The story about the Princess, Frog and the vicissitudes of Fate

In the kingdom of Far Far Away, tridesyatom state lived was: beautiful, independent, independent and intelligent princess

. One day, she was sitting on the shore of a picturesque pond in a green valley near his castle, thinking about the meaning of life, and suddenly saw a frog ...

A frog jumped into her lap and said:

- My dear, good girl ... Once I was a handsome prince, but the evil witch has bewitched me, turning into a frog. If you kiss me, I again turn into a prince, and then, my darling, I will dwell in your castle, and you'll cook me food, clean my horse, wash my clothes, to raise my children and be glad that I took you in wife ...

That evening, after supper easy to frog legs with herbs and a glass of white wine ... Princess quietly chuckled and thought:

- Yeah, schazzz ...

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