Persistently rich: 19 things that should be avoided
Everyone dreams of becoming a rich man, and in no way to deny themselves, but not all do it -. Let's see why
American researchers have studied the rich people thoroughly, observing and tracing the life path 500 millionaires and billionaires. On the topic of how to get rich, not one book was written. You can learn about 19 of them completely impenetrable iron barriers to increase capital.
The first is lack of a clear purpose
. As usual, most of the task to be divided into many small and methodically solve them, achieving a certain goal. We'll have to make a personal savings plan with specific interim targets. Then, should draw up a financial plan or investment strategy. After all, the money should work effectively, not to lie under the mattress.
Second:. Lack of ambition
You will have not only a strong desire to put the bar higher than the average, but also be prepared to make sacrifices to get it.
Third: Improper use of their education
. Money does not make those who have more knowledge, and those who know how to use them. At the same time it is necessary to multiply the knowledge - intelligence requires constant training. Many of today's millionaires and billionaires (especially in the field of IT) - real bookworms
. Fourth:. Lack of self-discipline
Either you take yourself on top of your weaknesses, or they beat you - no middle ground. One of the most important formulas rich man - spending less, saving more than
. Fifth:. Lack of exercise
As much as it is banal sounds, but without health success will not. Running, gym, yoga - anything from this there is always a busy schedule in any millionaire. Overeating, poor sleep, and even a negative emotional state - all this can be overcome with the help of exercise
. Sixth: procrastination
. The most common laziness - the main cause of most failures. Close the page social networking or video with cats, turn off many times listen album Lana Del Rey or the Rolling Stones. Start to act now!
Seventh:. Lack of persistence
Most of us - fans of new beginnings. But to finish the job - is quite another matter. Unfortunately, many people tend to give up at the first sign of defeat. Do not stop until you get the desired.
Eighth: Negative attitude
. However banal laziness is the main enemy of success. Cultivating capital involves interaction with a variety of people. Do not assume that others need a diploma therapist to see through you. As long as you keep the negative attitude of the normal interaction with others, and can be no question.
Ninth: Indecision
. Most people whose personal wealth exceeds one million dollars, makes decisions quickly. Successful people know that if a long time to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", a window of opportunity closes. It is better to take a bad decision than not to take any.
Tenth:. Improper companion or partner in life
The complete absence of harmony in a relationship with a companion or the companion of life, most likely will lead to failure in the financial plan. Scientists from the University of Washington during lengthy investigations even came to the conclusion that the happy couple's annual income by an average of $ 4000 (per person) more than the unhappy.
Eleventh: The unwillingness to risk
. All successful people are at risk. Excessive caution leads to the fact that many do not even try to get lucky by the tail. For example, investing in the stock market - it's the same risk as a jump off a cliff. But often it is more than justified.
Twelfth: Getting the wrong people
. It is important to surround yourself with talented people, aimed at success. And this also applies to friends and colleagues, and even the boss. Man in varying degrees copy the behavior of the team - so he arranged
. Thirteenth: The reluctance to leave the hated work
. To achieve success in the field of hateful physically impossible. Simply put, if the school has five of the literature and the triple-minus in math, it is better not to try to become a chief accountant. If the work brings only frustration and a lot of stress, it is worth thinking about quitting. Decision serious, but it can be the key to the future financial success.
Fourteenth:. Trying to be good in everything
Universal specialist is never really good at one thing. To master all fields of activity is impossible, you have to narrow your focus time. For example, to become a millionaire and talented cellist - an impossible dream: it is simply not enough time and effort
Fifteenth:. Lack of passion
Sincere enthusiasm is contagious. Enthusiast easily make a whole group of people to do what he wants, and without much coercion. Inert people and leave others indifferent. A good example of sincere passions - Donald Trump. Yes, the billionaire sometimes too emotional, but he has amassed a huge personal fortune and is now one of the main contenders for the US presidency, despite the lack of party support.
Sixteenth: narrow-minded
. Narrow-minded thinking - is not the same thing as a conscious narrowing of focus on a few things. Narrow-minded ruining any innovative ideas, and not just cuts that are not related to the main goal. Successful people think differently. In order to join the different way of thinking, you can try to expand the circle of friends, of course, mindful of the quality of the team.
Seventeenth: Closure and inability to communicate
. This quality is even more dangerous narrow-mindedness. A vicious man is doomed to failure. Financial success means not only strategy, but also the charm. Closed his men denied. Social skills are worth developing, even if this is not addiction.
Eighteenth: Deliberate lies
. And in the short and in the long term lies can bring some victories. But then she could come back and destroy everything that has been created with the help of it.
Nineteenth: Hope to get rich quick
. Forget about casinos and lotteries. As Warren Buffett said, slowly create impressive condition is not so difficult. But to get rich quickly is almost impossible. Guru of Omaha knows what says he has not played in gambling, and a lifetime invested in relatively stable shares showing moderate growth, such as Coca-Cola, railways or ketchup Heinz
American researchers have studied the rich people thoroughly, observing and tracing the life path 500 millionaires and billionaires. On the topic of how to get rich, not one book was written. You can learn about 19 of them completely impenetrable iron barriers to increase capital.

The first is lack of a clear purpose
. As usual, most of the task to be divided into many small and methodically solve them, achieving a certain goal. We'll have to make a personal savings plan with specific interim targets. Then, should draw up a financial plan or investment strategy. After all, the money should work effectively, not to lie under the mattress.
Second:. Lack of ambition
You will have not only a strong desire to put the bar higher than the average, but also be prepared to make sacrifices to get it.
Third: Improper use of their education
. Money does not make those who have more knowledge, and those who know how to use them. At the same time it is necessary to multiply the knowledge - intelligence requires constant training. Many of today's millionaires and billionaires (especially in the field of IT) - real bookworms
. Fourth:. Lack of self-discipline
Either you take yourself on top of your weaknesses, or they beat you - no middle ground. One of the most important formulas rich man - spending less, saving more than
. Fifth:. Lack of exercise
As much as it is banal sounds, but without health success will not. Running, gym, yoga - anything from this there is always a busy schedule in any millionaire. Overeating, poor sleep, and even a negative emotional state - all this can be overcome with the help of exercise
. Sixth: procrastination
. The most common laziness - the main cause of most failures. Close the page social networking or video with cats, turn off many times listen album Lana Del Rey or the Rolling Stones. Start to act now!
Seventh:. Lack of persistence
Most of us - fans of new beginnings. But to finish the job - is quite another matter. Unfortunately, many people tend to give up at the first sign of defeat. Do not stop until you get the desired.

Eighth: Negative attitude
. However banal laziness is the main enemy of success. Cultivating capital involves interaction with a variety of people. Do not assume that others need a diploma therapist to see through you. As long as you keep the negative attitude of the normal interaction with others, and can be no question.
Ninth: Indecision
. Most people whose personal wealth exceeds one million dollars, makes decisions quickly. Successful people know that if a long time to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", a window of opportunity closes. It is better to take a bad decision than not to take any.
Tenth:. Improper companion or partner in life
The complete absence of harmony in a relationship with a companion or the companion of life, most likely will lead to failure in the financial plan. Scientists from the University of Washington during lengthy investigations even came to the conclusion that the happy couple's annual income by an average of $ 4000 (per person) more than the unhappy.
Eleventh: The unwillingness to risk
. All successful people are at risk. Excessive caution leads to the fact that many do not even try to get lucky by the tail. For example, investing in the stock market - it's the same risk as a jump off a cliff. But often it is more than justified.
Twelfth: Getting the wrong people
. It is important to surround yourself with talented people, aimed at success. And this also applies to friends and colleagues, and even the boss. Man in varying degrees copy the behavior of the team - so he arranged
. Thirteenth: The reluctance to leave the hated work
. To achieve success in the field of hateful physically impossible. Simply put, if the school has five of the literature and the triple-minus in math, it is better not to try to become a chief accountant. If the work brings only frustration and a lot of stress, it is worth thinking about quitting. Decision serious, but it can be the key to the future financial success.
Fourteenth:. Trying to be good in everything
Universal specialist is never really good at one thing. To master all fields of activity is impossible, you have to narrow your focus time. For example, to become a millionaire and talented cellist - an impossible dream: it is simply not enough time and effort

Fifteenth:. Lack of passion
Sincere enthusiasm is contagious. Enthusiast easily make a whole group of people to do what he wants, and without much coercion. Inert people and leave others indifferent. A good example of sincere passions - Donald Trump. Yes, the billionaire sometimes too emotional, but he has amassed a huge personal fortune and is now one of the main contenders for the US presidency, despite the lack of party support.
Sixteenth: narrow-minded
. Narrow-minded thinking - is not the same thing as a conscious narrowing of focus on a few things. Narrow-minded ruining any innovative ideas, and not just cuts that are not related to the main goal. Successful people think differently. In order to join the different way of thinking, you can try to expand the circle of friends, of course, mindful of the quality of the team.
Seventeenth: Closure and inability to communicate
. This quality is even more dangerous narrow-mindedness. A vicious man is doomed to failure. Financial success means not only strategy, but also the charm. Closed his men denied. Social skills are worth developing, even if this is not addiction.
Eighteenth: Deliberate lies
. And in the short and in the long term lies can bring some victories. But then she could come back and destroy everything that has been created with the help of it.
Nineteenth: Hope to get rich quick
. Forget about casinos and lotteries. As Warren Buffett said, slowly create impressive condition is not so difficult. But to get rich quickly is almost impossible. Guru of Omaha knows what says he has not played in gambling, and a lifetime invested in relatively stable shares showing moderate growth, such as Coca-Cola, railways or ketchup Heinz

Personal experience: My daughter and I coped and wiser
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