26.04. Law "On the Rehabilitation of Repressed Peoples"

1991 - Another bright page in the history of the former one and indivisible. For information, particularly nostalgic about the "bright past" and "friendship of peoples": total deportation (.. Cases where deportation is exposed not part of a group (class, ethnicity, religions, etc.), but almost all of it entirely) were subjected to ten people: Koreans, Germans, Finns, Ingrian, Karachai, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars and Meskhetian Turks. Of these, seven - the Germans, the Karachai, Kalmyks, Ingush, Chechens, Balkars, and Crimean Tatars - and lost at the same time their national autonomies. This is not taking into account the creation of the Jewish Autonomous Region in the Far East (the place, really), gnobleniya Kurds, Ukrainians, Balts bothering all and many others ...
A part of the Tatars in Crimea, where negligence is not taken before the set time, simply loaded onto barges and sent adrift, because as we have already reported on the performance. And there is a third were children ...
You were not aware of? Then continue: total deportation has undergone more than six million people. Killed when moving - 502 thousand people. And all this was applied under quite plausible political sauce: These, they say, sinned during the occupation (yeah, that's all the staff straight Rushed to serve the Germans), and these - so finally enemies. Well, for most Jews climate - on the Amur.
But in doing so, please note, equality and friendship among peoples - so take a look at the Constitution, it says ...
This fresh-water sponge for not very knowledgeable and interested lasted till 1989, when the document was adopted "On recognition of illegal and criminal repressive acts against the peoples who have been forcibly displaced, and to ensure their rights».
It took another year and a half for the adoption of the Law "On the Rehabilitation of ...", which recognized the right of the repressed peoples of the restoration of territorial integrity, which existed before the hour H.
So - another hello nostalgic