
1656 - The first hyperinflation in Muscovy. And it was so.
While Moscow, however, as in other times, waged a protracted war. At that time, with Rzeczpospolita. Well, remember that Ukraine is also directly affected.
War requires considerable finances. Money is not enough catastrophically. And then the king's father made a knight's move - because of its silver and gold mines in Moscow was not there, these metals were imported, it was decided to minting copper coins. Instead of silver. That is, to have the input and output: a pound of copper was worth 12 cents, naludit of his coins was 10 rubles. Nehily rise.
But that's not all !!! Autocrat sensibly judged: and Th stop halfway - and ordered the old taxes and arrears charge silver, and all sorts of charges and salaries to pay a copper coin. You feel, where blew? Correctly.
For some six years (note, the pace of life was not like the present), the cost of unsecured coppers dropped 15 times !!! Tadammm! Yes, another time - to forge them was simple enough.
As a result, this goose raped Copper Riot August 4, 1662. And what do you want? Farmers do not be fools, works to sell for peanuts grown flatly refused, took a total famine and poverty, urban poor with the same state of affairs did not agree in any approximation.
Although the revolt, as usual, put down, but the conclusions consequential - since 1663 under the decree of the sovereign's coinage of copper coins was terminated, copper yards Pskov and Novgorod are closed, and in Moscow started again minted silver
And, I must say, looking back again at a different pace of life in the 17th and 21st century, then we reacted pretty quickly ...