called an epitaph. It is hard to imagine that something so dark might be funny in form or content, but there are people, a sense of humor that does not die along with them! Most epitaphs devoted family of the deceased, his occupational or other important achievements in life, often with an expression of love and respect, but there are tombstone inscriptions are much more unusual, interesting and creative. < Website publishes a selection of just such examples.
«That's all, folks!"

American voice actor Mel Blanc, who worked at Warner Bros. Studios and give voice Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Porky pig, Foghorn Leghornu, Speedy Gonzales and many other cartoon characters, chosen as the epitaph of the famous phrase «That's all folks» ( «That's all, folks!"), sounded at the end of each series of the animated series.
«I told you that he was sick"

"I told you I was sick" - the epitaph of William Hahn, who was buried at Princeton Cemetery in New Jersey. Khan ordered this amusing inscription week before his death.
«I'm a writer, but each has its own drawbacks"

Billy Wilder, an American film director, screenwriter, producer, artist and journalist originally from Austria, based his epitaph funny dialogue of the legendary film "Some Like It Hot" in 1959: "I am a writer, but each has its own drawbacks"
«died, falling on the scraper and naporovshis ink when running away from the six girls who tried to kiss his birthday in MetLife Building office"

Epitaph for George Spencer Millet at Woodlawn Cemetery in New York in the strangeness is not inferior to the unfortunate circumstances of the teenager's death.
«Do not hold a"

Epitaph Leslie Nielsen, the popular Canadian and American comic actor who appeared in over 100 movies and 150 TV shows. His latest joke: "Do not keep a"
"As long as he lived, he was living"

. Apparently, Dr. Carter, as befits a real scientist, had an iron logic. An interesting epitaph "As long as he lived, he was alive" at the University of Southern cemetery in Sewanee, Tennessee.
«It is not so bad when you get used to"

< br> Some people remain optimistic even after death. How, for example, the Murphy Dreher Jr.. The inscription on his tombstone: "This is not so bad when you get used to"
"He has never voted for Republicans and did not have them any relation"

<. br> Some people can not refrain from political statements, even after death. Apparently, Bill Cagle was a model democrat.
«I made some good deals and some bad. With this, I just flew into the pipe "

Some epitaphs suggest that the deceased was a great sense of humor. "I made some good deals and some bad. With this, I just flew in
«Never killed a man who did not deserve the pipe." "

Robert Clay Allison, a cowboy and Wild West shooter, after the death of famous as the man who "killed, but the bad guys».
«I was hoping the pyramid"

< br> Tomb of the Unknown, dreams of becoming a pharaoh.
«Go away, I'm asleep,"

Actress Joan Hackett, buried in Hollywood, asks her not to wake him.
«My brother was able to lift people out of themselves"

It is not known who was Cecil O'Dell Eads, but he obviously did not get along with his brother or sister.
«We finally found where to park in Georgetown!"

< br> Catherine and Sterling Ayvisony came to drawing up the epitaph with humor. She was found in a cemetery in the District of Columbia.
«These are the neighbors'

American stand-up comedian and actor Rodney Dangerfield was known for his catchphrase "No I do not respect." His gravestone at the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Los Angeles, says: "These are the neighbors'
" While "

. Just as long!
via www.publy.ru/post/20229
Dear parents, you lie
This is the exact cause of the driver to reduce speed before the pedestrian crossing!