The story about the cat Vaska, who helped the family survived the war

My grandmother always said that a heavy blockade and famine, and she and my mom, and I'm her daughter, survived only because of our cat Vaska. If not for this redhead bully, they would have died of starvation, as many others.
Every day Vasya went on the hunt and drags mice or even big fat rat. Pads Grandma eviscerated and cooked soup from them. A rat was obtained from a good stew.
This cat always sat there and waited for the food, and at night all three were lying under a blanket and it warms them with its warmth.
The bombing, he felt much earlier than the announced air raid started spinning and plaintive meow, grandmother have time to pack, water, mother, cat, and run out of the house. When running the shelter, his family members dragged along and looked like it had not been claimed and not eaten.
Hunger was terrible. Vaska was hungry and skinny all. All winter until spring grandmother collected the crumbs for the birds, and in the spring out with the cat on the hunt. Grandmother strew crumbs and sat with Vaska in ambush, his jump was always surprisingly accurate and fast. Vaska fasted with us and his strength was not enough, that would keep the bird. He grabbed the bird and ran out of the bushes and Grandma helped him. So from spring to autumn and birds ate more.
When they lifted the blockade and there was plenty of food, and even then after the war, my grandmother cat always gave the best piece. He stroked it tenderly, saying - you are our benefactor
. Vaska died in 1949, his grandmother is buried in the cemetery, and that would not trample the grave, I put the cross and wrote Vasily Bugrov. Then next to the SEAL mother laid, and grandmother, and then there I buried, and his mother. So are all three for one fences, as once the war under a blanket ...
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