Igor Kalinauskas: The relationship with his biological nature - a great rarity
We must accustom ourselves in to the constant attention to the facts of penetration into the inner world of social pressure, social suggestion. You must learn to see it, to distinguish from the rest, and stop taking it, and how to evaluate the personal qualities of a person with whom you are dealing.
Just to do a constant effort and remember that he is just like you - part of a social nature. You can not be offended by a tiger by the fact that he - a predator. A skunk - a skunk. You can not be offended by the man in this part of its manifestations. Such a man, such is his place, so he has a natural niche is simply a social nature, and all.
We must learn to accept the penetration of social pressure and suggestion in their inner world and to classify them. This should be a constant for the rest of your life, because otherwise the subject will last for long, again dissolved in We. You must continually monitor the process, "Yeah, it's me incline to a certain We is me endure the projection on the theme" What I have to be in terms of We. And here I was pushed out of the We, then I put the brackets ... ". You have to see it. This should be a constant quality of your inner life.
In the subject of a large farm, and they need to manage.
Relations with the biological nature.
How to penetrate and affect you belong to the biological nature? Nedoel - starts a compensatory response of the body, because it something it lacks. Gradually, you need to learn to communicate with the body, he will always tell you exactly what it lacks. Now I have grown hormones, because I always have thoughts that are not related to my intentions. Hence, it is necessary either to take immediate and decisive action to reduce this background naturally or artificially, or to sublimate this energy. possible and engage in sports, and art on this energy and inventiveness, and career - only need it to be quiet and not think: "I have not set foot for three months in intimate contact, ay-ay-ay, it is harmful to health."
In addition, there are plenty of aspects, gregarious reflexes schooling. Man biologically - animal schooling, so there is the effect of the pack. When the effect of the pack starts to operate, it is also necessary to be able to perceive, to differentiate, to separate from other influences and take appropriate action.
What else we have a biological nature? Do away with all this nonsense, called "back to nature", because the "back to nature" - is back to mosquitoes and unhygienic conditions. During interactions with nature it makes sense to learn only one thing: to be with nature in the resonant state, and then you will not get cold or, conversely, to bathe, well, everything else. With mosquitoes negotiate somehow ... It's not back, it forwards to nature: to learn to feel the biological nature of confidence, the same confidence as in the nature of social
. The subject always feels confident, because it is - its economy
. The relationship with his biological nature - a great rarity. I have met very few people who have at least some kind of relationship with your body. Usually, "Oh, the body" and the more years, the more worship: "The body is not old, I'm all ready you pay!" Or, "Well, the body, as well gone, but come on!" Normal relations occur rarely. Because this relationship has been somehow a person, but a person can do? To impose the darkness of the various concepts in the form of diet, conditions of the day. A need different modes of use. This is also a concern for the subject area is its constant attention to the distributed and, when necessary, to focus on a particular signal.
The relationship with the spiritual or ideal nature.
There is a wonderful rule: see an angel, going on - it's all about the visions of indigenous and other. When you look at a tree, you do not feel the mystical awe, "Oh, I saw something that nobody saw" simple rational understanding that for thousands of years have all seen everything, and what you see it for the first time, does not mean it's - oh, oh! This is normal, this is nature. In this place are the Devas, the angels, at this point physics. It is the same. You see, the ideal is perfect. Spiritual allocated in an ideal nature as something exotic, but in order to make it less scared because the fear of going crazy, that is lost in this very spiritual nature - the same fear, the fear of getting lost in the forest or jungle, or get lost in the brutal social crowd.
What's ideal about nature? It is revealed to us in its complexity and diversity to the extent that, as a tool that does it, begins to develop. One tool that we call "psychoenergetics". The development of this tool expands our perception of reality, we begin to perceive such aspects that have not been perceived.
This perception is not a mass distribution. Therefore consciousness, that is, a person who is replacing a subject, claims to be the owner, although she is a maid at We, of course, starts to slip all sorts of interpretations which ultimately boil down to maintaining or improving positive self-esteem. While there is no entity other than human self-nothing really cares. Really, I mean, of cause. In fact, all his interest, but if the food chain to follow to the end, it turns out that in the end everything comes to food self-assessment.
And as a person - the maid we - appears to us as our self, as if the mistress, then, of course, and biological processes, it reduces to the same self-esteem, so we have no idea what we eat, and most importantly, how it evaluates the body. The personality and the ideal process is reduced to self-esteem, so that the key is easy to find.
The next part of the inner workings - is your relationship with the individual and social nature in general. The first few years - one much - this is one of the most important tasks that require a lot of attention and memory. It was on this occasion said, "and remember to be careful - it is the most difficult task»
. What will the person to respond to your attempts to take her power? Frighten your subject. "Oh, do you want for me to command? So on your low self-esteem! And as a consequence, because you're still young, only to be called a star, then - depression, hysteria, what else? Frustration, Manka Majesty. " As the person in direct contact with we, all the tools we influence on I -. At its disposal
Next, all the worries associated with the transition of the external I inside. The gradual disposal of video camera, which always looks at you as a thing, that is, from the outside, outside of yourself, as a subject. And the translation of this I inwards, that is, the development of skills to look at themselves from the inside only. One consequence of this change is sure to be a moment when you discover its external diversity. Why? Because when you take away the outside and I translate it inside, outside you see yourself only in the eyes of others. You discover that no one sees you the same way. Even as an external image.
Have you seen the portraits that I drew. In most cases, people hardly recognized even absolutely realistic images. Well, absolutely realistic that there is to know? Standing, they asked, "Who is this?" And internally, they have long been known. But personality ... I see something different, then have to play the scene, "Who is that? I can not find out! »
This is not because your external I want or do not want, it is a law like this. Personality way compensates for this surprise: it turns out, the man is different, even in appearance - because it destroys your suchness in her eyes. Do not you see. And when you see the other person's image is not photographic and subjective, and it dramatically does not coincide with your subjective vision, not knowledge, not opinion, and just vision of the eyes - it is perceived by the person as an attack on those with underlying hysterical, rationalization ideas: "Igor, append! What are you? This is not entirely true ... "instructions begin. Well be okay even a professional artist to say something, and then it all: "We know how to!" Because all have unconscious (the subject is not - there is no one to realize) the statement: "This man is so!»
. When you translate into your outer self and look at yourself from the inside only, while the diversity of offers just by itself. You understand that there is no fixed appearance you do not, there is a range of how people see you. As long as you do not look at yourself inside, you even can not imagine how people see you.
I remember it was an interesting event in my life when I began to see it, and realized that taking care of your appearance, you can only if you are interested in to your appearance coincided with the vision of the person, whose opinion of you important to you. I never Now do not do it, I'm just asking: "What do you want me to look like? Like this? Hairstyle, what to do? "You know, it's not yours, absolutely! It's hard to explain in words, but when it starts, you do not need any explanation.
This is also part of an ongoing internal work on the translation of its foreign I am inside and the ability to look at themselves from the inside only, knowing that what you see in the mirror - it is a projection of your personality on the individual points of your body surface. No abstract people, only in the statistics and canonized images: leader-production, noble milkmaid - not people. So, there is no uniform vision of the external parameters of a physical object called "man."
An excerpt from the book, "Transformation"
Just to do a constant effort and remember that he is just like you - part of a social nature. You can not be offended by a tiger by the fact that he - a predator. A skunk - a skunk. You can not be offended by the man in this part of its manifestations. Such a man, such is his place, so he has a natural niche is simply a social nature, and all.

We must learn to accept the penetration of social pressure and suggestion in their inner world and to classify them. This should be a constant for the rest of your life, because otherwise the subject will last for long, again dissolved in We. You must continually monitor the process, "Yeah, it's me incline to a certain We is me endure the projection on the theme" What I have to be in terms of We. And here I was pushed out of the We, then I put the brackets ... ". You have to see it. This should be a constant quality of your inner life.
In the subject of a large farm, and they need to manage.
Relations with the biological nature.
How to penetrate and affect you belong to the biological nature? Nedoel - starts a compensatory response of the body, because it something it lacks. Gradually, you need to learn to communicate with the body, he will always tell you exactly what it lacks. Now I have grown hormones, because I always have thoughts that are not related to my intentions. Hence, it is necessary either to take immediate and decisive action to reduce this background naturally or artificially, or to sublimate this energy. possible and engage in sports, and art on this energy and inventiveness, and career - only need it to be quiet and not think: "I have not set foot for three months in intimate contact, ay-ay-ay, it is harmful to health."
In addition, there are plenty of aspects, gregarious reflexes schooling. Man biologically - animal schooling, so there is the effect of the pack. When the effect of the pack starts to operate, it is also necessary to be able to perceive, to differentiate, to separate from other influences and take appropriate action.
What else we have a biological nature? Do away with all this nonsense, called "back to nature", because the "back to nature" - is back to mosquitoes and unhygienic conditions. During interactions with nature it makes sense to learn only one thing: to be with nature in the resonant state, and then you will not get cold or, conversely, to bathe, well, everything else. With mosquitoes negotiate somehow ... It's not back, it forwards to nature: to learn to feel the biological nature of confidence, the same confidence as in the nature of social
. The subject always feels confident, because it is - its economy
. The relationship with his biological nature - a great rarity. I have met very few people who have at least some kind of relationship with your body. Usually, "Oh, the body" and the more years, the more worship: "The body is not old, I'm all ready you pay!" Or, "Well, the body, as well gone, but come on!" Normal relations occur rarely. Because this relationship has been somehow a person, but a person can do? To impose the darkness of the various concepts in the form of diet, conditions of the day. A need different modes of use. This is also a concern for the subject area is its constant attention to the distributed and, when necessary, to focus on a particular signal.
The relationship with the spiritual or ideal nature.
There is a wonderful rule: see an angel, going on - it's all about the visions of indigenous and other. When you look at a tree, you do not feel the mystical awe, "Oh, I saw something that nobody saw" simple rational understanding that for thousands of years have all seen everything, and what you see it for the first time, does not mean it's - oh, oh! This is normal, this is nature. In this place are the Devas, the angels, at this point physics. It is the same. You see, the ideal is perfect. Spiritual allocated in an ideal nature as something exotic, but in order to make it less scared because the fear of going crazy, that is lost in this very spiritual nature - the same fear, the fear of getting lost in the forest or jungle, or get lost in the brutal social crowd.
What's ideal about nature? It is revealed to us in its complexity and diversity to the extent that, as a tool that does it, begins to develop. One tool that we call "psychoenergetics". The development of this tool expands our perception of reality, we begin to perceive such aspects that have not been perceived.
This perception is not a mass distribution. Therefore consciousness, that is, a person who is replacing a subject, claims to be the owner, although she is a maid at We, of course, starts to slip all sorts of interpretations which ultimately boil down to maintaining or improving positive self-esteem. While there is no entity other than human self-nothing really cares. Really, I mean, of cause. In fact, all his interest, but if the food chain to follow to the end, it turns out that in the end everything comes to food self-assessment.
And as a person - the maid we - appears to us as our self, as if the mistress, then, of course, and biological processes, it reduces to the same self-esteem, so we have no idea what we eat, and most importantly, how it evaluates the body. The personality and the ideal process is reduced to self-esteem, so that the key is easy to find.
The next part of the inner workings - is your relationship with the individual and social nature in general. The first few years - one much - this is one of the most important tasks that require a lot of attention and memory. It was on this occasion said, "and remember to be careful - it is the most difficult task»
. What will the person to respond to your attempts to take her power? Frighten your subject. "Oh, do you want for me to command? So on your low self-esteem! And as a consequence, because you're still young, only to be called a star, then - depression, hysteria, what else? Frustration, Manka Majesty. " As the person in direct contact with we, all the tools we influence on I -. At its disposal
Next, all the worries associated with the transition of the external I inside. The gradual disposal of video camera, which always looks at you as a thing, that is, from the outside, outside of yourself, as a subject. And the translation of this I inwards, that is, the development of skills to look at themselves from the inside only. One consequence of this change is sure to be a moment when you discover its external diversity. Why? Because when you take away the outside and I translate it inside, outside you see yourself only in the eyes of others. You discover that no one sees you the same way. Even as an external image.
Have you seen the portraits that I drew. In most cases, people hardly recognized even absolutely realistic images. Well, absolutely realistic that there is to know? Standing, they asked, "Who is this?" And internally, they have long been known. But personality ... I see something different, then have to play the scene, "Who is that? I can not find out! »
This is not because your external I want or do not want, it is a law like this. Personality way compensates for this surprise: it turns out, the man is different, even in appearance - because it destroys your suchness in her eyes. Do not you see. And when you see the other person's image is not photographic and subjective, and it dramatically does not coincide with your subjective vision, not knowledge, not opinion, and just vision of the eyes - it is perceived by the person as an attack on those with underlying hysterical, rationalization ideas: "Igor, append! What are you? This is not entirely true ... "instructions begin. Well be okay even a professional artist to say something, and then it all: "We know how to!" Because all have unconscious (the subject is not - there is no one to realize) the statement: "This man is so!»
. When you translate into your outer self and look at yourself from the inside only, while the diversity of offers just by itself. You understand that there is no fixed appearance you do not, there is a range of how people see you. As long as you do not look at yourself inside, you even can not imagine how people see you.
I remember it was an interesting event in my life when I began to see it, and realized that taking care of your appearance, you can only if you are interested in to your appearance coincided with the vision of the person, whose opinion of you important to you. I never Now do not do it, I'm just asking: "What do you want me to look like? Like this? Hairstyle, what to do? "You know, it's not yours, absolutely! It's hard to explain in words, but when it starts, you do not need any explanation.
This is also part of an ongoing internal work on the translation of its foreign I am inside and the ability to look at themselves from the inside only, knowing that what you see in the mirror - it is a projection of your personality on the individual points of your body surface. No abstract people, only in the statistics and canonized images: leader-production, noble milkmaid - not people. So, there is no uniform vision of the external parameters of a physical object called "man."
An excerpt from the book, "Transformation"