The founder of the genre

175 years ago, the magazine «Graham's Ladies' and Gentlemen's Magazine», fronted in Philadelphia, published the story "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" by Edgar Allan Poe. And that day may be called the birthday of the detective genre, although the term was introduced much later - more than twenty-five years later. "Inferences about stories" In styled himself as his novels in this genre. General features: original mystery that is revealed through a complex and mysterious process, connecting the intuitive logic, astute observation and conclusion
. That first story written by Edgar Allan was not only the first, but is believed to this day, many critics, the best detective story ...
Although up to this time, some authors have used some elements of the detective in his works, but it managed to combine According to his work all these influences: in the five short stories from his vast heritage developed all the basic principles, which later followed by the authors of detective fiction. The writer not only created a new genre, but its basic scheme - "mystery-investigation-explanation", and its main themes, which are now used in detective literature. This home demolition, and the maniac, and blackmail, and "Spy Game". Also on the classic detective he invented techniques such as - "decoy duck", throwing clues double game, a false trail ...
An important property of the classical detective story - the completeness of the facts. The key to the mystery can not be based on data which were not provided to the reader in the course of the description of the investigation. At the time when the investigation is completed, the reader should have enough information to it on the basis of their own to find a solution. Can hide only a few minor details that do not affect the possibility of the disclosure of secrets. On completion of the investigation all the puzzles have to be unraveled, all the questions - the answers found.